The last survivors of the Multiverse live among us under new, superheroic identities, five survivors of doomed worlds...taking a second chance to ensure our world lives on. A new twist on strange superhero comics, with a bleeding-edge eye on the modern moment, COMMANDERS IN CRISIS follows in the footsteps of Doom Patrol and Thunderbolts as five unexpected heroes come together to solve a murder unlike any other. The victim? Compassion itself…This is ideacide!
A new series by acclaimed writer STEVE ORLANDO (Wonder Woman, Doom Patrol: Milk Wars, Martian Manhunter) and artist DAVIDE TINTO (Marvel Action: Spider-Man), an intense, w more
New Heroes are hard to come by. Image is the perfect playground for this comic and what a skill set for heroes…former commander-in-chiefs with super powers. Let's see how this all plays out! Read Full Review
Commanders in Crisis #1 is an event story for a new superhero universe built (and built well) within the space of a single #4 comic. If you like superheroes at all, you owe it to yourself to buy, read, and love this comic. Read Full Review
Commanders in Crisis #1 is a great start to a big new universe. Trying to introduce such a huge plot and a cast of characters in the first issue is hard to do, but the team is able to achieve this. Not only that, but a fair amount of the plot is relevant to today. Read Full Review
Whether you're a fan of classic superhero adventures, the creators' previous works, or simply big-idea genre storytelling, this deserves a place in your pull list. You'll get in on the ground floor of something special. Read Full Review
Commanders In Crisis #1 is a great twist on the event comic, featuring the kind of storytelling that has helped the superhero genre last throughout the years. Orlando, Tinto, and Cartenueto clearly have a deep love for the genre and know-how to shape it to their ends. I highly recommend this issue for comic fans old and new. The former will enjoy the new takes on old tropes while the latter may find some of their favorite heroes in Crisis Command. Read Full Review
Commanders in Crisis #1 reads like the comic book equivalent of a doctorate dissertation in superhero comics from writer Steve Orlando and star-making turn for artists Davide Tinto and Francesca Carotenuto. It's the first chapter in an epic saga that doesn't neglect character in the midst of its multiversal scope and also leaves room for fluid action, clever concepts, and moments that will make you smile or shudder. This is while basking in the glow of a cast that is truly inclusive, who I can't wait to see overcome monumental challenges in subsequent issues. Read Full Review
A highly intriguing entry point to a fully-fledged comic book world which readers have yet to fully experience. Read Full Review
A wildly ambitious new superhero book steps in and shows up in a big way. Read Full Review
Commanders in Crisis #1 is a beautiful pastiche of DC Comics crisis events with a timely message for the current social climate. Read Full Review
Commanders in Crisis achieves exactly what it set out to do: craft a smart, unique superhero world that demands attention to detail. Steve Orlando is writing - and creating - like a man free of corporate shackles, and loving every minute of it. With artistic collaborators Davide Tinto and Francesca Carotenuto by his side, along with letterer Fabio Amelia, this book looks destined for greatness. Grab your copy on Wednesday, October 14! Read Full Review
Davide Tinto has some amazing art in this issue. From the characters to the action, everything is bright, vibrant and full of detail. Read Full Review
If you're a fan of Steve Orlando's body of work, you'll enjoy this latest endeavor for sure. If you're not a fan, I'd recommend giving the first issue a spin and see if you have the tolerance for it. It's an interesting start to a 12 issue mini-series if nothing else. Read Full Review
Commanders in Crisis #1 goes on-sale October 14, and a collection of the first six issues is due out April 27, 2021. Read Full Review
Do we need a brand new super hero universe? If it's Commanders in Crisis, I'm going to go with “Yes.” Read Full Review
The first issue of Commanders In Crisis could have played-out in a much more savvy series of something like 6 issues. Clearly, Orlando and Tinto have places to go and things to do with a plot that has a great deal of places to be beyond the first issue. If Orlando can settle-down into a steadier, less manic rhythm with the series in the issues to come, Commanders in Crisis might turn into something interesting. As of right now, its way too much, way too soon. Read Full Review
Commanders in Crisis #1 doesn't do enough to reinvent how readers see event books, but the series to follow just might. Read Full Review
It seeks to tell an epic superhero event story with unknown heroes but, after reading, we still don't know them. Read Full Review
Didn't make it past the first half of the first issue. It was clear by that point it was just woke pandering trash.