Dude, "we are the avengers" ? Really?
After the events of "Revelations," Thor has a top secret mission that only one trusted ally can carry out: Throg, the Frog of Thunder! Guest artist Pasqual Ferry makes a return trip to Asgard for this unique tale of otherworldly espionage, one that will have a profound
impact on the future of the Marvel Universe!
Ferry and Quinn deliver some impressive and fun visuals throughout the issue. There are great hero shots as well as awesome details throughout every panel. Read Full Review
This issue is all set-up, but the sheer fun and whimsy are turned up to such a delightful degree that I can't help but fall in love. Read Full Review
Have you ever wanted an adult comic that you could also simultaneously enjoy with your kids? If so, I think Cates may be onto something here. Read Full Review
I would recommend this one if you want to see more about Throg and Lockjaw and also the other pet Avengers that they will meet along the way. Read Full Review
Thor #18 is a fast and fiercely funny introduction that sells the reader on the idea an irreverent Throg-led whodunnit. The words balance perfectly between the serious and the silly, and the art works similar magic, particularly on Throg himself. He's a talking frog, but he earnestly believes in his own heroism. The creators honour the character's sincerity without ignoring his inherent absurdity. The results are both hilarious and heartwarming, and they promise lots more fun when the title gets back to the Thunder Frog (though it may take a while). Read Full Review
Any time Throg gets together the Pet Avengers, the book is worth buying. The only downside here is that Throg's story takes up just half the issue. Read Full Review
Literally everyone rating this issue lower than an 8 is wrong and probably immoral. Prove me wrong.
I really enjoyed this issue. The focus of the series remains on Thor's tenure as king, and how that has shaped and/or distorted this notion of "worthiness". The shift from focusing on Thor to Throg was a welcome addition to this issue. Solid artwork, and a fun dynamic between Thor/Loki and Thor/Throg. Also, great to see Huginn and Muninn finally being utilized, as Cates said they would play a tertiary role in his run. Last page has me excited for next issue's quest! 9/10.
I really liked it.
A fun issue that brings together the (Pet) Avengers. Thor and Loki's conversation at the beginning was a nice touch to the book also. I do wish that Bob Quinn was the sole artist of this issue, as I'm not really a fan of the art switching mid-issue, but Pasqual Ferry's art wasn't bad either. Throg setting up the team was nice, and I'm surprised this was just a single issue. All in all, I love Throg being featured more often and the team he's assembled is very promising.
Thor recruits Throg to find his hammer, and the frog recruits a fresh crop of Pet Avengers in turn. It's a very cute episode, but also far too fast and content-light. I'm setting aside the "too much filler" problem and judging this issue on its own merits, mainly because I like Throg in general and how he's portrayed here in particular. But I recognize that problem is there for the series as a whole.
Really enjoyed the issue overall, but I need the main plot back
This was fun, Throg is cool. As fillers go, it was an improvment I think
Simple set up issue that ends up having more than I expected and well executed. I enjoy the story but not so much the art. Luckily the former made up for it and I look forward to Nic Klein returning for his arc! If it had better art I would've gone 8 or 8.5 so 7.5 it shall be. It is Worthy of a buy if you are invested in the current run.
The filler story is interesting, but its not blowing me away
Was it enjoyable? Sure. Was it that good? Not really. Its fun and somewhat humorous but, i need more excitement from this series.
It's filler. Not necessarily bad filler, but after 6 months of issues like this, it gets kind of frustrating.
I'm glad Nic Klein is coming back next month, I just wish there wasn't a 7 month gap between main story arcs.
A edição como toda o run até aqui é ruim, e piora com o erro editorial.
A sensação que passa não é de descuido, é de não importa mesmo. A Marvel segue na sua cruzada de desconstrução do personagem que já dura 10 anos. Nessa altura não deveria me afetar mais, mas infelizmente afeta.
Story is ok. But what is this art!?? It looks like a children's book. I wanted to put this issue down as soon as I opened it. 😕
It's okay.
How the hell could Throg know that Thor was searching mjolnir 4 days before their encounter?
Just give this book to someone who actually cares about the character, it's pretty clear Cates doesn't even try, this book has been getting worse and worse these last few months.
The Donald Blake arc had me sold on this as an iconic run, but this issue has me backtracking that thought big time. It's empty fan-service with no substance. I think there's a lot of potential joy to see Throg take center stage for an issue, but it doesn't amount to any more than a montage of him asking his friends to come out and play. Some of his recruits are a stretch that struggle for an adequate justification (Doctor Strange's ghost dog because he's a ghost?). Having already assembled them doesn't really make any sense and adds nothing to the plot other than make it more outlandish.
Beyond all that, there is literally a panel of Thor appearing with Mjolnir in hand when we've just established that it is missing.... What!? How does this get past editorial? Am I missing something? Someone tell me I'm not the only one seeing this!! more