With a new girl along for the ride (who, surprisingly, is an actual living, breathing person), Edwyn continues his head-chopping rampage to save the love of his life...but the Dixie Mafia have some rather devious plans of their own.
Plastic is easily one of the best books on the stands right now. It's fun, over-the-top, and excessively violent. It's Justified meets Misery. Edwyn is completely unique and so far out there, but he exhibits traits that are familiar to all of us. He's just a fool in love...a serial killing, maniacial, crazy fool in love. Read Full Review
I know I've said it before, but I personally feel that the aforementioned depiction of sexual assault calls for one more reiteration. As much as I love this book for the unique worldview it presents, I recognize that it's really not for everyone. And, to anyone trepidatious to read due to the graphic content, honestly, you probably shouldn't. Look out for yourself first. But for everyone else, read this fucking book. I don't care if you wait for the trade in a few months, just give it a shot. Because, you're going to be hard-pressed to find another book that does the stuff Plastic does in the way that it does it. Read Full Review
At the end of the day, Plastic #3 is another twisted chapter in this very twisted tale. Its gross and brutal, but its also unique as hell and charming to boot. If youre not laughing, youre horrified in a good way, and sometimes your face breaks because youre trying to do both. Bring on issue 4. Read Full Review
The dark humor and twisted subject matter continues to be agreat mix, but three issues in I'm starting to desire more of the big picture. Read Full Review