"The Detectives"! EVENT LEVIATHAN, the new miniseries by the award-winning team of writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Alex Maleev, continues! As the mystery of Leviathan continues to rock the very foundations of the DC Universe, the world's greatest detectives gather for the first time anywhere to solve the mystery before it's too late! Lois Lane leads Batman, Green Arrow, Plastic Man, Manhunter, the Question and a couple of genuine guest sleuths in the search for who Leviathan is and how their plans have already unfolded. This issue also guest-stars Red Hood, Batgirl and more!
Overall, this story has been referenced and hinted at since the arrival of Bendis, and so far it is succeeding in living up to the expectations it set for itself. Read Full Review
I think what makes this comic particularly impressive is the blend of the familiar and the foreign. I am a long time Bendis and Maleev fan and a long-standing Bat-Family fan. The Question is a character I have superficial knowledge of, but I've always been curious about. Lastly, loyally following the Leviathan story I am completely intrigued, especially with this take from the perspective of characters very different from Superman. Read Full Review
Event Leviathan is billed as a six-issue mystery thriller and after a stellar kick off issue, the second installment is absolutely living up to that. Read Full Review
Great story. Inspired art. Read Full Review
Event Leviathan #2 is a massive improvement over the first installment. Bendis has a much better handle on the dialogue this time around, and there's a stronger bond between the script and the artwork. There are some welcome moments of levity cutting through the tension, but the verbal and visual game-play between Batman and his former partner is some of the most impressive comic-booking I've seen lately. My faith is restored! Read Full Review
The central thesis of the issue--that Jason Todd may well be Leviathan--is almost certainly a red herring, picking up as it does on a thread introduced way back in Mays Year of the Villain special and reintroduced here in the second issue of a six-issue series. Still, it leads to some compelling drama between two characters with a deep history and is sure to include clues to Leviathans true identity. Event Leviathan #2 is an exciting part of Bendis and Maleevs wild ride. Read Full Review
Bendis has masterfully put together an extremely complicated plot with a still growing cast of characters all within two issues. I am completely stoked to see what happens in issue #3. I wouldnt miss this issue or this event. Grab a copy wherever you get your books. Read Full Review
Alex Maleev delivers some impressive and beautiful art in this issue. The art reflects the dark mood of this part of the story. Maleev creates some awesome panels and sequences in this issue. Read Full Review
Your mileage may vary, but it does provide a nice wrinkle to the greater Leviathan storyline. Read Full Review
The creative team delivers a strong installment in this ongoing mystery that is visually creative and draws readers deeper in and waiting for the next issue of "Event Leviathan". Read Full Review
Event Leviathan is probably the oddest event comic I've read in a long time, as so far both issues have taken place entirely within one conversation between a few key characters. Read Full Review
Given his connection to Talia al Ghul, and the kind of outside the law tactics he likes to employ, I guess it shouldn't be surprising that Batman sees Todd as a potential suspect (although I'm not sure we've seen anything in Rebirth to suggest he has the mental capacity to pull this off, again, making me leery to accept this reveal just yet). Worth a look. Read Full Review
While again fairly plotty for an early issue, Bendis' take on the Question and Plastic Man still entertain, the latter providing some of Bendis' trademark motor-mouthed "dad humor." Bendis' long-time collaborator Alex Maleev is still handling his transition from Marvel to DC well enough, too. Read Full Review
Buy this book if you like pretty art, but expect to be "wowed" by the storytelling. Read Full Review
Once again, Bendis uses these early chapters of Event Leviathan as more setting things up than developing the plot, though Maleevs art is beautifully rendered. Read Full Review
Event Leviathan continues to squander a compelling premise and a great cast of characters. There are interesting elements at play, but so far they're not working as well as they could be. Read Full Review
A solid continuation filled with frustratingly little information,Event Leviathan #2 remains an issue where you come for the spy drama but stay for Alex Maleev's beautiful art. Read Full Review
Yes, this issue develops the plot more and isn't as tedious as #1. However, #2 retains the dry format of its predecessor and squanders the potential of a DC-wide conspiracy thriller. Read Full Review
Where this issue doesn't come off as boring, it has its characters coming off weird and not sounding like themselves. Sadly, the art isn't something that I'm really behind either for this event and I can only hope that the story picks up going forward because besides for a few bits of progression here in an already drawn-out story..... there isn't much new if you've read Action Comics and DC's Year of the Villain. Read Full Review