Noah Johns's Profile

Joined: Jan 22, 2023

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Noah Johns rated Iron Cat #5 Jun 6, 2023

Iron Cat #5

By: Jed MacKay, Pere Perez
Released: Oct 26, 2022

Tony Stark's legacy is being set on fire by Sunset Bain. She's corrupted all of his armor and everything he's built since his very first weapon. And it's all Black Cat's fault. Now, Iron Man and Felicia Hardy (in her own Iron Cat armor) are fighting for their lives against the Hulkbuster armor and every other Iron Man armor in existence. This is no...

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Noah Johns rated Iron Cat #4 Jun 6, 2023

Iron Cat #4

By: Jed MacKay, Pere Perez
Released: Sep 21, 2022

Iron Cat's vendetta against Felicia Hardy has produced some deadly consequences. Tony Stark's old nemesis, the sinister A.I. known as Madame Menace, has been unleashed!

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Noah Johns rated Iron Cat #3 Jun 6, 2023

Iron Cat #3

By: Jed MacKay, Pere Perez
Released: Aug 17, 2022

•  Tony Stark and Felicia Hardy aren't going to let the mysterious wearer of the Iron Cat armor have all the fun.
•  Nope, Tony has done his own spin on the Iron Cat armor, and Felicia may like some of his innovations.

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Noah Johns rated Iron Cat #2 Jun 6, 2023

Iron Cat #2

By: Jed MacKay, Pere Perez
Released: Jul 27, 2022

•  Iron Cat has it out for Felicia Hardy, the Black Cat, and will stop at nothing to tear Felicia down.
•  Meanwhile, all hell has broken loose at Stark Unlimited after Iron Cat broke in to steal the armor.
•  Iron Man and Black Cat join forces to stop their mutual enemy! This is one team-up you do ...

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Noah Johns rated Amazing Spider-Man #23 May 31, 2023

Amazing Spider-Man #23

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: Apr 5, 2023

We opened this series with a question.
The centerpiece of the answer is a flat-out fight.
Rated T

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Noah Johns rated Hulk #5 May 31, 2023

Hulk #5

By: Jeph Loeb, Ed McGuinness
Released: Aug 6, 2008

Rolling Thunder
Superstars JEPH LOEB & ED MCGUINNESS continue their historic epic! With the entire West Coast in peril, who can stop the battle of the Century when Two, count 'em TWO Hulks, get to brawling? How about everyone's favorite Thunder God -- THE MIGHTY THOR!? He was out of town during WORLD WAR HULK -- THIS is the match-up you've be...

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Spider-Man / Black Cat: The Evil the Men Do Collected

By: Kevin Smith, Terry Dodson

The mysterious disappearance of an old friend brings Felicia Hardy, the Black Cat, to New York in search of answers - and a certain web-slinging ex-lover of hers is following the same trail. How long will it take before they do some...catching up?

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Spider-Man / Black Cat: The Evil the Men Do #6

By: Kevin Smith, Terry Dodson

As events race to a stunning conclusion, Felicia reveals a long-held secret from her past that might be the only key to save a life teetering on the brink. This is a story you'll be discussing and debating for some time!

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Spider-Man / Black Cat: The Evil the Men Do #5

By: Kevin Smith, Terry Dodson

The wait is over! Finally! No, really. You demanded it, you got it: The conclusion to the series you though would never be finished. When Felicia wakes up behind bars -- accused of the murder of the mutant menace known as Klum -- there's only one man (well, two actually) who can save her: Peter Parker and Matt Murdock. But to save their friend, the...

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Spider-Man / Black Cat: The Evil the Men Do #4

By: Kevin Smith, Terry Dodson

The story continues as we find Felicia in jail for murdering Garrison Klum! To her defense is a man none other than...Matt Murdock "Daredevil"!

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Spider-Man / Black Cat: The Evil the Men Do #3

By: Kevin Smith, Terry Dodson

Spider-Man and Black Cat narrow in on Garrison Klum as Mister Brownstone. Following their suspicion, Felicia decides to surprise Klum at his apartment and finds out his true super-powers...and the reason behind his deadly operation.

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Spider-Man / Black Cat: The Evil the Men Do #2

By: Kevin Smith, Terry Dodson

The crime fighting pair re-kindle their old flame despite Spider-Man's marital status! During a fight at Carnegie Hall, more speculation is raised about the true identity of Mister Brownstone.

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Spider-Man / Black Cat: The Evil the Men Do #1

By: Kevin Smith, Terry Dodson

THE BLACK CAT RETURNS! Spidey and Felicia reunite and come upon a case of mysterious drug overdoses, induced by a mysterious man named Mister Brownstone.

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Noah Johns rated Harley Quinn #0 Feb 5, 2023

Harley Quinn #0

By: Amanda Conner, Darwyn Cooke
Released: Nov 20, 2013

This bombastic debut issue features art by award-winning illustrators including Darwyn Cooke, Sam Kieth, Tony S. Daniel, Paul Pope, Walter Simonson, Art Baltazar and othersbut will any of them measure up to the exacting standards of the Clown Princess of Crime? Dont miss the thrilling return of Harley Quinn in her own monthly series!

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Noah Johns rated Hulk #4 Feb 5, 2023

Hulk #4

By: Jeph Loeb, Ed McGuinness
Released: Jun 25, 2008

Red Light, Green Light
This is it. The one you've been SMASHING for. The Green Hulk RETURNS! It's Green Hulk Vs. Red Hulk --but the real loser is the Planet Earth. There have been knock-down-dragger-outters in the Marvel Universe -- but nothing like this! Plus, who gave the Watcher such good seats??? If you read ONE comic book this month, it'...

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Noah Johns rated Hulk #3 Feb 5, 2023

Hulk #3

By: Jeph Loeb, Ed McGuinness
Released: Apr 23, 2008

Creatures on the loose
Not a flashback! Not a dream! Together again for the first time! The battle you NEVER thought you'd see -- The Hulk Vs. The Abomination! But...wait, we've seen that lots of times! Well... No you HAVE NOT. And it isn't just because superstars Jeph Loeb & Ed McGuinness are bringing it to you for the first time -- it's bec...

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Noah Johns rated Hulk #2 Feb 5, 2023

Hulk #2

By: Jeph Loeb, Ed McGuinness
Released: Feb 20, 2008

Who is The Red Hulk? Part II
After last issue's shocking murder, there's evidence on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier that will bring down the killer. So...The Hulk is going after it... and might bring down the Helicarrier instead! The one person standing in the Hulk's path... Iron Man! Also, the return of the LAST person you ever expected to see...

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Noah Johns rated Hulk #1 Feb 5, 2023

Hulk #1

By: Jeph Loeb, Ed McGuinness
Released: Jan 9, 2008

Who Is The Hulk?
Superstars JEPH LOEB and ED MCGUINNESS will change the way you see THE HULK! In this startling origin epic, the breathtaking events that ended World War Hulk rocket into this brand-new Hulk title. When one of The Hulk's oldest cast members is murdered, everyone turns to the team of IRON MAN, SHE-HULK and LEONARD SAMSON to sol...

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Noah Johns rated Ultimate X-Men #31 Jan 31, 2023

Ultimate X-Men #31

By: Mark Millar, Adam Kubert

It's the X-Men versus Magneto in the Master of Magnetism's headquarters while Nightcrawler leads a daring rescue mission in Florida!

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Noah Johns rated Wolverine #11 Jan 31, 2023

Wolverine #11

By: Ben Percy, Scot Eaton
Released: Apr 14, 2021

WOLVERINE takes the fight to the vampire nation in a quest to stop DRACULA's plot to co-opt his mutant healing factor! But what sacrifices and moral compromises must be made before humans and mutants see the dawn?

Parental Advisory

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Noah Johns rated Wolverine #16 Jan 31, 2023

Wolverine #16

By: Ben Percy, Adam Kubert
Released: Sep 29, 2021

The game is nearly over... but when SOLEM is involved, that's just an excuse to change the rules. Did you figure out the mystery before WOLVERINE?

Parental Advisory

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Noah Johns rated Iron Cat Collected Jan 30, 2023

Iron Cat Collected

By: Jed MacKay, Pere Perez

Iron Man and Black Cat both thought they'd seen the last of the Iron Cat armor! If Felicia Hardy is surprised to see the suit again, you can imagine how furious Tony Stark is! But there's someone new in the Iron Cat armor - and this mysterious figure has a plan that will soon put them in the crosshairs of nearly all the heroes in the Marvel Univers...

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Noah Johns rated Iron Cat #1 Jan 30, 2023

Iron Cat #1

By: Jed MacKay, Pere Perez
Released: Jun 29, 2022

The Iron Cat armor made its first appearance in BLACK CAT #11 but both Black Cat and Iron Man thought that was the last they would see of it. If Felicia is surprised to see the armor again, you can imagine how furious Tony is. There's someone new in the Iron Cat armor and they have a plan that will put them in the crosshairs of all the heroes of th...

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Noah Johns rated Marvel Comics #1001 Jan 30, 2023

Marvel Comics #1001

By: Al Ewing, Amanda Conner
Released: Oct 2, 2019

It was a story too large for any one issue, with too many classic Marvel creators who wanted to be a part of the fun! And so the party continues on with this additional celebratory issue, featuring additional secrets and revelations about ...

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Noah Johns rated Batman #68 Jan 30, 2023

Batman #68

By: Tom King, Amanda Conner
Released: Apr 10, 2019

Batman is making his way to the end of his Knightmares, but his unseen enemy has a few more tricks up his sleeve. It's time once again to stick a knife into the Caped Crusader's broken heart, letting the groom-that-could-have-been peer in on the bachelorette (or should that be "Catchelorette"?) party that never was. Artist Amanda Conner (Harley Qui...

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Catwoman: Election Night #1

By: Meredith Finch, Ben Caldwell
Released: Nov 2, 2016

It's mayoral election time in Gotham City, and while the city is up in arms, Catwoman couldn't care less! But when the candidates get personal, the Feline Fatale decides to get involved-much to the detriment of...well, everyone! This issue contains a special bonus story featuring the return of President Beth Ross from the critically acclaimed PREZ ...

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Noah Johns rated Dark Web: Ms. Marvel #1 Jan 29, 2023

Dark Web: Ms. Marvel #1

By: Sabir Pirzada, Francesco Mortarino
Released: Dec 21, 2022

You know her, you love her! But this time, Kamala Khan may be in over her head. Fresh off her first few weeks working as an intern at Oscorp, MS. MARVEL finds herself as the last line of defense against a bunch of deadly and dangerous experiments going HAYWIRE thanks to the Spider-Epic DARK WEB! Things get even WORSE when Kamala finds herself in LI...

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Superman: Kal-El Returns Special #1

By: Various
Released: Nov 30, 2022

Written by Mark Waid, Sina Grace, Alex Segura, and Marv Wolfman Art by Max Raynor, Dean Haspiel, Jack Herbert, and Reilly Brown Kal-El has returned from his long sojourn to Warworld, but what ramifications does this hold for the broader DC Universe? In this special issue, we'll spotlight Kal-El's reunion with the Dark Knight, Jimmy Olsen, the Justi...

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Noah Johns rated Green Arrow #8 Jan 26, 2023

Green Arrow #8

By: Ann Nocenti, Harvey Tolibao
Released: Apr 4, 2012

Part two of a three-part story introducing new creative team of Ann Nocenti and Harvey Tolibao! Green Arrow faces off against the enraged father of three beautiful sisters, which might not seem so unusual for Ollie until you add in the part about being trapped in a frozen tundra with a horde of bloodthirsty, mutating animals. Things aren't what the...

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Noah Johns rated Catwoman #7 Jan 26, 2023

Catwoman #7

By: Judd Winick, Adriana Melo
Released: Mar 21, 2012

In the wake of her run-in with Batman and the loss of someone very dear to her, Catwoman turns over a new leaf. With a new attitude, a new partner and a new game plan, she embarks on a new journey: She's stealing hot cars. The competition isn't too happy about it, and the Gotham PD are that much closer to nailing her. There's only one way out: Driv...

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