losing Coccolo and Matt Wilson is a huge loss.
The son of Zeus sought Thor out - for Toranos' wheel had turned for the Olympians too, and two Gods together might solve such a mystery. The trail took them to a wasteland of snow and ice...to terror and treachery...and to an old foe of Hercules, at the height of her dread power. New series artist JAN BAZALDUA draws the story of the IMMORTAL THOR...and the Night Mother's vengeance. PLUS: PART 5 OF DEADPOOL/WOLVERINE: WEAPON X-TRACTION!
Rated T+
Most importantly, Immortal Thor #13 presents a compelling and entertaining story with strong characterizations, captivating action, and an immersive atmosphere. Read Full Review
Immortal Thor #13 starts a new story arc that brings Thor and Hercules together again for a new journey. While the two godly heroes would love to catch up, they do have a mission: Find Nyx, the night goddess, and question her on who turned the wheel Toranos was talking about. But just as they find the night goddess, Loki causes mischief. While its nice to see Thor and Hercules catching up, the comic takes a while to get to the bigger story. By the time the comic finally gets to Nyx, it feels like it has to rush things a little to get to the big surprise. Read Full Review
Pretty good but the art is a bummer. It feels so generic and lifeless.
Script is solid, but art is not. After Coccolo, it feels like no artist has rose to the colossal task of this series. Ewing and Thor deserve better.
Thor arrives in Greece after a call from Hercules, who tells him that he knows that Toranos told Thor that a wheel began to roll, one from the dark age and that is why NYX the Goddess of the Night is stalking them, with events such as BLOOD HUNT and KING IN BLACK, the night tries to take over everything. Loki appears and the three of them go on a trip to Antarctica which is nighttime at that time.
In Antarctica they are attacked by NYX, Loki saves them and sends them to a new test in a dark place, where Zeus receives them.
This comic continues to use mythology to nourish Thor's journey, of course the plot becomes complex, dense and difficult to absorb.
It is detailed with some influence fr more
Unfortunately, this is where I part from this series. The art is all over the place and I cannot get behind the story whatsoever. The first arc was great, but then filler issues completely killed the steam this book once had.