Spider-Man / Black Cat: The Evil the Men Do #5

Writer: Kevin Smith Artist: Terry Dodson Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 9
4.0Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

The wait is over! Finally! No, really. You demanded it, you got it: The conclusion to the series you though would never be finished. When Felicia wakes up behind bars -- accused of the murder of the mutant menace known as Klum -- there's only one man (well, two actually) who can save her: Peter Parker and Matt Murdock. But to save their friend, they're gonna need a little insight into the powers and psyche of the man who put her in the slammer in the first place, insight that can be provided by someone who really understands what makes him tick. Need a hint? Bamf.

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Jan 12, 2006

    Despite some fairly thin story logic which pushes the suspension of disbelief to the limit in places Nightcrawlers awareness (via Emma Frost and Cerebra) of an enquiry that the Black Cat made via an internet search engine the night before she gets kidnapped is one example; Garrisons convenient invulnerability to Francis powers is another Smith has somehow pulled things together a little since last issue to make this a reasonably satisfying story on its own terms. Even if it never really rises above the average, at least it isnt the train wreck that a brief synopsis of the issues themes connected with Kevin Smiths name might suggest. Heres hoping the last issue doesnt throw it away with yet another ill-advised retconned rape, because without a very good reason for his final plot development this issue, Smith could find himself doing more harm than good to one of the strongest female characters in Spider-Mans supporting cast. And weve only just got over what JMS did to G Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Jan 7, 2006

    Spider-Man/Black Cat is like an idiot who believes himself to be an idiot savant. The one hope we have is that crazy Wanda by saying "no more mutants" wiped this miserable excuse for one writer's ego out of Marvel continuity. Imagine the irony. One bad mistake by Bendis canceling out the evil that one man did to the readers of Spider-Man. Read Full Review

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