On the fringes of civilization, the world's first detective is about to make an unholy discovery...
Ruled by the Fates. Manipulated by the Gods. Commanded by Caesar. In the year 65 A.D., one's destiny was not his own. At the height of Nero's reign, a veteran of Rome's imperial war machine has been dispatched to the farthest reaches of the colonies to investigate unnatural happenings... In the remote outpost of Britannia, Antonius Axia - the First Detective - will become Rome's only hope to reassert control over the empire's most barbaric frontier...and keep the monsters that bridge the line between myth and mystery at bay... From comics m more
There is not a single part of this issue that I could find a flaw with. Moreover, this story, so far, seems to be separate from the Valiant Universe, so new readers can jump on board without any prior knowledge about the shared universe. This kind of writing and art is exactly what Valiant needs to be concentrating on, branching away from the norm and bringing something entirely new to the industry; quality over quantity, a motto that has always been synonymous with their brand. Read Full Review
Britannia #1 is a unique and engrossing tale. Readers will be clamoring for the rest of the story, and they just might need a stiff drink and a smoke afterwards. This should be your first read on new comic book day. Read Full Review
I absolutely loved the first issue of Britannia. Steeped in the war torn setting of Rome and with plenty of mystery and intrigue. How will Axia fight the monsters he comes across, but externally and internally? I cannot wait to find out. Read Full Review
Britannia #1 really isthe perfect choice for history geeks! If you are a fan of history, magic, mythology and stunning colors, then Britannia is the right choice for you. The best news of all is that there arethree more issues coming, even if we do have to wait an entire month for the next one. Hopefully Valiant willexpand this series as it's off to a great start. Read Full Review
This is definitely a unique series, and if you have any interest in history at all, you'll find great rewards here. Read Full Review
This comic is definitely 100 percent for mature audiences only. It's not just because of random gory parts but also because this is very smartly written. It's a tense thriller and goes into psychological horror and nightmares. It also has a cool setting with ancient Rome and Britain. This book is totally worth reading for those who want something that's intelligent and intriguing, and don't mind some blood. Read Full Review
The craftsmanship behind Britannia #1 makes it a truly enjoyable read. Peter Milligan's script works incredibly well with Juan Jos Ryp's artwork so that neither the dialogue nor the visuals are redundant. When combined with Jordie Bellaire's stellar color artwork, Britannia #1 comes together as a jam-packed debut well worth the investment. Some may find it a tad overwhelming, but it's nice to see a series get so much accomplished in the first issue. Read Full Review
Buy this book. Seriously, buy this book. I have never read another book like Britannia #1, which is worthy on its own merits, but the writing and art are truly superb, and they are only going to get better. I could not put this issue down, and am anxiously awaiting the next issue. If you are looking for something unique, or are merely looking for some potential Roman legionnaire versus otherworldly alien action, this will hit your sweet spot. Let me know what you think below! Read Full Review
Britannia #1 delivers on a lot of different fronts, and it will be interesting to see if it can maintain this momentum in subsequent issues. Read Full Review
By keeping one foot in classically inspired Roman epics and the other in more pulpy genre affairs, Britannia #1 stands as an wildly entertaining mix of high and low culture. Peter Milligan heaps mood, monsters, history, and blood onto the readers plates and after this sizable first helping, you will be begging for more. Juan Jose Ryp, Jordie Bellaire, Raul Allen and Patricia Martin also go for the gusto with culturally inspired art and a more tactile and focused take on the main pages, keeping very much in line with the high and lowbrow scripting. They say you can’t be all things to all people at once, but Britannia #1 makes a valiant attempt at being precisely that. Read Full Review
Great first issue with a lot of story and great art to match. Valiant has been putting out quality books since day one, and this one lives up to that. I recommend buying this one if you find it, if not you will want the trade if it keeps going like this. Read Full Review
This is a terrific issue to capture the attention of unsuspecting readers. This is a beautiful, horrible thriller that takes HBO's 'Rome,' throws in a dash of Clive Owen's 'King Arthur,' adds a pinch of '300,' and mixes it all together with a blood-soaked toga. Milligan, Ryp, and company are weaving something totally unlike anything on the shelves today, and we're lucky the wait is finally over for issue one. Issue two, on the other hand, is too far away... Read Full Review
This is another strong Valiant debut that feels different than most of what they're publishing, but in a good way. I also have to mention that the cover by Cary Nord is haunting and contains an exceptional logo. With the cardstock cover and the text piece after the story, this book is quality from beginning to end. It is refreshing to see Valiant branching out into things that feel so totally different from what they have done before. I'm looking forward to more! Read Full Review
For a comic that's achieved a significant amount of hype over the past few months, even going so far as to sell out of the first printing at the distributor level, you'd be forgiven forexpectingthe comic to fail to meet the buzz that's been building around it – but that's not the case here;Valiant‘sprestige format miniseries supposedly featuresa better quality of printed comic, which was certainly the case withDivinity II, but the review pdf that I have access to obviously doesn't allow me to judge that side of things (I'll update the review once I've picked up the physical copy my comic shop has for me). Read Full Review
Overall, it's a refreshing take on comics based on the period it draws from – and mixing it with horror elements only benefits the overall effect of the story. Ancient stories and scary stories individually are nothing new, but it feels as if Valiant are treading on new and exciting ground. Read Full Review
Britannia #1 is another new story that was worth the wait. This creative team is engaging with the story of a Detectioner who has gotten much more than he bargained for. You want that next issue just to see what this one man can accomplish being groomed for just this very task and role in the world. Read Full Review
Every week, readers are inundated with a slew of new titles vying for their hard-earned cash, and Britannia #1 is the one most deserving of it. The combination of historical fiction and supernatural thriller stands out from the sea of spandex that take up shelf-space in most comic shops. From Milligan's solid scripting to the fantastic art by Ryp and Bellaire, the creative team has crafted a promising opening chapter to this anticipated miniseries. Gripping and visceral, Britannia is evidence that Valiant is the superhero publisher that dares to be different. Read Full Review
Britannia shows the brutality of Ancient Rome with a supernatural twist. If I learned about this kind of stuff in history class, I would have paid a lot more attention. Of course, if my teachers had taught this, they would all be fired. This book is worth reading for Juan Jose Ryp's artwork alone. It is finely detailed with an energy that is unparalleled in the industry today. Read Full Review
Britannia is a fantastic historical fiction comic, with a solid hero and the most disgusting of antagonists in Emperor Nero. Read Full Review
I enjoyed this book. The art was fantastic, and this is an underused and refreshing time period with a little bit of supernatural thrown in. I will say that overall, and this is a plague to first issues especially, as it was a bit of a slow burn. Not to say that nothing happened, there was violence and sex and all kinds of fun stuff, it just took the very last panel before I saw something that made me really excited. I would recommend this book to anyone interested in either the time period or perhaps if you were into that Spartacus show that was on a while back. Read Full Review
At first glance the book appears more typical in its Roman fare, with ample bouts of bloodletting, copulation and political scheming. However, as the book goes on and the horrors mount, it becomes clear that Peter Milligan has a different sort of story in mind, one that borrows from a number of physical and psychological influences intended to assail its steadfast hero. Read Full Review
Britannia #1 is an unconventional and ambitious debut issue, of that there's no doubt. Writer Peter Milligan tries to marry pseudo-historical political intrigue with police procedural and then mix in supernatural, primeval horror to the narrative. The result is an issue that occasionally feels a tad overstuffed and wild, but is always surprising and in the end a creepily enjoyable read. Now that all the set-up is over with, I can imagine that the remaining three issues could wind up being a scary, compelling and refreshingly unconventional read. Read Full Review
Great art combines with a load of plot threads to unwind, all with potential. Read Full Review