After fleeing a monster-infested underground base, Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy and Scooby stumble upon a desert ghost town where they hope to catch their breath. But when night falls, they learn it's not a ghost town after all-and the terrors that show up like to bite! Scooby Snack is about to take on a whole new meaning.
But overall, it is this issue which helps to cement the relationships we know will help to guide them through the chaos which is now Scooby Apocalypse. The artistic and literary teams have turned what we once knew as a comedic romp through a world of mysteries and fake monsters into something with emotional subtlety and determination. This is no longer the animation we once enjoyed but has now become something so much substantial and vital in that we now care for characters. We know in the back of our mind that are still imaginary, but at the same time, we cannot but hope that they will survive until the next issue, and that is what makes for a great story. Read Full Review
This issue put a lot on my plate as a reader, but it's like Jell-O: always room for more apocalyptic, jiggly goodness. For a property that usually gives you a group of best friends to instead be present you with this haphazardly thrown-together group of people who at mostly tolerating each other at this point has been fun. The relationships that fans are familiar with are hinted at, but also in the process of developing which makes this a fun read whether you're an old or new fan to the series. Read Full Review
I look forward to reading more of DC and Warner Brothers team up comics including this one. I hope for this comic book especially that the true essence of Scooby Doo is retained and classic villains are brought back with a modern touch. Read Full Review
A definite improvement... I might go as far as saying it's finally hit its stride with this issue. The characters are all becoming more likable as we get to know them better... almost in spite of themselves. The art continues to be a highlight, where even if you're not a fan of the redesigns... they are at least nice to look at. Read Full Review
Read Scooby Apocalypse. You may not feel confident enough to tell the public that youre reading it but thats fine. Its a refreshing change of pace and thats more than enough of a reason to go for it. Read Full Review
Scooby Apocalypse #3 is a subtle improvement over the last two issues. While lacking in the story department, it's balanced by stronger characters, solid writing, and good artwork overall. There's still plenty of work to be done, but now that gang has moved beyond the walls of the government facility, I'm eager to see them explore this new world. Read Full Review
This issue finally gets the Scooby Gang out of the bunker and into the larger world which, yes, is infested with monsters too. Read Full Review
The book was fun and the art was very interesting. There is such a nostalgic ping when the gang starts saying their catch phrases. Not to mention that they truly are faithful representations of the original characters.There is great art, solid writing, and huge potential for this book to raise the bar on apocalypse stories. Read Full Review
I know these guys can make a great quality comic book, so it breaks my heart to give a negative review to anything they work on. But this isn't a great issue, and this series " already a risky prospect " needs to do better if it hopes to keep its readers. Read Full Review
I'm still not sure what to think of Scooby Apocalypse. We're three issues in and the story hasn't progressed all that far, all things considered. It seems to just reinforce what we already know over and over again. It's a noble effort but ultimately falls flat, with the exception of Howard Porter's excellent artwork. Aside from one gratuitous upskirt shot on Velma, he's the engine that's keeping this comic going. Read Full Review
This series has so much potential but keeps dragging its feet. It's supposed to be directed at an older audience, but it keeps telling a story that needs constant explanation. It's as if the creators aren't sure their readers will be able to understand what is happening. We understand, and frankly we're a bit annoyed that it's taking so long for more to happen. Read Full Review
I cant say I recommend this issue either, but if you still want to keep reading to see where it goes, then I say go for it. Who knows, maybe itll get better down the line. But if youve been reading this from the beginning and youre just not feeling it, then maybe this is the time to get out of the Mystery Machine. Read Full Review