Centipede #5

Writer: Max Bemis Artist: Eoin Marron Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: December 20, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 1
8.5Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

Who will come out on top: the lone survivor or the beast from beyond the stars?! Dale's fight for revenge with the monster comes to an epic (and explosive) conclusion!

  • 9.2
    SnapPow.com - Harrison Rawdin Dec 18, 2017

    Centipede #5 is a high caliber outing that should please gaming fans with an affinity for Atari! I wholly recommend going back to the first issue and diving deep into this other world ravaged by an alien monster and its horde, so by all means go grab yourself a copy! Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Dec 20, 2017

    While absolutely none of the Atari based books have been what I expected (and I'm still wishing for an Atari Force revival in the classic sense), what this series did was a whole lot of unexpected fun. Bemis put together some interesting things here in bringing this to life and while it could have been a bit tighter and an issue shorter it was the kind of surprise that I like as a whole. I also really dug Marron's artwork as it was ideal for this kind of end of the world storyline and what Dale was facing, as well as the exploration of the creature's origins. Definitely not what a lot would expect from a Centipede title but it delivered very well. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson Dec 28, 2017

    On the surface, Centipede is about one man's quest to rid the world of the giant monster that's destroyed humanity. It could have been just that with some great visuals and occasional gags. Instead, it does something more, taking you on a crazy ride that's part psychedelic and part pure insanity. It's way more than just an Atari game now. Read Full Review

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