Savage Things #3

Writer: Justin Jordan Artist: Ibrahim Moustafa Publisher: Vertigo Release Date: May 3, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 4
8.1Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

New York is under attack. The Black Forest cell has hit the Big Apple with everything it has, creating chaos through random attacks. It's panic in the streets as Abel and Kira race to stop the bad guys and stem the mayhem. Abel grew up with these killers and should know their every move, but that doesn't mean taking them down will be easy-especially when fighting them also puts Kira's life in danger.

  • 10
    Comic Book Bin - Andy Frisk May 2, 2017

    Savage Things is a great read. Simple and direct, yet filled with nuance and horror of a totally different type. I haven't been this creeped out by a realistic psychological horror made viscerally violent through its imagery since the late Jonathan Demme's The Silence of The Lambs. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson May 8, 2017

    Savage Things is next level action. It features a frightening look at how a highly trained group of individuals could completely dismantle a major American city in the span of a couple days. There won't be a Bond villain style monologue. Instead, you'll be lucky to make it out alive, let alone in one piece. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner May 3, 2017

    Savage Things #3 continues the bloody great time.  Justin Jordan is writing a mature story that doesn't cut corners and Ibrahim Moustafa's art makes it all great to look at.  If you are looking for more than your usual cape and cowl book, this just might be for you. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Corps - Cas May 4, 2017

    In Savage Things #3, we get another glimpse into the training of the recruits as children. The savagery that ensues if you can't perform, whittling the class down to the elite few. Returning to the city and our main character is trying to stop the impending doom of this city. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - Patrick Hellen May 3, 2017

    This book is giving you what you ask for. Blood, guts, horror, and consequence - but is it showing the reader just how desensitized we've become, or the protagonist? Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal May 3, 2017

    Savage Things is lacking. This issue feels incomplete, and so does the overall storyline. The first issue was great, but it's quickly settled into average, and that's just not enough to keep me coming back. I highly doubt I'll even review the next issue, but we'll see. It's not my place in a review to say what I want from the series, that's irrelevant, but that is the feeling I'm left with after reading Savage Things. I want more from it; I feel there's potential for more, and it's bugging me that it's not there. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Crusaders - Kevin October May 8, 2017

    This comic reads fast. Jordan keeps the action at a nice rolling down hill pace as we all come along for the ride. Ibrahim Moustafa keeps the action alive by drawing out Jordan's vision of this book wonderfully. The violence has an eerie gore to it that just goes hand in hand with the written story. If you enjoy fast paced action, this comic just punched itself into your life. I for one am glad I wondered into this movie/comic and will be back for more. Pass the popcorn. Savage things number 3 gets five out of five stars and plenty of "F" bombs to spare! Read Full Review

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