Pashtrik Maloki's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Sequential Planet Reviews: 95
8.1Avg. Review Rating

Ascender #1

Mar 31, 2019

Lemire and Nguyen have made a promise with this first issue - a promise of great things to come. I highly recommend it, to both old and new readers.

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Ascender #2

Jun 3, 2019

Just read the darn book. It's great.

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Ascender #5

Aug 30, 2019

The first arc of Ascender sets up the stage for a really compelling story. Get this issue, get the trade. Hell, get all the Descender trades while you're at it. Just be read for October.

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Avengers (2018) #3

Jun 21, 2018

Avengers feels lacking due to a dull pace and poor character development. Hopefully, it will get better soon. Real soon.

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Batman (2016) #53

Aug 15, 2018

King might be building up a larger narrative, something that will pay off somewhere down the lineand leave me feeling stupid for ever doubting him. But my job is to review the issues as they come and this one, on its own, is a letdown. Especially compared to its predecessor.

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Batman (2016) #54

Sep 11, 2018

King has proven that he is more than capable at writing bittersweet stories and this book just confirms it. Too bad such a great book has to be accompanied by some unnecessary baggage in the form of editorial meddling.

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Batman (2016) #62

Jan 11, 2019

Sadly, Gerards' talent is wasted on a weird and unsatisfying story. It might end up being more important in the longer run since, after all, it is a part of an (loosely connected) arc. But that doesn't change the fact that, as a one-shot, it's kinda mediocre.

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Batman (2016) #69

Apr 21, 2019

Despite some serious hiccups in the overall story arc, King reminds us that he has a story worth telling, and he does so backed up by some great artwork.

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Batman (2016) #79

Sep 20, 2019

The moustache is fake, just another corporate bait and switch. 0/10

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Batman (2016) #81

Oct 19, 2019

We are truly in the endgame of King's Batman and, personally, I think it has taken a huge blow. The remaining four issues can still be decent as standalone issues. But I don't see them redeeming the overall story. I sure as hell hope King manages to prove me wrong.

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Batman: Secret Files (2018): Secret Files #1

Nov 5, 2018

It's a fun and interesting book, and DC should definitely consider doing an ongoing anthology series. And hey, why do just Batman? I would love to see similar books with other characters.

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Batman: Universe #4

Oct 10, 2019

Despite some problems, it's one of the most fun Batman stories I've read in a while. Highly recommended.

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Black Hammer: Age of Doom #9

Mar 28, 2019

Jeff Lemire's Black Hammer projects continue to be a fantastic read and a beacon of hope for Dark Horse.

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Catwoman (2018) #2

Aug 11, 2018

Placing a well-established character in a new environment can be difficult, but Jones proves she is more than up to the task

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Catwoman (2018) #3

Sep 14, 2018

It took Jones a few issues to really make the book stand on it's own, but this issue finally gave us some much needed answers, with some nice twists and a promise of more interesting things to come.

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Coda #3

Jul 10, 2018

Spurrier and Bergara have managed to create a really interesting and fun world that I look forward to returning to it in the future. Hopefully they are able to build on it and maintain a high level of quality.

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Coda #4

Aug 14, 2018

With Coda, Spurrier and Bergara continue to build a fascinating world filled with really interesting characters and foul-mouthed unicorns. It's a fun read with a promising future.

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Conan The Barbarian (2019) #2

Jan 16, 2019

The whole book is fairly reminiscent of Aaron's long-running take on Thor - primarily his young Thor stories. This is in no way a criticism - I am a huge fan of Aaron's Thor. The art is beautiful, the writing is great, and the (creative) future looks bright for the series.

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Crypt of Shadows (2019) #1

Jan 25, 2019

Crypt of Shadows is a fun and interesting book and I certainly hope Marvel will consider making this a regular, on-going series.

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Daredevil (2019) #3

Mar 27, 2019

The murder mystery at the core of this arc is a fantastic plot device and Zdarsky's take feels like a breath of fresh air. It's safe to say that it's been a few years since we've had a really good Daredevil story like this one.

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Daredevil (2019) #10

Aug 24, 2019

Yeah, yeah, the book is written by Chip Zdarsky which is great. But this issue also features Jorge frekin' Fornes and Jordie flippin' Bellaire. This makes it FANTASTIC.

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Dead End Kids #1

Jun 19, 2019

Frank Gogol still has a long way to cement himself as a mainstay figure in the industry. Dead End Kids is definitely step in the right direction.

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Dead Man Logan #12

Oct 31, 2019

A formulaic conclusion to a long-lasting series. It hits all the right emotional beats, but it feels a tad rushed. Grandpa Logan will be missed.

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Detective Comics (2016) #983

Jun 30, 2018

Hill was a good choice for this book, and I'm looking forward to his future input.

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Detective Comics (2016) #984

Jul 12, 2018

Hill's take on the Bat-family is looking good so far. While I would appreciate a darker, more detective-centric Batman book, this is proving too be a really fun story.

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Detective Comics (2016) #986

Aug 11, 2018

Hill's tenure with Detective Comics had a promising start, but unfortunately, it did not maintain that promised level of quality.

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Detective Comics (2016) #996

Jan 16, 2019

I enjoyed Tynion's Batfamily-centric vision of the series, but this more mystery and detective-centric take is more up my alley. And it lives up to the title a bit more, for sure.

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Dial H For Hero (2019) #1

Mar 28, 2019

Miguel is a fitting protagonist, the concept is tried and tested, and the 'summoned' hero is reason enough to make you come back for more and see what else the creative team's got in store.

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Doctor Strange (2018) #4

Aug 16, 2018

Waid and Saiz are doing a great job with doctor Stephen Strange, the Sorcerer Supreme. Taking him to the stars has been a fine experiment with a good payoff. Putting the character in a completely new setting, with completely new supporting characters is a great way of luring some potential new readers

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Domino (2018) #4

Jul 14, 2018

Despite a good chunk of the issue feeling like it's serves no purpose but being unnecessary filler, it's still a fun book.

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Doomsday Clock #12

Dec 19, 2019

Doomsday Clock is finally over and I'm happy to say it ended on a high note.

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Everything #1

Sep 11, 2019

As a standalone issue, it's not that impressive. There's not much going on in it, honestly. I do, however, feel like the series will get better as the story moves forward. But that just makes me wonder one thing - why didn't they just do a graphic novel?

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Giant-Size X-Men (2020): Jean Grey And Emma Frost #1

Mar 8, 2020

If you have to pick up one X-centred book from February, then most definitely get X-Men #7. But this one comes in second place, easily.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #1

Jan 25, 2019

The formation of the new team is a cool and delightful moment that leaves the reader excited for the future.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #3

Mar 22, 2019

The team has an eight-foot Asgardian Horse carrying a hammer. What more can you ask for?

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Harleen (2019) #1

Oct 1, 2019

Stjepan eji's Harleen walks the fine line of romanticising a destructive relationship and showing its real ugliness. Hope he can keep up the good work.

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Immortal Hulk #2

Jul 4, 2018

Removing Banner from his usual Avengers setting and giving Hulk a menacing, yet intelligent personality is proving to be a great move and it promises a ton of great and interesting stories. Hopefully, the book will deliver on that promise before the (inevitable) return to the Marvel status quo.

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Immortal Hulk #3

Jul 20, 2018

The Immortal Hulk is probably the best book to come out of Marvel's Fresh Start relaunch, and possibly one of the best books this year.

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Immortal Hulk #4

Aug 5, 2018

Immortal Hulk has great writing, great art, and a creepy vibe which adds some extra flair to it. Go to your LCS and support this book. You won't regret it.

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Immortal Hulk #6

Sep 25, 2018

Bruce's fight with the Sasquatch has complicated his situation. Hulk has to fight HIS inner demons, while Bruce is handling some unwanted attention. There's a new general in town trying to hunt down the Hulk, and he is not afraid to use the big guns in his hunt.I believe it's the best book currently published by the House of Ideas so if you're not reading it do yourself a favour and hop on it.

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Immortal Hulk #7

Oct 11, 2018

I am in no way affiliated with Marvel Comics, there is no foul play. I just really love this book. Who doesn't like seeing a raging, calculating Hulk taking on the complete Avengers team?

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Immortal Hulk #19

Jun 17, 2019

If you can read, do yourself a favour and pick up this book. If you can't read though... Then everything here looks like gibberish to you.

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Immortal Hulk #25

Oct 27, 2019

Above everything else, Immortal Hulk #25 is a cautionary tale. Ewing and Garcia dare to ask the ultimate question - what will happen once Hulk obtains the Cosmic Purple Pants?

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Immortal Hulk #45

Apr 12, 2021

This latest issue of Immortal Hulk is all about setting up the stage for the end of the series. Sometimes, this can be a bit boring, a bit slow. But this is the Immortal Hulk we're talking about.

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Infidel #5

Jul 17, 2018

Underneath that horror shell, the author tackles some serious topics - racism, religion, gender, self-doubt, and trust. It is a book that I will gladly suggest to anyone, be they fans of horror or not.

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Justice League (2018) #4

Jul 18, 2018

Scott Snyder's tenure on Justice League is proving it self to be a home run with a great story, great characters and great art. A must buy!

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King Thor #1

Sep 18, 2019

The War of Realms might have been Aaron's Magnum Opus of his Thor run, but he isn't pulling any punches for his last chapter either.

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King Thor #4

Dec 29, 2019

King Thor #4 is Jason Aaron's love letter not just to Thor, but to comics in general. It perfectly distillates and encapsulates both the all-seriousness present in a whole bunch of comics and the utter silliness and wackiness present at the core of the medium.

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Locke & Key: Dog Days #1

Nov 6, 2019

A trip back to the Keyhouse is always welcome, however brief it may be.

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Monstress #22

May 27, 2019

Shame on me for getting into this series only recently.Shame on you if you still aren't reading it.The "five Eisner" boast on the cover? Completely deserved.

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Monstress #24

Aug 1, 2019

Read this book, you'll love it! And if you don't... That's because you're wrong and you need to try again.

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Naomi #1

Jan 25, 2019

A pretty decent outing for a new character in a new corner of the DC universe.

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Oliver #1

Jan 19, 2019

So what does a steam-punk inspired, post-apocalyptic science fiction, superhero reinterpretation of Oliver Twist - with an added Shakespearian flair - look like? It looks like a darn good book.

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Paper Girls #22

Jul 6, 2018

These are books that, under all that sci-fi glitz and glamour, tell honest stories about relatable characters with recognisable problems.

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Saga #53

Jun 28, 2018

Saga remains one of the best comics on the stands.

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Saga #54

Jul 25, 2018

A bittersweet ending to what is, essentially, the first chapter of Saga. The indefinite hiatus might be frustrating at first, but it can only make the book better as it offers the creators some time off. Time to reflect on the story so far and the story going forward.

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SFSX (Safe Sex) #2

Oct 30, 2019

The fantastic setting, nice art and great underlying social commentary more than make up for the lacking characters... For now.

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Silver Surfer: Black #4

Sep 16, 2019

Silver Surfer: Black is like acid, only cheaper and legal.

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Skyward (2018) #4

Jul 17, 2018

A promising new action-packed series with beautiful art. Hopefully it will maintain an adequate level of quality for years to come.

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Skyward (2018) #5

Aug 14, 2018

The art alone is worth it, but the original premise and compelling lead are icing on the cake. I hope the team can continue delivering some good books beyond this initial arc. I can only wonder how a TV show or movie adaptation would look.

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Skyward (2018) #7

Oct 17, 2018

The art is phenomenal and the change in scenery has got me really excited for the future. Let's just hope the team can utilise that level of creativity on the characters as we

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Skyward (2018) #8

Nov 13, 2018

Joe Henderson manages to pack in quite a surprise with the ending of this issue thanks to the subverted trope. It's a really nice moment, one that keeps the reader hooked and moves the story forward in some unexpected ways. Looking forward to next month's issue!

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Skyward (2018) #11

Mar 26, 2019

Start reading Skyward so you can be smug about it once the movie comes out. And because it's really, really good.

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Skyward (2018) #15

Jul 26, 2019

Is it a satisfying ending? Sure.Was it a good arc? Ehh.Is the series worth a read? Absolutely!Get the trades if you've skipped the monthlies, you won't regret it.

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Spencer & Locke 2 #1

Apr 30, 2019

The team has doubled down on the classic comic strip homages, adding their own unique twists.

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Spider-Man (2019) #1

Sep 18, 2019

I tried to approach it with an open mind and not judge it before actually reading it, hoping to find at least a decent story. Unfortunately, there is none to be found. Yeah, money and fame can buy you a chance to write and easily publish a story. But it can't make you a good writer.

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Spider-Man: Life Story #1

Mar 22, 2019

Some might say the book is just a rehash of classic Spider-Man stories, and they wouldn't be wrong. However, the added twist, the change in perspective, is reason enough to justify its existence and to make you wish Marvel decided to do a similar thing for some of its other characters.

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Superman (2018) #2

Aug 11, 2018

The Superman series continues the story threads set up in Man of Steel and handles it pretty well with the help of the art team, despite the god-awful character work. However, there is a constant fear that he will mess it up somehow

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Tartarus #1

Feb 11, 2020

The world is interesting, the characters are engaging and the twists and turns are exciting. Despite the uneven artwork, there is still much to like about Tartarus #1 (including some aspects of the artwork).

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The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #7

Jul 31, 2019

Batman. Always. Wins... with enough prep time, obviously. Buy this book.

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The Man of Steel (2018) #4

Jun 21, 2018

Man of Steel #4 is a huge nosedive and sees a lot of the Bendis tropes make a grand return.

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The Sandman Universe #1

Aug 11, 2018

Vertigo has offered us some of most critically acclaimed series of all time, including Sandman, Y - The Last Man, Preacher, Fables, Daytripper" It's nice to see DC Comics giving it some love again and trying to revitalise the brand. All of the four series' teased in this issue look promising I look forward to their releases.

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The Walking Dead #181

Jul 4, 2018

In it's current state, the book has become a story about a bunch of randoms sliding through a no-stakes post-post-apocalypse.

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The Walking Dead #182

Aug 3, 2018

Despite the great dialogue and some decent character work, the book feels aimless. That's actually something that can be said of the Commonwealth story arc as a whole because, for now, it feels aimless. Hopefully, Kirkman will reveal more of his cards so we can get a feeling as to where the story is actually going.

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The Walking Dead #183

Sep 9, 2018

The Walking Dead finally feels like it might go in a bold and interesting direction after being reallystale for a big chunk of time. Kirkman is pushing the ideological conflict between the two communities really hard and it's starting to look like there might be a good story hidden in there. Hopefully, he won't disappoint.

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The Walking Dead #185

Nov 8, 2018

The book is still good with its great characters, fantastic dialogue and decent art. But unnecessary subplots, "edginess" and underdelivering on the expectations constantly plague the overall experience.

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The Walking Dead #187

Jan 5, 2019

There's definitely a cool and interesting story to be told, but it's a shame it's buried in such a clutter.

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The Walking Dead #190

Apr 4, 2019

There's a feeling of a renewed energy in this issue which will hopefully stick around for a while. And hey, no one ever said surviving a post-post zombie apocalypse would be easy.

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The Walking Dead #192

Jun 7, 2019

It's the end of an era, and the beginning of a brand new chapter in this continuing story of survival horror. Kirkman and co. have been patiently building up to this very moment, no matter the cost. Kudos for that.

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The Walking Dead #193

Jul 5, 2019

They could have easily milked it for another five or even ten years. But they opted not to ruin their legacy and go out with a bang. Kudos.

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The Weatherman #2

Jul 17, 2018

Despite the lackluster art, the book is still worth checking out, mostly thanks to LeHeup's writing. There are some good ideas behind the project and I'm genuinely curious to see how things will unfold.

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Thor (2018) #3

Jul 20, 2018

While the issue left me wanting in the art department, it is still a crazy ride and a great read. Jason Aaron still has some interesting ideas for Thor and his supporting cast, and I'm excited to see where he takes them.

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Thor (2018) #7

Nov 14, 2018

A beautiful book and a fantastic read, one that I would recommend to every comic book fan - be they Thor readers or not.

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Thor (2018) #9

Jan 10, 2019

Despite the titular hero being reduced to a cameo in his own book, the issue works great as it gives a supporting character a chance to shine. And shine she does.

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Thor (2018) #11

Mar 22, 2019

A wonderful mother-son story tarnished by a secondary plot line and some uneven artwork.

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Triage #1

Sep 11, 2019

Despite the books really nice artwork and fine paneling, there are some glaring issues with the writing itself. Sevy will hopefully have a chance to iron out the problems.

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Valkyrie #1

Jul 29, 2019

A strong first outing of Jane as the new (and only) Valkyrie. The only problem is you can't blend her two names as it was the case with her Thor persona. Sorry, I meant FosThor.

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Venom (2018) #7

Oct 13, 2018

Sure, there's an obvious slowdown and it might not feel as exciting as the fight with Knull, but sometimes you gotta do just that to set up new and interesting things. And the future sure does look promising.

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Venom (2018) #11

Feb 21, 2019

At this point, it's better than Watchmen.

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Venom (2018) #12

Mar 22, 2019

Eddie having a son opens up loads of storytelling possibilities, and I'm excited to see how it all moves forward. Especially after the way this issue ends. And don't get me wrong, superhero parents aren't unheard of, but Brock is by no means a superhero.

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War of the Realms #1

Apr 4, 2019

The epic battles, the fantastic art and cool character moments - all accounted for. What more could you ask for from an event?

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War of the Realms #3

May 7, 2019

Reading this book is a complete joy because Jason Aaron, Russell Dauterman and Matthew Wilsonhave such a wonderful chemistry. They give you a nice taste of everything they have on the menu just enough to leave you hungry for more.

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War of the Realms #6

Jun 26, 2019

War of the Realms the culmination of seven years of buildup and the result couldn't be better. The book is fantastic, possibly the best event since Hickman's Secret Wars in 2015.

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Wolverine (2020) #1

Feb 25, 2020

Wolverine's first issue might have its share of problems and it definitely isn't the best book around, but it's still great-looking and fun read. Give it a shot!

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X-Men (2019) #7

Feb 27, 2020

While some have been playing loose with the whole idea of resurrections, it's refreshing to see the architect of the new X-Men dial back on it and show what Mutants are really doing - playing with something no one really understands. This might be the best issue of the Dawn of X so far.

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Reviews for the Week of...


