Arslan corner 's Profile

Joined: Sep 04, 2019

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Arslan corner added Doomsday Clock to their pull list Jan 8, 2020

Doomsday Clock

DC Comics presents to you a 12-issue maxiseries from the critically acclaimed team of writer Geoff Johns, artist Gary Frank and colorist Brad Anderson. You are not prepared for what lies ahead within these pages, good readers.

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Doomsday Clock #12

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: Dec 18, 2019

This is it! The final showdown between Dr. Manhattan and Superman shakes up the DC Universe to its very core! But can even the Man of Steel walk out from the shadow of Manhattan?

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Arslan corner posted on egonnn244's profile Nov 25, 2019

Hi there, Egon244. Arslan here, Hope you are doing well today. There is a question that I'm interested to ask your opinion regarding Two old Superman stories from the pre-crisis Era of DC. Please let me know if you are interested.

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egonnn244 - Nov 30, 2019

It's a good story and I think it does still holds up today. I especially enjoyed the scenes with Mongul and Moore really sold the subsequent anger of Superman, after he woke up. For the negatives, I'd say that the jumps between reality and dream Krypton were a little bit jarring at times and the epilogue were everyone, especially Superman, were suddenly, miraculously ok was a bit odd. But it's the first pre-crisis story I ever read, so maybe it was a thing back then.

egonnn244 - Nov 30, 2019

As I said, it's a good story, nothing groundbreaking but definitely worth checking out. If I were to use the rating system of this site I would give it 7,5/10. Oh, I haven't mentioned Gibbons' art. Well, it looks great. That part definitely still holds up today.

Arslan corner liked this:
Nihilist reviewed Legion of Super-Heroes #1 Nov 6, 2019

You know what pisses me off? The sheer fact we've got two meaningless comics intended to set up this series, but Bendis did nothing to really lay down any foundation that would prepare us, readers, for what's to come.
It's a messy issue, and I expected it to be messy, considering how many characters is going to be featured in the series. I remember feeling the same back when I was first watch more

Legion of Super-Heroes #1

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Ryan Sook
Released: Nov 6, 2019

Welcome to the 31st century! Inspired by the acts of and lessons learned from the greatest heroes of all time, the Legion of Super-Heroes have gathered together to stop a galaxy from repeating its past mistakes. The greatest lineup of heroes in comic book history returns with new, fresh, and reader-friendly stories!
Eisner Award-winning writer...

+ LikeComments (4)
Psycamorean - Nov 11, 2019

As always, you should come to your own opinion, but the Legion is not up to much.

RBL - Nov 13, 2019

It’s trash-tier writing, might as well say this Legion’s flight rings malfunctioned and never took off.

Arslan corner commented on this:
ohhaimark reviewed Doomsday Clock #11 Sep 7, 2019


-Gary Frank is such a wonderful artist. I need some of these panels hanging in my room.

-I really like the storytelling here. It can feel a bit staccato at once, especially with the dialogue voiceovers constantly changing, but it keeps an otherwise boring issue interesting.

-Lex Luthor was perfectly written here.

-The Carver Colman photograp more

Doomsday Clock #11

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: Sep 4, 2019

The critically acclaimed series by the renowned team of writer Geoff Johns and artist Gary Frank marches toward its conclusion. In this penultimate issue, the truth behind "Rebirth" is revealed as Batman searches for the one person he believes can help him save the world...Rorschach!

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Arslan corner - Nov 7, 2019

Hi ohhaimark. Hope you are doing well today. Speaking of Saturn girl, Can you explain me how she disappear? It's something that I'm not clear about. Am I missing a detail here? I know why she disappear, but don't know how?

Psycamorean posted on Arslan corner 's profile Nov 3, 2019

What is this account?

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Arslan corner - Nov 3, 2019

Hmmm....thats kinda interesting if you feel that way because I don't think that I'm.

Psycamorean - Nov 4, 2019

Okay lol

Arslan corner posted on Nihilist's profile Nov 3, 2019

Hi there. There is a question that I'm curious to ask your thoughts about regarding Two old Superman stories. These are two famous stories from pre-crisis Era of DC. Please let me know if you are interested.

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Arslan corner - Nov 3, 2019

OK that fine. I was actually going to ask you about the two Alan Moore superman stories. Man who has everything and Whatever happens to the Man of Tomorrow.

Nihilist - Nov 4, 2019

Oh, out of these to, I only have read Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow :(

Arslan corner posted on ohhaimark's profile Oct 9, 2019

Hi there, Ohhaimark. There is different question that I'm curious to ask your thoughts about regarding Two old Superman stories. Please let me know if you are interested.

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Arslan corner - Oct 13, 2019

I ask this because Zach Synder's Man of steel tries to build a modern deconstructive take on Superman. But, for some reason it comes across seriously off. Note: Sorry for the delay response, kinda been occupied with other stuff.

ohhaimark - Oct 13, 2019

Hey, no problem. Yeah, I agree about Man of Steel. I actually enjoy the film, but that's purely subjective. I'm not like one of those crazy Snyder fanboys who thinks everything he does is a work of art. The film just entertained me, despite all its flaws.

Arslan corner commented on this:
allenquanobi reviewed Superman #16 Oct 9, 2019

Didn't really like anything about this issue. Damian is written overly sappy and out of character. The reunion was too short, and just reminded me of the decision to end super sons too much. I also didn't like the art, it looked a lot like manga/anime, which is fine for some people, but I'm not really a fan of it.

Superman #16

By: Brian Michael Bendis, David Lafuente
Released: Oct 9, 2019

The Super Sons are back! But now Jon is five years older, and he's sitting on the biggest decision of his young life. Damian and Jon team up again for a rip-roaring adventure and a huge catch-up! These two best buds have really needed each other, and now they are back!

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allenquanobi - Oct 10, 2019

ya he doesnt get writing damian and jons relationship at all, specifically damian. it's a shame

Arslan corner - Oct 10, 2019

Hmmm... I see. By the way Allen, there is a question which I'm curious to ask your opinion regarding two famous, but old superman stories from pre-crisis continuity. If you're interested, I can the post the question to your page.

Arslan corner posted on ohhaimark's profile Oct 3, 2019

Hi there. Lately, I'm observing alot of negative/polarizing feedback toward Brian Michael Bendis's writing work/run by Fans on different DC titles. I think it's interesting topic to talk about, if u interested of course. According to you, Why is bendis's writing not working for DC titles such a Supes, action, Legion, laviathan etc?

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Arslan corner - Oct 4, 2019

Thanks for the reply. By the way, I hoping next time we could discuss about Johnathan Hickman's House of X run with you. If you are interested, please let me know.

ohhaimark - Oct 6, 2019

Of course! I love Hickman's House of X run. I don't know if I'm the best one to discuss it with, since I'm not too keen on X-Men lore and a lot of it goes over my head, but I really enjoy the run.


Doomsday Clock #9

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: Mar 6, 2019

The critically acclaimed series by master storytellers Geoff Johns and Gary Frank reaches its most shocking chapter yet when the DC Universe collides with its greatest threat: Dr. Manhattan. But nothing is hidden from Manhattan, and the secrets of the past, present and future will rock the very foundation of the DC Universe.

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Doomsday Clock #8

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: Dec 5, 2018

The critical and commercial hit series by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank continues following the shocking revelations of last issue. As the truth behind Dr. Manhattan's actions against the DC Universe are revealed, Ozymandias turns to the only being who can stop him: Superman.

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Arslan corner posted on Nihilist's profile Oct 2, 2019

Hi there. Lately, I'm observing alot of polarizing feedback toward Brian Michael Bendis's writing work/run by Fans on different DC titles. I think it's interesting topic to talk about, if interested of course. According to you, Why is bendis's writing not working for DC titles such a Supes, action, Legion, laviathan etc?

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Arslan corner - Oct 3, 2019

I don't think that bendis is a bad/incompetent writer. But, I think it's safe to say, he the under the weather these days. As some his work is quite good. The Example being ultimate Spiderman run from the 2000's. I think he works best with street level heroes. If, I were working at DC, I would suggest the editor team to give him a comic run regarding street-level heroes like The Question or green arrow in an out-of-continuity story. And, let him be creative or crazy on it.

Nihilist - Oct 3, 2019

I don't find him a bad/incompetent writer either. Maybe an unfitting for certain series he's chosen to write, and most definitely one that should be kept in control by the editorial, which doesn't happen. Not sure about Question, since he's a Z-list character. Maybe he'd be a good pick, but Bendis seems to be in this tough spot where he has name recognition and respect, so DC can't say "no" to him, but at the same time writes shit these days. Kinda like Miller, Azzarello or King.

Arslan corner posted on allenquanobi's profile Oct 2, 2019

Hi there, Allen Lately, I'm observing alot of negative/polarizing feedback toward Brian Michael Bendis's writing work/run by Fans on different DC titles. I think it's interesting topic to discuss about, if interested of course. According to you, Why isn't bendis's writing not working for DC titles such a Supes, action, Legion, laviathan etc?

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Arslan corner posted on egonnn244's profile Sep 30, 2019

Hi there, Egon244 What is your opinion on Alan Moore’s two Superman stories Superman: The Man Who Has Everything and Whatever happens to the Man of Tomorrow? Are these two stories perhaps the best superman stories?

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Arslan corner posted on ohhaimark's profile Sep 29, 2019

Hi there, Ohhaimark. This is the just a simple yet fun question that I'm interested to ask. Out of all the Doomsday clock covers from 1-12, Which one is your favorite?

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Arslan corner - Sep 29, 2019

Especially, last one were Dr Manhattan standing just below when the clock hits midnight. For me, that just screams awesome.

ohhaimark - Sep 29, 2019

Great choices! You're spot on about that #12 cover.

Arslan corner posted on allenquanobi's profile Sep 29, 2019

Hi there, Allen This is the just a simple yet fun question that I'm interested to ask. Out of all the Doomsday clock covers from 1-12, Which one is your favorite?

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Arslan corner posted on ohhaimark's profile Sep 27, 2019

Hi there. Are DC fans happy or unhappy with the current state of DC comics and with year of the villain event by Bendis and Synder?

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ohhaimark - Sep 27, 2019

Unfortunately not. It’s clear Johns’ vision for the DC Universe works well, as proven by the early days of Rebirth.

myconius - Oct 2, 2019

speaking for myself, a mild DC enthusiast, an absolute Batman fanatic, i'm pretty disgusted by the current state of DC comics. Tom King has been trashing Batman since 2016. and now Bendis has all but ruined all the good things Dan Jurgens and Peter Tomasi had done for Superman. i'm so far beyond caring anymore that i haven't bothered with any of their events, Year of the Villain, DCeased or Leviathan. just not going to waste the money or time.

Arslan corner posted on allenquanobi's profile Sep 24, 2019

Hi there. Are DC fans happy or unhappy with the current state of DC comics and with year of the villain event by Bendis and Synder?

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allenquanobi - Sep 24, 2019

I believe so, it really shows in the last issue. It reeks of editorial meddling, completely rushed with nearly every story getting an unsatisfying ending and quickly rushed up, Black Adam gets punched by Superman, Saturn Girl gets erased, Batman just stops the nuke out of nowhere. The pacing of the story was relatively normal until that last issue; issue 10 was probably the best issue DC has put out in years, which was right before 11, the rushed one. And it shows a lot

Arslan corner - Sep 24, 2019

I only hope that johns delivers a overall proper conclusion to doomsday clock series in issue #12. But, we have to wait for it. Again! Anyway, thanks for the discussion.

Arslan corner posted on Nihilist's profile Sep 24, 2019

Hi there. Are DC fans happy or unhappy with the current state of DC comics and with year of the villain event by Bendis and Synder?

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Nihilist - Sep 25, 2019

... etc. That's something core DC fans aren't interested in, from what I've seen so far. Can't say they are disappointed, they're just not the target audience for these releases. I also forgot to mention about quality drop related to some long running series, like Deathstroke, which was one of Rebirth's biggest highlights, and now is somewhat mediocre. That's a natural state - it's impossible to keep the original quality forever. Then again, combined with poor reception of Batman, Superman...

Nihilist - Sep 25, 2019

... Utter disasters in form of Heroes in Crisis or Batman #50, and failed experiment New Age of Heroes was, I think fan disappointment is growing over time. There's still plenty of great series to read, but overall we can observe DC is struggling more and more.

Arslan corner posted on Darkseid24's profile Sep 24, 2019

Are DC fans happy or unhappy with the current state of DC comics with the year of the villain event by Bendis and Synder? If not, why?

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Darkseid24 - Oct 4, 2019

I‘m not happy ( can’t speak for all), because Year of the Villains doesn’t really concentrate on the villains, only on the JL& some heroes going crazy. It also feels like a cheap copy of Underworld Unleashed to me. Sorry for my late reply,I just saw this.

Arslan corner commented on this:
egonnn244 reviewed Justice League #32 Sep 21, 2019

"Let's bring her down!"

Good issue, I just wish Jorge Jimenez did this one as well. His style fits all the craziness that is happening in this arc more.

Justice League #32

By: James Tynion IV, Howard Porter
Released: Sep 18, 2019

"The Justice Doom War" part three! Things are getting dangerous across the time stream. On one side of time, the Justice League team finds heroic purpose; on the other, it's a future full of chaos and trial. It's the Totality in action. If they can't stop Lex's Legion across all fronts, there may be only one other option: embrace Doom!

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Arslan corner - Sep 22, 2019

If you have the time, check out JL dark. I heard it's quite good.

egonnn244 - Sep 22, 2019

It is good. You just can't read everything.

Arslan corner rated House of X #4 Sep 13, 2019

House of X #4

By: Jonathan Hickman, Pepe Larraz
Released: Sep 4, 2019

Xavier's dream turns deadly for some of his students as they fight back against the humans' plan to eliminate them. Superstar writer Jonathan Hickman (FANTASTIC FOUR, AVENGERS, SECRET WARS) continues his reshaping of the X-Universe alongside Young Gun artist Pepe Larraz (EXTERMINATION, AVENGERS). The Future of the X-Men begins here!
Rated T+

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Arslan corner reviewed Doomsday Clock #10 Sep 8, 2019

A fabulous issue from an interesting yet delayed comic series.

Doomsday Clock #10

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 29, 2019

This stunning issue of the critically acclaimed hit maxiseries reveals the secrets behind Dr. Manhattan and his connection to the DC Universe.

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Doomsday Clock #11

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: Sep 4, 2019

The critically acclaimed series by the renowned team of writer Geoff Johns and artist Gary Frank marches toward its conclusion. In this penultimate issue, the truth behind "Rebirth" is revealed as Batman searches for the one person he believes can help him save the world...Rorschach!

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Arslan corner commented on this:
Danny reviewed Doomsday Clock #11 Sep 2, 2019

A detailed and SPOILER-FREE Review

The issue debates the forces of faith and disbelief. I haven't seen a world brimmed with so much darkness since Moore's Watchmen. This isn't what DC stands for BUT that's what Johns WANTS us to see. His thesis in this issue is that superheroes are there to breathe through that darkness, that is, to inspire; and it's up to us whether to have faith in th more

Doomsday Clock #11

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: Sep 4, 2019

The critically acclaimed series by the renowned team of writer Geoff Johns and artist Gary Frank marches toward its conclusion. In this penultimate issue, the truth behind "Rebirth" is revealed as Batman searches for the one person he believes can help him save the world...Rorschach!

+ LikeComments (5)
Arslan corner - Sep 7, 2019

Humm... Interesting. Its kinda funny though, due to this issue some are quite scared about the Final issue. I Hope Geoff johns delivers a proper conclusion.

Danny - Sep 7, 2019

Like I said in my review:" I have faith that Johns will deliver in issue 12 and if he doesn't, well, read the quote by Theodore Roosevelt, the one that appears at the end of issue 3 of Doomsday Clock. Whatever happens in issue 12 Johns can go to the grave being the one writer to have dared. That's his ace in the hole." Issue 12 is slated for this Nov. We'll just have to wait and see.

Arslan corner commented on this:
Nihilist reviewed Doomsday Clock #11 Sep 4, 2019

For 10 issues straight, we've been asking many questions about the series, its plot, potential endgoal and impact on DC Comics. How is it all connected, what motivate the main cast? There's still left to wonder, but let me tell you - #11 answers a lot. More than expected, in fact, showing us how intricate, detailed and interconnected its story is, really. It's not just a prelude to the finale, it' more

Doomsday Clock #11

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: Sep 4, 2019

The critically acclaimed series by the renowned team of writer Geoff Johns and artist Gary Frank marches toward its conclusion. In this penultimate issue, the truth behind "Rebirth" is revealed as Batman searches for the one person he believes can help him save the world...Rorschach!

+ LikeComments (6)
Arslan corner - Sep 4, 2019

Hi, Ni.. hmmm... interesting. Let me ask you, Did you able to follow the story? That also another complaint which some people have that it's kinda uneven/hard to follow. And, the funny thing is, Some are worried about the conclusion. I hope that Geoff johns delivers.

Nihilist - Sep 6, 2019

If you know Watchmen, and have the basic understanding of DC's universe, you should be fine. It's still a multilayered comic, with plenty of parallel arcs and themes going on, but so far, it's been pretty competently explained, I think.

Arslan corner commented on this:
egonnn244 reviewed Doomsday Clock #11 Sep 4, 2019

"Item #12"

Today's World is a terrible place to live in. We've got hurricanes, greedy politicians, neonazis and people generally being d*cks to each other.
But among this wide river of s*it, there has been one bright spot for some time now, one consistently good thing: Doomsday Clock. And the penultimate issue is no different.

Issue #11 might not have much to offer in te more

Doomsday Clock #11

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: Sep 4, 2019

The critically acclaimed series by the renowned team of writer Geoff Johns and artist Gary Frank marches toward its conclusion. In this penultimate issue, the truth behind "Rebirth" is revealed as Batman searches for the one person he believes can help him save the world...Rorschach!

+ LikeComments (3)
egonnn244 - Sep 6, 2019

No, I wasn't underwhelmed. At first, I was half-expecting some big fight between Diana and Adam, but what I got was satisfying just the same. Seeing how Luthor was piecing all of it together and learning just how crazy Ozzy is was really good. And it all set the perfect stage for the finale. I never felt the book had pacing problems, its release schedule, sure, but the book itself, no. It's very story-driven and it takes its time telling it, but I was never bored.

TheImageIsStrong - Sep 14, 2019

Arslan are you a bot? Or did you just paste and copy this question to everyone who reviewed this book? You work at Marvel?

Arslan corner commented on this:
REYNARD reviewed Doomsday Clock #11 Sep 4, 2019

Well, fuck. (Spoilers)

Even at its crescendo, Doomsday Clock leaves us yet again with more questions than answers.

This chapter brings together all loose threads and plot lines in the series, while simultaneously acting as a mirror to Watchmen's own penultimate issue. Adrian reveals his master plan to Saturn Girl like he previously id to Rorschach and Night-Owl, but instead o more

Doomsday Clock #11

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: Sep 4, 2019

The critically acclaimed series by the renowned team of writer Geoff Johns and artist Gary Frank marches toward its conclusion. In this penultimate issue, the truth behind "Rebirth" is revealed as Batman searches for the one person he believes can help him save the world...Rorschach!

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Arslan corner - Sep 4, 2019

Hi there, Nice overall review. But, I was scrolling down the following comic reviews and I've noticed that some are quite underwhelmed by this issue of Doomsday clock. Some of them suggest that the story itself was largely an info-dump, and revealed some of the pacing problems. So, I'm curious to ask, Do you find some the problems as well or maybe you see it differently?

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