Doomsday Clock #12

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Gary Frank Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 18, 2019 Cover Price: $5.99 Critic Reviews: 29 User Reviews: 91
8.0Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

This is it! The final showdown between Dr. Manhattan and Superman shakes up the DC Universe to its very core! But can even the Man of Steel walk out from the shadow of Manhattan?

  • 10
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Dec 18, 2019

    My only concern is Johns worked in some very cool and overdue fan service nods that really need to be part of whatever DC is planning for the future. If those are undone or ignored it would be a bad look since some of those developments have been teased since the start of Rebirth. Regardless, Doomsday Clock is in the books and as challenging a task as it appeared, it successfully brought the Watchmen into the mainstream DC Universe in a way that made sense and ended in a satisfying manner. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Big Comic Page - Jonathan Mullen Dec 18, 2019

    Its beautiful, its emotionally charged, and it feels like the end of one era and the start of a new one. Who knows what comes after this, or what crises lies over the horizon? What we do know is that regardless of the time and place, with things looking grim and someone coming to the rescue, no matter if its 1938 or 2019, the story will keep going. Because as a wise god once said all the way back in 1987 nothing ever ends. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Watch - Cody White Dec 18, 2019

    The wait is over andDoomsday Clock #12 (Johns, Frank, Sinclair, Leigh) is available today. SPOILERS AHEAD for an event that will surely go down as one of the most well-crafted superhero events in the history of comics. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics: The Gathering - Olivier Roth Dec 18, 2019

    Gary Frank with Brad Anderson were the icing on the cake of this series. I know Frank has been a long time partner to Johns in various other comic ventures, so he was decidedly the best choice to bring Johns’ vision to light. There’s not much you can say of Franks art that hasn’t been said before, so I’ll leave it at this: his art brings a certain realism to the page that only enhances the subject matter and I’m glad I could be part of the ride. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Dark Knight News - Steve J Ray Dec 19, 2019

    What can I say, it feels like Geoff, Gary, Brad and Rob made this comic just for me, and I love them for it. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    GWW - Deron Generally Dec 18, 2019

    Gary Frank's art is beautiful. Frank manages to keep the reader's focus on the characters while also delivering blisteringly detailed action scenes. There is some beautiful brutality to the visuals in this issue and those are tempered with scenes of detailed beauty. A great looking issue from start to finish. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Dec 18, 2019

    Johns and Frank have stuck the landing on what's sure to be a DC classic. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Batman-News - Jay Yaws Dec 18, 2019

    While it isn't quite perfect, Doomsday Clock #12 is as good an ending to this story as you could want. It is masterfully written and illustrated, with strong themes that resonate through each and every page. Rather than being a sequel to Watchmen, this is a story about how Superman can and should inspire goodness and hope, and in turn save even a world as “too far gone” as Ozymandias, Rorschach, and Doctor Manhattan's. This is a series that will inspire no end of debate and discussion, and even if it doesn't impact the wider DC Universe as much as it could or, frankly, should, it is still a great work of comics art and storytelling that I will gladly return to again and again. At its core, this is a story about hope in the darkness, and at the end of Doomsday Clock, hope shines bright. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Flickering Myth - Ricky Church Dec 20, 2019

    Though some characters fell by the wayside, Johns utilized most of them well enough but his focus on Manhattan and Superman in Doomsday Clock #12 as well as his closing argument for his thesis on Superman's true power and relevance is the highlight of the issue. Its meta examination of Superman's past and future is a treat for fans of the Man of Steel while the artwork from Gary Frank is nothing but gorgeous. Despite the long wait, Doomsday Clockwas well worth the ride. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Sequential Planet - Pashtrik Maloki Dec 19, 2019

    Doomsday Clock is finally over and I'm happy to say it ended on a high note. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Dec 22, 2019

    An interesting, thought-provoking series, and well worth reading. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Jose "Jody" Cardona Dec 18, 2019

    The conclusion of Doomsday Clock is damn near perfect, with fantastic art and hope for the future. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Dec 24, 2019

    Doomsday Clock is a project that will be looked at for years and examined in a lot of different ways because of how it unfolded. With the delays, changes, the meta-aspect of it all, it felt like it started with huge importance amid the Rebirth phase but comes out with a whimper here where I suspect there may be something that's being missed entirely that will make it important later. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Russ Burlingame Dec 18, 2019

    Johns still tries to cram a lot of information into this last issue"and some square pegs into some round holes along the way. The results are a mixed bag and, even at its best, it's hard not to be a little frustrated with a series that was billed as a high-minded Watchmen follow-up and instead became a sequel to Infinite Crisis. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Dec 18, 2019

    Ultimately, I think this series effectively accomplished what Frank and Johns set out to do. They've inserted Watchmen into the consciousness of the DC universe and directly into Superman and Batman's knowledge. The two are no longer disparate, and while it's unclear if DC will continue the threads offered here, we can at least imagine where it may go from here. That's an inspiration much like the multiverse, which was honored and held up in an exhilarating way here. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Fortress of Solitude - Rick Austin Dec 19, 2019

    A fantastic finale that should have quit while it was ahead. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Impulse Gamer - Matt Fischer May 21, 2020

    This would have been a perfect endcap. The book is brilliant in all respects, but now none of it really matters. DC botched the landing on the end of Rebirth and it makes me quite fearful for the 3 Jokers book we will eventually get. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    The Daily Fandom - Alec Callahan Dec 19, 2019

    It just doesn't feel like they went as big as they could have. In my opinion, the team spent to much time trying to follow the “rule book” of The Watchmen and Alan Moore. Of course, they had to respect the original story and team but, I would have liked to see them make it more of their own. Doomsday Clock was an interesting series and one person will talk about. There will be people who love and people who hate it. After two long years, it is finally over. We can now go back and reread it all at once and see if it comes off any different. Maybe without the delays leaving sour tastes in the mouth it will be more enjoyable. How will the series be remembered? Ask again in a few years. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Dec 24, 2019

    The only reason this was twelve issues was the Watchmen parallels, but the parts of it that work, work really well and give you the requisite goosebump moments. It's good to see the Legion and JSA back. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Dec 18, 2019

    While I was completely hyped by the ending we get here, the majority of the issue really showed us that for the most part none of the Watchmen characters really mattered to this story and served as merely filler to get this story to twelve issues.  Yeah, that's a bit harsh, but even with that fact I was happy by the end for what this says we may get down the line, not to mention that I loved the art throughout.  I had a great time with this series overall, I just wish that beyond the inspirational narrative ending that we got that it would have stuck the landing a little more with the other aspects of the story that were used throughout. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    Black Nerd Problems - William Evans Dec 18, 2019

    It's hard to say that Doomsday #12 was worth the three-month wait, especially since we don't live in a vacuum and can't pretend that a great version of Watchmen didn't just happen in Doomsday Clock‘s absence. The story wraps up well, if not a bit safe. Ultimately, it will be hard to look back on this series and not at least put it in conversation with a cohesive media from the same source, that couldn't be more different. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Graphic Policy - Brett Dec 18, 2019

    Doomsday Clock #12, and the series as a whole, is a bit of an oddity. It brings together a meta-story that began with DC's Rebirth and explores some interesting concepts. It also feels a bit steeped in DC history and continuity that feels more for diehard fans instead of an exploration of concepts. But, there is an exploration of concepts that stand out. But, one that's not enough to really examine like the original source material. We've seen what a follow up to Watchmen can be thanks to HBO and compared this just doesn't hold up. Much like DC post Rebirth, something is just off and while it rights the ship it also still feels a little convoluted and too much thrown in at once. The comic has its moments but it just doesn't quite fit in to the world it attempts to correct. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    411Mania - John Pumpernickel Dec 19, 2019

    At the end, I'm left disappointed in how things wrapped up and, sticking with my no spoilers rule, we're left with wondering how different things could have been. I'll freely admit that I've been influenced by the superior show but its only crime was giving me a glimpse of the potential these characters hold and this series squandered. Read Full Review

  • 6.3
    Multiversity Comics - Brian Salvatore Dec 20, 2019

    A fairly successful ending to a confounding event. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - Kat Calamia Dec 19, 2019

    Doomsday Clock is a love letter to Watchmen from Geoff Johns' scripting to Gary Frank's use of nine-panel grids, but it isn't a love letter to the current landscape of DC. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny "The Machine" Hughes Dec 18, 2019

    DC, and to some extent Geoff Johns, had grand hopes for this book, as they tried to encompass so many different aspects. Firstly, the series was about bringing the Watchmen to the DC Universe. Then it was about given Rebirth a reason; then there was bringing back the Legion and JSA! Looking back over the entire run, I can't help feel that creativity has given way to a level of pretension that has failed to meet the all the overall goals. Given that the delays were never going to help the book, maybe a less is more or at least a less planning and more doing would have helped this Clock wind down. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge Dec 18, 2019

    The legacy of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ Watchmen is undeniable. I wonder now, after today, what the legacy of Doomsday Clock will be. Will it be thought of as wasted potential? An occasionally great, but consistently frustrating cult curiosity? A storyline that reads better in the trade than it did coming out drip by drip? We will just have to see, but for now, I can safely say Doomsday Clock #12 is a heartfelt, but aggressively average finale. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Kabooooom - Matt Morrison Dec 18, 2019

    As it is, Doomsday Clock #12 is an ending. Not really a good one or a bad one but it is a conclusion. Then again, nothing really ends, does it? Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    On Comics Ground - Timothy Quail Dec 23, 2019

    Watchmen just wrapped up on HBO. Maybe, check out that instead. It is a far more relevant and impactful sequel to Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons seminal work. Read Full Review

  • 10
    daspidaboy Jun 1, 2021

    Doomsday Clock in my opinion is the Greatest modern comic book event of all time. it fixes DC Comics, great art and pacing as well as dialogue, and shows why Superman is the most important superhero of all time.

    It's a bad Watchmen story, but its a great DC Comic Story. Highly reccomend this event.

  • 10
    mrDovydas Jan 7, 2020

    Even with all the delays, this is a one fantastic story. A real modern classic. I just really hope this isn't the end for some of the characters involved.

  • 10
    #DontGiveDivasAChance Dec 20, 2019


  • 10
    Críticas Crónicas Dec 20, 2019

  • 10
    Dr. Poison Dec 19, 2019

    As antagonizing as the delays were, this was well worth the wait. I've been a die-hard fan of Geoff Johns for 2 decades and even I was wondering if he could wrap everything up that he started in issue 12 but he did and in a neat little bow. I love the revelations/changes made to Superman, Wonder Woman, the Justice Society, Earth 1985, and the Legion of Super Heroes. I'm really hoping we get some books showing more details on how all of these characters' histories play out. The art was spectacular as well. Johns and Frank brought their A-game with this series.

  • 10
    Maud Benjamin Dec 19, 2019

    A love letter to Superman, to the DC universe. Geoff Johns fixed everything.

  • 10
    Wally West Dec 18, 2019

    Hey fans ! I make an appearance in Doomsday Clock ! Crazy right ?! And even my son and half of my daughter are present !

    The Metaverse is so cool ! Hope is back again, it’s like a Rebirth ! Nothing missing at all !

  • 10
    jarheadtree Dec 18, 2019

    This is Geoff Johns’s masterpiece. It pays great homage to the original watchmen and creates exciting new territory for the future of DC comics.

  • 10
    Grifter Dec 18, 2019

    E P I C

  • 10
    thecomiccookebook Dec 18, 2019

    I know everyone was upset about how long it took for Doomsday Clock to end but with the way this ended, all should be forgiven and forgotten. Gary Frank and Geoff Johns concluded a beautiful story that's more a thematic sequel to Action Comics #775 than Watchmen. There are a few allusions to current or future DC continuity but Johns doesn't let that editorial mandate affect his overall story. This should read wonderfully in trade considering that I read all 12 issues this past week again and despite delays, it did not affect the read of this modern classic.

  • 10
    TheHyruleElf Dec 18, 2019

    So, after two years, here we are, at the end, and I have to say for all the excitement I felt at the beginning of the series, this issue brought me right back to that moment. It's not enough to say I loved every moment, but rather, I loved the message that Geoff was trying to tell of the endless nature of this universe, and the importance of DC's past on it's present. All of it read like a letter saying, "Here is what DC should always have, because it makes the universe RIGHT" and as a lifelong DC fan that message really hits home for me.

    I almost wish I could give this issue a higher rating but I guess a 10 will do for now.

  • 10
    Walker Dec 18, 2019

    Godlike masterpiece, Geoff Johns has achieved what a paramount and bright change to the dcu(though apparently those current shit writers will ignore the change it has made and continue writing their own shit).
    brilliant and astonishing work,Geoff,looking forward to your return

  • 10
    Inknight033 Dec 18, 2019

    It's the best f**king end to an amazing series that was pulled down by constant delays. Go pick it up today. It deserves all the attention it has been getting.

  • 10
    Danny Dec 14, 2019

    What, you want to know why I gave it a 10? Read it yourself first :) This is a once-in-a-lifetime type deal that deserves your attention only. In other words, stay off of everything until you get your hands on this issue. After the biblical confrontation at the end of issue 11, this issue will... Nevermind.

    But hey, DON'T expect a fight. Just don't. Expect, instead, a debate about what makes us human.

    Read it, and savor every panel. And for those who have read it and want to offer their opinion, keep it vague, or don't say anything at all. This thing has been nearly 3 years in the making. Let's let those who haven't gotten the chance to read it have an experience unlike any other found in literature.

    + LikeComments (3)
  • 9.5
    egonnn244 Dec 19, 2019

    "Jon calls me Clark"

    I've read this issue yesterday, but I had to sleep on in so my review would resemble a cohesive thought. Alright, let's go.


    I always thought Dr. Manhattan is impossible to kill and now I've seen him die twice this week. And while the show was good, this issue, this whole book is something on an entirely different level.

    This issue is beautiful, amazing and breathtaking. Geoff Johns is a genius and Gary Frank along with Brad Anderson are true artists.

    Aside from fixing the DC Universe, until some other major crisis will mess it up, and tieing this book to the current continuity, this issue does two things.

    First, somethi more

  • 9.5

    This potentially fixes everything wrong with the DC Universe since New 52 if they stick with it. Canon as it is now is questionable how it will lead here, but it sounds like it *will* happen. Also that surprise crossover... kind of blew my mind.

  • 9.5
    Comix4fever Dec 18, 2019

    The wait was worth it!

  • 9.5
    M1sf1r3 Dec 18, 2019

    Doomsday Clock started in 2017 and now, two years later the twelfth issue is finally here. Let's see how Johns goes landing this series after so many delays.

    The Good:
    Wow, this is a lot to unpack.

    I really like the resolution with the Watchmen characters. It feels right in a weird way.

    Gary Frank's art is utterly amazing.

    The absolute focus and reverence on Superman was fantastic.

    The characterisation is great in this issue.


    There were some really tear-jerking and flat out enjoyable scenes in this issue.

    It sets up a lot and it's quite interesting.

    The Bad:
    I have to say it, the delays really killed this book. more

    + LikeComments (3)
  • 9.0
    Azrael Dec 22, 2019

    A very decent ending to a good series. Maybe it’s just me but the ending seems similar to the ending of the tv series. Also it’d be good to see more of Batman and the Justice League at the end fighting with the returning JLA.

  • 9.0
    Nihilist Dec 18, 2019

    Doomsday Clock may be Johns' opus magnum, and I don't think it'd be an exagerration to call the comic a masterwork. It doesn't try to cash out on the name alone, like Before Watchmen comics, or to a degree the movie, and now the TV series. It takes the mythos, and faithfully expands it, merging it with the main continuity of DC Comics, in an organic, consistent and clever way. This is where Johns' writing shines - he has experience with big tales, giant events, all impacting the world in a meaningful way. And while some of you could call certain creative decisions in this final issue "fan service", admit it, you've been cheering when JSA shown up, and when Mime and Marionette's purpose in the story was revealed. Even if there's some wish fu more

  • 9.0
    Linkush Dec 18, 2019

    This series is truly a love letter to Superman.

    And one of the better ones I'd say.

  • 8.5
    ohhaimark Dec 21, 2019


    -I really liked this finale. I was thoroughly engaged the whole way through.

    -I can see why maybe some people were disappointed by how Dr. Manhattan acted here. I honestly didn’t really have a problem with it. It’s not totally in line with his previous personality, perhaps, but I found his internal dialogue and character compelling.

    -Gary Frank’s art is always a treat, and, if I’m being honest, my favorite part of this whole series.

    -I liked Long quite a bit in the end. The scenes with him and Batman were great.

    -I don’t think I ever expected to, but I’m glad this wasn’t just a fistfight.

    -I really liked the second half of this comic. The first h more

    + LikeComments (5)
  • 8.5
    Humble Hero Dec 20, 2019

    A very good end to the series and I am excited for what is to come. I will admit I was dissatisfied with the lack of action that I was hoping for but overall worth a read.

  • 8.0
    Superheroes for Hire Dec 28, 2019

    I have to process the conclusion and implications of this issue a little more, but it did address several outstanding questions and complaints I had with the series. The ending is a bit rushed, with some unnecessary confusion about locations and times with regards to the children mentioned. Overall, I give Doomsday Clock a B grading. Too dang slow on release, obviously changed directions midstream, but an excellent coast into the finish line. Killer art. Mostly tidy return of the Watchmen to their world. And a world of possibilities of further storytelling in the Rebirth timeline.

  • 8.0
    EDiakota Dec 21, 2019

    " I see tomorrow. I see the man of tomorrow. And for the frist time... I am inspired. "

  • 8.0
    Psycamorean Dec 19, 2019

    This was good. I'm not crazy about this or anything. It's a solid comic. And it sure did wrap up the story it was trying to tell. I feel like a lot of the wind was taken out of this series by the delays. Had it come out on time, both the Legion and JSA returning would've had more impact. I know the JSA we saw in Justice League is technically not the same as what we'll presumably get in DC soon, but still. I don't really care about Dr. Manhattan relearning his humanity. I mean, sure, if anyone could teach him it, it's Superman, but I much prefer where Watchmen left him. And that goes for basically any of the Watchmen stuff in this series that wasn't introduced specifically for this story. At the end of the day, I can't say I know for a fact more

  • 8.0
    allenquanobi Dec 17, 2019

    I'm just gonna throw up the spoiler tag because it is pretty hard to talk about this issue without discussing the tease at the end. **SPOILERS**
    Just read this issue, and it's a nice little bow to wrap things up. The art is amazing, obviously it's Frank, and Johns obviously has reverence for DC continuity past and present. Not only that, he has a good grip on every DC character, so nothing feels out of place. If you came into this comic expecting Superman to actually throw punches with Dr. Manhattan, you must not understand what you've been reading the past 30 years. I'm glad that fight didn't happen, it would have been the most creatively bankrupt DC could get. As a standalone comic, I'm giving this an 9/10.
    My biggest p more

    + LikeComments (7)
  • 7.0
    Spacey Medicine Jan 30, 2020

    I feel kind of like I’ve wasted my time to get a worse legacy for a bunch of characters that I quite liked, once upon a time.

  • 6.5
    EdNothIng Jun 11, 2020

    11 impecable issues for... this? Really? Man...

  • 6.5
    Darkseid24 Dec 18, 2019

    I don’t like the final issue as much as others do, because it doesn’t give the Watchmen characters enough respect. They also don’t really have a purpose in this story. Plus Doomsday Clock remains to be irrelevant for the DC universe. Overall Johns disappointed at the end.


    I find it hard to believe, that Dr. Manhatten is convinced so fast by Superman. I mean why? Just because he refused to fight him& remembered him of his first wife? There should have been more dialogue.

    Jon is also undoing what he did to the DC universe, so by logic Pre52 timeline should be restored, but it obviously isn’t, so what’s the point?

    Johns is doing a great job portraying Superman here, more

    + LikeComments (14)
  • 5.5
    Ulf Dec 18, 2019

    I really don't understand how people can like this. Well, maybe on one level, which is as fan fiction.

    I'm not so precious as to say that Moore's wishes should be respected and Watchmen characters should never be seen again....mind you Before Watchmen was a pain (despite beautiful Darwyn Cooke material).

    But this...I won't get into the entire series and just mention a couple of things about #12.

    #1 Rorschach II - really? Talk about a childish move of trying to redefine Rorschach a 'hero'. "I'm taking you to jail, Adrian!" - sounded much better in the otherwise excellent HBO show, coming from 2 different characters who we gave a damn about.

    #2 Dr. Manhattan as an omnipotent supergod who doesn't u more

    + LikeComments (3)
  • 2.0
    JollyVillain Jan 14, 2020

    It’s January 2020 and I’m putting this over stuffed issue of exposition into the blue recycle bin.

    It’s December 2019 and I fork over the $5.99 just to “reward” my patience of waiting 2+ years for a 12 issue series. I know this comic will put me to sleep just days later, and the money would be better spent on Super Man Smashes the Klan 2 but I can’t change time.

    It’s October 2017. I’m at my local comic book shop for the midnight launch of Doomsday Clock. I go home, read and enjoy the first issue fully aware that in the distant future Dr Manhattan, a deconstruction of Superman , is brought back to praise the Man of Steel and “explain” the history of the DC MultiVerse to us in over 100 light blue bac more

  • 1.0
    MKW69 Dec 18, 2019


    + LikeComments (3)
  • 10
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  • 9.5
    StarKnight Oct 11, 2022

  • 9.5
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  • 8.5
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  • 8.0

  • 8.0
    KobbeJr Dec 18, 2019

  • 7.5
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  • 4.5
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  • 1.0
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Reviews for the Week of...


