Nightwing #61

Writer: Dan Jurgens Artist: Chris Mooneyham Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 19, 2019 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 12 User Reviews: 19
6.8Critic Rating
6.6User Rating

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Blüdhaven is burning! Ric Grayson and the Nightwings are helpless against the rampage of Burnback. Will they be able to pull themselves together as a team in order to prevent Blüdhaven from becoming ash? Confronted with their most dire threat yet, Ric and the Nightwings must find a way to come together if lives are to be saved.

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Philip Clark Jun 22, 2019

    Safe to say, I am highly excited for the rest ofNightwing, and seeing where Jurgens takes this story. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    The Brazen Bull - Robert Zadotti Jun 19, 2019

    This latestNightwing story arc concludes with a fiery display of heart, heat, and character in a way that essentially sets the mold for what all future story arcs in this era of the character should be. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Comic Watch - Nicholas Osborn Jun 26, 2019

    While Team Nightwing hasn't particularly been all that thrilling so far, 'Nightwing #61' pulls the ragtag group together for an emotionally engaging story that finally feels worthwhile. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Dark Knight News - Steve J Ray Jun 19, 2019

    Nightwing #61 delivered a strong and conclusive ending, but left us with a tantalising tease for what's to follow: The Year Of The Villain is upon us. How will this event affect Mr. Grayson and the Nightwings? Join me back here in four weeks, and we can find out together. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Bin - Philip Schweier Jun 19, 2019

    Given the title is Nightwing, I can't help but wonder if it might be time for Ric Grayson to step off-stage for a while, and leave the crime fighting in the hands of those who now wear the costume. Perhaps a story that reinforces them as a team, or maybe something with a bit more individual character development. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Forces Of Geek - Lenny Schwartz Jun 21, 2019

    The art by Ronan Cliquet is pretty good. I enjoyed what he did with the art here. His storytelling is really great! Overall, it's a pretty good story that falls a bit off the rails at the end. Read Full Review

  • 6.8
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Jun 19, 2019

    While there is some good stuff to be found within the pages of this issue of Nightwing, the ending to this arc just kind of came off as a whimper and wasn't as emotional as I would have liked either.  It just kind of came off flat, but thankfully we had some amazing art and some really good looks at how this group of new heroes sees their new partner Ric Grayson and who he sees them.  Not to mention, everyone but Ric is named at this point and I'm really happy to know what to call these heroes. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Jun 19, 2019

    Dan Jurgens is really trying his best on this title, but there just isn't all that much to work with in a book that no longer features its main character in any recognizable way and tries to get us invested in a bunch of Scott Lobdell's OCs. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    AIPT - Chris Showalter Jun 20, 2019

    Nightwing #61 is a decent end to the "City Ablaze" storyline that robs Hutch of some closure. Read Full Review

  • 6.0 - Adam Barnhardt Jun 19, 2019

    For taking over the title in the midst of a story arc, Dan Jurgens does a killer job wrapping it up nice and tight. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    Batman-News - Joshua McDonald Jun 21, 2019

    Nightwing #61 feels like a “been there, done that” because that's essentially what 75% of the book is" a regurgitation of story and formula from the past two or three issues. There are a few moments that are ok, but mostly the book gets in its own way because DC insists on recapping the story in the opening pages of each chapter" It's not worth your time or money, and it's going to make an incredibly trying read once collected. You can skip this and thank me later. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    The Batman Universe - H. Ham Jun 20, 2019

    I feel like this story arc was supposed to be longer, four or possibly five issues. But Jurgens was told otherwise and was forced to cut it down to three. Really underwhelming ending to a pretty average storyline. Let's see what happens next issue. Read Full Review

  • 10
    A7sus420 Jul 4, 2019

    This was a great issue, my favorite Ric Grayson issue by far. Lots of fast paced action and team building. I enjoyed the burnback story as well. I dig team Nightwing.

  • 8.5
    ohhaimark Jun 19, 2019


    -It's a miracle. I actually liked this issue. Am I okay?

    -To start off, the art is nice. Mooneyham's was kind of starting to grow on me, but this is much better. And the colors are great.

    -The action sequences here are actually really entertaining.

    -The twist at the end was surprisingly good.

    -And then, the real reason I liked this issue. The end. Holy god, that was great. It was an excellently subtle juxtaposition of comedy and tragedy, it was impactful, well-executed and the narration was great. I may not have liked the story at all, but Jurgens nailed the ending!

    THE BAD:

    -I don't care for Nightwing Gold (ugh, why do their names have to sound so muc more

  • 7.5
    ComicNerd96 Jun 30, 2019

    There are inklings of Dick Grayson to be found in this issue...unfortunately Ric is still with us. Still the best issue post-amnesia.

  • 7.5

    I sort of liked this. Sometimes just a simple ass story can be refreshing. It had a clear A to B plot and it resolved in a satisfying way.

  • 7.5
    Darkseid24 Jun 19, 2019

    Another good issue& a fresh conclusion to a story.

    I don’t think the reveal of who the monster was is surprising, but it’s cool to see a connection to Doomsday Clock by mentioning the metagene. Doesn’t happen often in canon comics despite DDC being an important story. It was also nice to see a different ending& not an ending, that’s just black and white.

    I think the way Dick is calling the Nightwings are fun& their interaction was fun to read as well. Like I said as for me the Ric thing can go on a little longer, since the concept is fresh& interesting.

    Would have preferred Mooneyham‘s art, but Cliquet‘s was fine as well.

    So overall I’m looking forward to next issue.

  • 7.0
    AdmiralWhiskers Jun 19, 2019

    Most solid book thus far this week outside of Superman Year One. Writing makes sense. Art is exciting (made easier by the subject matter). A strong conclusion to the arc while advancing the larger story. I wasn't planning on liking this, but I really did. 7.0/10.

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 5.0
    RBL Jun 19, 2019

    Tl;dr predictable issue with serviceable enough action and fairly solid dialogue for a change. First issue of “ric” that I would not say one would not regret reading. Would not recommend a purchase unless you are a fan of this arc as it’s the finale to it.

    First issue in ric’s existence that is not completely terrible, only took 11 issues for decent writing to be present.

    That said, the twist regarding the identity of the antagonist is as predictable as it gets and there is still little to no growth on the Nightwings, except they showcase how much more gung-ho and willing to use deadly force the sole woman in the group is.

    ric for the first time is not an unbearable, irritating individual and finally more

  • 4.0
    Psycamorean Jun 23, 2019

    Still sucks.

  • 3.0
    Spacey Medicine Jul 23, 2019

    “After being shot in the head and losing all my memories I have decided to not be Nightwing. But that doesn’t mean I can’t be Nightwing.” Shut up, I hate you and hope you die.

  • 1.5
    LunaMoody Jun 19, 2019

    These Nightwings are just not interesting characters. This has been the stupidest story arc from the beginning and it's not getting any better. A handful of cops find Nightwings old suits and think that makes them qualified to be superheroes??? Really???? And how is it these days everyone seems to be able to swing around on roof tops? I'm sorry but I'm pretty sure if that was possible that there would still have to be some training on that. When is this story going to end??? These characters are not even remotely interesting. They even look like people just playing dress up and not like heroes at all. Plus wouldn't a team of unknown people going around in Dick/Ric's uniforms and using Batman made gear get Batman's attention? I hope Dick/Ric more

    + LikeComments (8)
  • 10
    wing81 May 23, 2021

  • 10
    Lock Jul 9, 2019

  • 7.5
    Krakoa Foreva Dec 11, 2022

  • 7.0
    Watchtower022 Jun 22, 2019

  • 6.5
    mikesbr42 Aug 29, 2020

  • 6.0
    ComiczLover Dec 11, 2022

  • 6.0
    sebastianorellana95 Jun 24, 2019

  • 5.0
    Andrew Mar 9, 2021

  • 5.0
    Radar Jun 21, 2019

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