Here in the heartland of the U.S. of A., the world has ended! But worry not, because the mall still stands. And within the walls of this consumeristic mecca lies a new world order: box store tribes and name brand gangs, all vying for limited space and resources. So, can worry! Especially for poor Andre Reed, who, after the assassination of a tribal leader, has to navigate the mad haven to prove his innocence, and prevent the end of world, again!
Powered by a mix of claustrophobia, tribalism, and commentary on consumerist culture, The Mall #1 is a genre-defying and entertainingly-tense take on the end of the world. Another hit from Vault Comics. Read Full Review
MALL is the best kind of comic: the kind that nourishes your brain with intelligent, well thought-out commentary while also entertaining the hell out of it. And it has one of the most effective opening pages of any comic this year. Read Full Review
Vault Comics' latest series is definitely a mall-bound hellscape worth checking out. Read Full Review
'The Mall' establishes itself well in a post-apocalyptic tale that is fast-paced, mysterious and scattered with intriguing characters. It's a little Mad Max, a little Walking Dead, and some of The Fugitive thrown in for good measure. Moreci and Dauberman do enough to spark interest in issue two to see what else this new America has to offer. Read Full Review
Intense and thrilling, Mall injects you with a surge of adrenaline as you're chased through a post-apocalyptic world that feels lived-in and real. Read Full Review
This is a solid first issue. The writing presents us the world, as well as some main characters and the artwork, makes the reading compelling though it might not to that to everyone. Despite that, the creative team appears to have a good alignment of what this project is about and is delivering precisely what was intended which, for me, looks incredible! Read Full Review
This introduction to the devastated remnants of civilization holed up in Mall establishes that things are rough all over, especially if you've been set up for the murder of a rival gang leader. A good enough start, perhaps, but it is too soon to tell if all this fuss will amount to anything. Read Full Review
For fans of post-apocalyptic survival action, I think this might be the series for you. Another great first issue from Vault Comics, and long may they continue to produce them. Read Full Review
In the end, the comic feels like a person running from people in costumes. The setting and those costumes could easily be replaced with little to no impact. Mall #1 sets up an interesting concept but spends too little time fleshing it out to benefit from what could be a truly intriguing world and comic. Read Full Review
As stated, it might take the reader a few more turns to get the overall story. Both Moreci and Dauberman dont do a great job with the world-building. Maybe the writers intend on revealing more as the first arc continues. Read Full Review
There's sadly not much in Mall #1 to instill any real sense of attachment to the story. It may be a book about the end of the world, but whichever world ended doesn't really feel like our own, making this mall one you may not want to visit. Read Full Review