Undiscovered Country #1

Writer: Charles Soule, Scott Snyder Artist: Giuseppe Camuncoli Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: November 6, 2019 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 31 User Reviews: 42
9.0Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

SERIES PREMIERE! This November, New York Times bestselling writers SCOTT SNYDER (WYTCHES, A.D.: AFTER DEATH) and CHARLES SOULE (CURSE WORDS, the forthcoming novel Anyone) will team up with artists GIUSEPPE CAMUNCOLI (The Amazing Spider-Man, Darth Vader, Hellblazer) and DANIELE ORLANDINI (Darth Vader) and 2019 Eisner Award-winning colorist MATT WILSON (THE WICKED AND THE DIVINE, PAPER GIRLS) to embark on an epic adventure in the brand-new ongoing series, UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY!
In this special oversized first issue, readers will journey into the near future, and an unknown nation that was once the United States of America-a land that's beco more

  • 10
    Graphic Policy - Brett Nov 6, 2019

    Undiscovered Country #1 is one of the strongest debuts of the year. It delivers an adventure and mystery all mixed into one. It introduces us to a fleshed-out possible future that as a reader, I want to explore. Add in lots of extras in backmatter material and you have a first issue that's a must get. Read Full Review

  • 10
    The Brazen Bull - Charlie Chipman Nov 6, 2019

    Much more than a cautionary tale, Undiscovered Country highlights the artificiality of modern civilization, and, specifically the absurdity of current policies and the overall social climate that modern readers find themselves trudging through. Haunting and surreal, Undiscovered Country demands to be read. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Spartantown - Enrique Rea Nov 5, 2019

    It takes a seasoned confident team of creatives to take on such a sprawling epic of a story where anything can happen. Forget about replacing 'The Walking Dead' this is 'Lord of the Rings' type of mythmaking. Issue one opens the door to a fascinating alternative reality that doesn't seem too fantastical simply because such a reality potentially is one outbreak away under an authoritarian regime. With that said, 'Undiscovered Country' is a first-class fantasy on the threshold of becoming the newest pop culture phenomenon. Get on board now. Read Full Review

  • 10
    But Why Tho? - Mateo Guerrero Nov 6, 2019

    You can find Undiscovered Country #1 now wherever comics are sold and online through our affiliate link. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Kabooooom - Matt Morrison Nov 6, 2019

    I will allow myself one bold prediction;Undiscovered Countrywill be the next Saga. Not just because it is a great work of imagination (although it is that) but because it will be the independent title everyone goes gaga over and wonders "Why didn't I pick that one up when it first came out?" Don't let that happen to you. Pick up Undiscovered Country as soon as possible. Do it for America. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Bookcase - Zack Quaintance Oct 28, 2019

    Undiscovered Country is going to be Images next big hit. A complex and thoughtful comic told expertly by a team of veteran creators, this book is a dense and thoughtful adventure of the highest order. Let me be clear you should read this book. Read Full Review

  • 9.8
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Nov 6, 2019

    Camuncoli and Orlandini step up to the plate and knock one out of the park with the visuals in this issue. Not only are the characters drawn beautifully, but the vistas, creatures and vehicles are rendered in fantastic detail. I have a feeling the art is only going to get more intense as the series progresses. Read Full Review

  • 9.7
    Comic Watch - Ross Hutchinson Nov 6, 2019

    Undiscovered Country #1 is a beautifully illustrated and colored cinematic first issue that draws you in and wraps around your psyche from the opening scene and does not let go till the last page with tight perfectly pitched narrative and highly believable world-building. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Forces Of Geek - Lenny Schwartz Nov 7, 2019

    Snyder and Soule work perfectly together writing this book. The art is pretty amazing and great as well. This is only the first chapter and I can't wait to see where it goes. It may in fact be the best debut issue of a new series that I have seen in quite awhile. Well done. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Nov 2, 2019

    I have no idea where this story is going, but I'm looking forward to the ride as we explore this new vision of America - a land of dreams and nightmares aplenty! Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comic Watch - Cody White Oct 26, 2019

    Undiscovered Country #1 (Snyder, Soule, Camuncoli, Orlandini, Wilson) is nearly upon us and looks to be an exceptionally complex and gorgeous entry into the world of comics. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    GWW - Percy Waelchl Nov 6, 2019

    Fans familiar with the expansive worlds created by Snyder and Soule will be hooked by the final page of this issue. Readers with an interested in culture and society will want to return to this world they created. And any citizen could benefit from the questions this series is starting to raise. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    Sequential Planet - Marcus Orchard Nov 3, 2019

    Undiscovered Country#1 is as good of a debut as it can be. Snyder, Soule, and the rest of the creative team have given readers an incredible product that is entertaining and provokes thought. This project is clearly dear to the creators, and that love shows in every speech bubble and panel. The final few pages tease a bright future for this series, and I can't wait to see where it goes next. Add this one to your pull list. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Beyond The Panel - Jideobi Odunze Nov 6, 2019

    That's what the US has become!? Yes, that is what you will find yourself asking by the end of this first issue. It was worth the price as well being a special oversized first issue too. Undiscovered Country #1 takes every plausible outcome of the United States of America walling itself off from the rest of the world, and throws it out the window. If you even had any assumption that this was going to be a story grounded to reality? You can also toss that right out the window. High adventure is what you're bracing yourself for. This is a bold world we are stepping into, and you damn well sure will want to explore every bit of it. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    You Don't Read Comics - Jason A. Fleece Nov 6, 2019

    Undiscovered Country #1 is a solid debut, with some interesting themes and some fantastic worldbuilding. Its not a home run for Image, not the next Walking Dead or Saga, but it has potential. Recommended. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Major Spoilers - Jonathan Cadotte Nov 7, 2019

    Scott Snyder claims that this is a passion project for him and Charles Soule and so far, it shows. Couple that with art and colors by a trio of truly talented artists and you have the making for a great issue and the beginning of what could be a brilliant series. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Pastrami Nation - Nolan Smith Nov 23, 2019

    Without giving away too much in the review, I will say that Snyder and Soule have crafted an introduction that has readers minds racing. From the crazy map we see of the new United States to the opposition the team faces, I am blown away by what this story brings. I honestly didnt expect so much to happen so fast, but it has me hooked for sure. With a story that tugs at the strings of our current political reality and ramps it up to 112, Undiscovered Country shows that the hype is real. God Bless the U.S. of A. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Big Comic Page - Adam Brown Nov 5, 2019

    Given how much is in here, it would be remiss of me to not say theres something for everyone. Political thriller or semi-sensible science fiction that looks set to rock its way into a post-apocalyptic road trip? Dont mind if I do. Do yourself a favour and check out this post-apocalypt-a-palooza! Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    The Daily Fandom - Brandon Bloxdorf Nov 6, 2019

    In the end, this first issue comes off as a pretty solid first start. It's a massive project for the team, and it looks like this series may go on for quite a while. This first issue shows plenty of potential for readers to stay hooked. As similar as Undiscovered Country is to other dystopian futures, it still feels very refreshing so far. With an anticipated feature release coming out, it's a book worth picking up. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Cody Walker Nov 4, 2019

    Undiscovered Country feels like a worthy successor to The Walking Dead and it couldn't come at a better time, because I'm sick of zombies. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Black Nerd Problems - Brandon Lawrence Nov 10, 2019

    This book incorporates the anxieties, ideals, lore and realistic predictions that any American will identify with. Still, it manages to maintain a level of subtlety you wouldn't expect in a book with an "Air Wall".8.5 "Desert Sharks" out of 10 Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicsverse - Ronnie Gorham Nov 7, 2019

    Thirty years since the US shut its borders to the rest of the world, a team embarks on a dangerous journey into the United States for a cure to a virus that could save the human race. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Multiversity Comics - Rowan Grover Nov 7, 2019

    A speculative, relevant and familiar ride that feels highly original and endlessly interesting, "Undiscovered Country" #1 is worth your time. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge Nov 5, 2019

    Ambitious, densely presented, and gorgeously rendered, Undiscovered Country #1 really goes big. It comes to shelves with a big cast, big ideas, and expansive, deeply designed artwork. But you really have to commit to the long-term potential of this series to get anything from it. As a single issue of comics, it is surely too dense for a casual reader, at times reading more like a sprawling novel than tightly paced comic. But for someone looking for the start of a real-deal epic, one that already has far-reaching plans in place for future arcs and settings, Undiscovered Country #1 is the start of a wild, wooly journey into alternative history. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Doom Rocket - Clyde Hall Nov 7, 2019

    Undiscovered Country presents ample variables on perceptions of our global village taken to conclusions both logical and insane. Possibly jingoistically romping mad. The protagonists are on the clock, and midnight marks the death of humanity. Meantime, there's a whodunit in their midst, the question of who an invitation to visit America serves. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicBook.com - Chase Magnett Nov 6, 2019

    The structure, presentation, and ideas swirling in Undiscovered Country #1 make it an exemplar of how to introduce a new idea and earn the sort of hype that has swirled about this title. If future issues fulfill the promises found here, Undiscovered Country is bound to be a hit. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Forrest C. Helvie Nov 8, 2019

    Overall, Undiscovered Country #1 feels slow as Snyder and Soule have a lot of background to cover in this oversized first issue, so readers will need to be patient. But given their penchant for bombast, it's likely we will see future issues pick up the pace, especially given the introduction of the warring factions in the seemingly utopian world of the United States. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - Vishal Gullapalli Nov 5, 2019

    Undiscovered Country #1 is an interesting first issue to a series with a lot of promise. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Nov 9, 2019

    Solid, enjoyable and very imaginative first issue that has a couple personal hang-ups that I felt like nitpicking about. Read Full Review

  • 7.6
    Geek'd Out - Josh Rose Nov 6, 2019

    In the vein of The Lost Continentby Edgar Rice Burroughs,Undiscovered Country#1is a fantasy adventure story that would rival the best pulp comics. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Word Of The Nerd - Jordan Claes Nov 7, 2019

    I'm extremely hopeful for Undiscovered Country. It has all of the makings to become an incredible series and, rest assured, I'm still reading along"albeit with somewhat bated breath. The first issue was simply lacking in execution. There are some big holes to fill as far as the plot and overall story arc are concerned. Also, and maybe this is just me, but if you're going to market an "oversized issue" then make it an oversized issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Pablo Ochoa Nov 23, 2019

    I have a controversy here. The idea, since the beginning, attracted me for all the possible outcomes when the first recon team crossed the doors after 30 years.

    ¿What happens when a country isolates from the world? I don't know if I answered that question in my mind a long time ago but when I started reading the comic I found out that my idea was miles away. I suspected: fog, darkness, a chill environment... loneliness. A team moving forward through ghost cities.

    Instead my expectations were shut down with a Mad Max/Mortal Engines remix, with color, with a very unstable ground. The comic have to much dialogue and not very well distributed, there are a strange mix up between politics and fantasy. Not saying here that more

  • 8.5
    DDJamesB Nov 18, 2019

    I thought this was a really good read. I think the plot is great and i like how they started everything. Did it have some weird parts yes bit, the good far outweighed the bad and im in it for now. The art to me could have fit the book a little better with q different artist but overall was good enough.

  • 8.0
    I Review Comics Jan 4, 2020

    One of the reasons I tend to enjoy reading a Mark Millar comic is because something cool happens in every issue. I'll get an interesting concept backed up by something really cool that happens either in the story or the linework which is also usually strong.

    As I read Undiscovered Country for the second time I was reminded of Mark Millar. I love the concept of this series but unlike a Millar book, I didn't really care for the story here. Before digging into the issue I want to commend the creative team for launching the series at 3.99. Undiscovered Country is a high profile title and it could have easily demanded a 4.99 or higher cover price. Maintaining the industry standard for a 34-page comic is a class act and should be poin more

  • 8.0
    jbong Nov 6, 2019

    Whether you want politics in your comic books or not, the timing and nature of this book demands that modern day American politics be tackled on in some capacity. On the surface, with its large roster of unique characters and dystopian setting, this book will feel like it is meant to be the next Walking Dead. But are Scott Snyder and Charles Soule, both very smart writers, setting this up to be something more? It is far too early to tell where this book will go, but I did wonder...is there a hidden political message in this book? Are the writers trying to tell us that the US is too busy with infighting to deal with the actual threat - climate change? Even if Undiscovered Country succeeds as a character-driven drama, just a teeny bit of this more

  • 8.0
    pablo Nov 6, 2019

    Thanks, Trump.

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 8.0
    allenquanobi Nov 6, 2019

    Good start to this. Unsurprisingly, this already got picked up for a movie option by Hollywood. When I first heard this, I knew for sure this was a movie pitch or some kind of TV series pitch, which it definitely is and what Image/Snyder/Soule were aiming for. THey wanted hte next Walking Dead and they got it. Sounds cynical, but it's true. But about the comic itself, it's fine and a good solid start. I'm a fan of both writers, so this played right up my alley. What I hope for the rest of this series is each state gets their own issue to shine and build out. So a 50 issue series would be great, but what I don't want is some revolution plot or some factions plot, similar to what Fallout or East of West is. That isn't original.

  • 7.5
    Valiant Son Nov 12, 2019

    A decent enough opening issue. The premise is reasonably interesting, even if it borrows rather heavily from the Mad Max aesthetic. It is hampered, however, by some horribly clunky dialogue, not least when the doctor meets the colonel: Scott, Charles, nobody in the history of the world has ever had a real conversation like that! You are both experienced writers, so how about more subtlety with your info dumps?

    I fear that the hype surrounding this comic may prove too much for it to bear. The shill reviewers will award plaudits upon every issue, displaying little to no critical reason, and, on the evidence of some already published, there will be plenty of pseudo-intellectual pretentiousness within. Meanwhile, readers will find ge more

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  • 7.5
    W_himself Nov 8, 2019

    Solid. Well told. But not really hooky. Maybe also a little bit offputting that it's such an obvious tv pitch...

  • 7.5
    CaptnAmerca Nov 7, 2019

    For as hyped as this thing was, it was pretty underwhelming.

    I'll give it a chance, but I'm already getting that Lazarus vibe, where Rucka just got ridiculous in his non-sensical world-building.

    China calls in their debts? That's not how any of this works!

  • 7.5
    Psycamorean Nov 6, 2019

    I was initially not going to read this because I'm hardly a fan of Scott Snyder's writing, but then I heard a podcast where Charles Soule and Scott Snyder discussed it. And it sounded like a really cool idea, and that idea kinda sorta exists in this first issue, but it's hardly there. I'm sure that won't be true with the next issue, as it had to have some set up. But yeah, this first issue is pretty good. It's not amazing or anything, and I don't think it's the political commentary marvel that critics seem to think it is... but then again, I'm not a brain dead zombie feasting on buzz words that make me feel smart.

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  • 7.0
    Gizmo Nov 21, 2019

    To be honest, I was expecting something more. The concept sounds cool, but ultimately overindulges in the Mad Max angle and turns utterly ridiculous, trading a potential story core for fancy riding sharks. This is what I notice happens with Scott Snyder's writing when you let him off his leash, I guess I was hoping Charles Soule would exercise restraint on Snyder and ground the story. I'm not encouraged by the glorification of the CIA in the back matter either, considering how many democracies they've sabotaged.

  • 7.0
    Spacey Medicine Nov 15, 2019

    This is a cool idea, I think it has a lot of promise.

  • 7.0
    Kalaoui Nov 14, 2019

    I really tried to like this first issue. But maybe it was over hyped from way too many people as the next big thing and it's not even close to being a good story worth reading let alone a masterpiece that it was made out to be. Yes there was plenty of story to read and dissect in the oversized issue but what i found at the end was lacking any real substance and more a mix of rehashed ideas of what has already been done. Not original at all and those fantasy animals looked really bad which takes me to the art of Camuncoli who I was introduced to when Superior Spider-Man came out and his art was outstanding there back 6 years ago but this here looks like it suffers from being rushed and not as sharp and detailed as it should be. I'll pass on more

  • 7.0
    LunaMoody Nov 7, 2019

    Seems somewhat like a Mad Max rip off idea. While it was somewhat interesting, I don't feel it worth reading any more of the series

  • 5.0
    Cosmic Ray Nov 11, 2019

    I expect better from two pros like Charles and Scott. This is way too wordy to be fun and anything political in the current climate is just bad storytelling. Hunting for a disease cure? That's original!

  • 5.0
    Another Nerd Nov 9, 2019

    The first half of the issue is interesting, unfortunately it takes a turn for the worst when the Americans show up, kinda Mad Maxish, but their vehicles are propelled by fantasy creatures. It totally took me out of the story. I think I'm going to pass on this series.

  • 10
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