So, you know how we've all been really coy and playful about how this book is going to get dark and bloody and really hardcore at a certain point?
This is the issue where that starts happening.
Happy reading everyone! (Call your mother. She worries).
From Donny Cates, the writer of Buzzkill, Paybacks, Redneck and the breakout hit God Country comes a pulse-pounding new series with art from THE REVISIONIST's Garry Brown!
Brown and Englert keep the pace break-neck with their sketchy art style and demonic color palette, and Cates story keeps up well. Each issue ends in the perfect place to keep readers on the edge of their seat, eager to find out the answer to a question they may not have even had on page one. Read Full Review
Beyond the fact this is a story about a teenage mother who has given birth to a spawn of Satan, this is really a story about family. There is a young girl, willing to do anything to keep her child safe. She relies on her sister to help her when she is overwhelmed, and trusts her protective father to keep her safe when it is truly needed. The duality of this family element should not be lost on the main story of finding a way to survive in a world that seemingly will stop at nothing to destroy you and your young. I see this in other stories Donny Cates writes, (see Redneck) and it makes me think he must be an honorable and decent human being. Babyteeth is one of my favorite ongoing series at the moment. I can't recommend it enough. Read Full Review
If you're following Babyteeth from month to month as I am, then the heightened pace of the first arc's penultimate issue should be a suspenseful sign of things to come in its conclusion next month. If you're trade-waiting, then you should look forward to reading Volume 1 in its entirety when it releases in December. Donny Cates is on a hot streak this year, and Babyteeth #4 serves to feed the flames. Read Full Review
Every issue of Babyteeth has pulled me in deeper and deeper and this one is no exception. It is a riveting story with real, relatable characters. This is what makes for powerful, pulse-pounding horror. It looks like it's just getting started and I cannot wait to see where it goes next. Read Full Review