Spider-Man / Black Cat: The Evil the Men Do #4

Writer: Kevin Smith Artist: Terry Dodson Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 9
4.0Critic Rating
8.7User Rating

The story continues as we find Felicia in jail for murdering Garrison Klum! To her defense is a man none other than...Matt Murdock "Daredevil"!

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Dec 15, 2005

    This is an issue that I never truly believed Id hold in my hands, but I dont give Marvel or Kevin Smith any extra credit for putting out a book which is years overdue; however, it hasnt affected my bullet rating negatively either - because this issue, on its own terms, is a well below-par story. The books reliance on guest stars (Daredevil in this issue, Nightcrawler in the next) is a crutch which indicates the lack of confidence that Smith has in the core story that he began writing over three years ago - and with good reason. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Dec 9, 2005

    Spider-Man/Black Cat is a failure for one reason and one reason alone. Lateness. If you intend to put out a storyarc, put it out on time. Had Smith simply done six stand alone, unconnected adventures starring Spidey and the Black Cat, I sincerely doubt anybody would have cared how late the project came in because there would have been something worthwhile for which to wait. Read Full Review

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