Hulk #3

Writer: Jeph Loeb Artist: Ed McGuinness Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 23, 2008 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 11
7.1Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

Creatures on the loose
Not a flashback! Not a dream! Together again for the first time! The battle you NEVER thought you'd see -- The Hulk Vs. The Abomination! But...wait, we've seen that lots of times! Well... No you HAVE NOT. And it isn't just because superstars Jeph Loeb & Ed McGuinness are bringing it to you for the first time -- it's because if you've been reading the Hulk (yes, we know there's one or two of you), it CAN'T be possible! But it is -- AND IN COLOR -- LOTS OF THEM! The pulse-pounding, gamma-spawned action adventure continues in Hulk #3!!!

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - J. Montes Apr 24, 2008

    I know a lot of people are hating this book and I was one of them initially. But understanding this book's identity is one of the keys to enjoying it. If you can accept the voice Loeb is giving this book, you'll be plenty entertained. It's pure fan-service. It's the Hulk unleashed, beating monsters and wrecking stuff. This is what made the Hulk fun! And as long as Loeb and McGuiness can keep this train rolling, I'll stay on board. Because sometimes you go to the movies to see an Oscar worthy performance. And other times you just wanna see things blow up. This is the latter, and I'm enjoying the fireworks. Read Full Review

  • 7.9
    IGN - Eric Sunde Apr 23, 2008

    Here's my biggest problem with the book, lateness aside: It's a really short read. However, I think that's a problem I have with just about every Loeb/McGuinness collaboration, since Loeb seems to tailor most of their storylines to be heavy on the action, which clearly plays to one of McGuinness' strengths. 22 pages go by really quickly when you have 4 single page splashes and 2 double page spreads. So, while that is a great layout for showing the smashing, it's not as great for smaller moments. So, since we have been waiting 2 months since the last issue, and know we have to wait 2 months for the next issue, it's quite annoying to not really give any new information about the mystery of the Red Hulk to the reader. Hopefully they'll be able to strike a better balance in the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Apr 27, 2008

    Hulk #3 was an average read. This is an action title first and foremost and in that category Loeb has delivered in spades. If you are an action fan then you will probably enjoy Hulk. If you are a reader who prefers substance and texture to your stories with finely crafted dialogue and compelling character work then you will definitely not like this title. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Timothy Callahan Apr 25, 2008

    Even a ridiculous, giant monster battle comic should have some internal consistency. Read Full Review

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