Thor and Hercules were trapped in a realm of endless night...where Nyx and her children were at their full power. But there was a greater danger caged in this dark realm - Zeus, King of the Greek Gods! And when twin thunders met, could either survive? This is the story of the IMMORTAL THOR...and the second test of three.
Rated T+
Immortal Thor #14 shares a tale of mythological proportions with an energy nothing short of electric. Read Full Review
As far as Thor comics go,Immortal Thorcan easily rest aside the long-revered greats as Ewing pushes these characters and this mythos into new directions. Read Full Review
Part of why the action-packed issue works as well as it does is that it isn't simply a fight, but lesson, a test that Hercules and Thor must pass, challenging their wit as well as their combat skills, creating a clever and satisfying experience for the readers. Read Full Review
Immortal Thor #14 celebrates its legacy numbering as the 775th issue of Thor. However, the actual fight showcased on the cover doesn't live up to it. The actual confrontation between Thor and Zeus in his mad state is sadly underwhelming and the fights between them aren't as engaging as you'd like them to be. There's a bit of rushed resolution with Nyx. However, the comic does have some cool double-page spreads, as well as a couple of unintended laughs here and there. Also, the ending leaves some promise to finally getting some answers for the main plot in the next issue. Read Full Review
Thor vs Zues? Yes please.
This continues to be a really interesting story with Zeus vs Thor as the centerpiece of this issue. Hercules serving as the voice of reason is an interesting twist, and Nyx is cool too. The art is solid and the writing is really good. Looking forward to seeing where this goes from here.
This comic originally tells the birth of the Greek gods descended from the Titans Cronus and Uranus, where Zeus is marked by the Wheel of Fate.
Thor fights Zeus, all of Zeus' lightning attacks are controlled and dodged by Thor who takes his power and Thor now possesses the power of Odin and Zeus, allowing him to clearly see the Wheel of Fate.
This comic continues to use mythology to nourish Thor's journey, of course the plot becomes complex, dense and difficult to absorb.
It is detailed with some influence from the manga but adapted to the comic.
Thor vs Zeus, the god of thunder against the god of lightning