Detective Comics #1026

Writer: Peter J. Tomasi Artist: Kenneth Rocafort Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 26, 2020 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 26
7.3Critic Rating
6.9User Rating

+ Pull List

As “The Joker War” rages on, the casualties are mounting, and the underground residents of Gotham City must deal with the devastating effects of the Joker toxin that’s been pumped into the old city’s tunnel system. Batman must risk everything to guide them to safety, but a familiar face has mobilized these forgotten souls to rise up in anger...and Killer Croc takes no prisoners!

  • 10
    Dark Knight News - Steve J Ray Aug 25, 2020

    I wasn't expecting much from Detective Comics #1026, much less a gorgeous standalone tale that I'd be happy to recommend to any bat-fan. We get a Dark Knight who's a real hero, not just because he can kick butt, but because he cares, he listens… and he learns. I foresee great things in the future for Waylon Jones, and I hope it's Peter J. Tomasi who gives us those stories. Read Full Review

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Matthew Lloyd Aug 25, 2020

    One might find events grander and more exciting, but there's nothing more satisfying than a character focused issue that makes the reader think about a “villain” in a new way. Often cast more as “misunderstood monster” than true villain, Killer Croc gets his moment in the spotlight with a bit of understanding from a truly humanistic Batman. This Batman is the Batman who comes across as a caring human being trying to save others. He's not blinded by rage or vengeance, but rather directed by the notions of salvation and succor. This Batman saves victims…and prevents further pain and anguish. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Forces Of Geek - Lenny Schwartz Aug 26, 2020

    By the end of the book, we see the results of that fight. It also gives is a glimpse of what is coming next. It is an awesome ending and a nice point to end the book on. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Aug 25, 2020

    Croc is one of the Batman villains most primed to become an ally, and I hope we see more of him and his odd mutant family in the future based on this debut issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Aug 25, 2020

    This is another nice companion piece to Joker War and worth checking out to enjoy a simple, but well executed one-off Batman story. Read Full Review

  • 7.6
    Weird Science - Joey Casco CSW/CSS Aug 25, 2020

    I've always loved the relationship that Batman and Croc have. Croc can't just help himself but Batman realizes that and truly wants to help him, yet sometimes what Batman sees in Croc comes out like it does here. That's why I did enjoy this one-shot issue despite it not needing to be a Joker War tie in to exist, and despite the weird money thing that goes against what I know of the Killer Croc character. The art, especially with Batman and Croc, was pretty cool. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    GWW - Deron Generally Aug 26, 2020

    Kenneth Rocafort's art is always impressive. Every page is filled with beautiful details and the action is fantastic. A great looking issue all around that is filled with vibrancy and action. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Batman Universe - Theodis Wright Aug 25, 2020

    Next issue is the epic Detective Comics #1027, celebrating one thousand issues of Tec involving Batman and the Bat-Family. This being the case, I would expect (hope, actually) that this special will outdo what we received in Tec #1000 last year. I would also hope as we come out of this grand issue that Tomasi can continue building Batman in line with the rest of the Batman Universe. We shall see in three weeks. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Batman-News - Casper Rudolph Aug 25, 2020

    This comic starts off strong with excellent art and well-written lines, but once Batman enters the sewers to hunt down Croc, the comic turns into a boring superhero fight that gets resolved much too easily. There are no stakes, there is no challenge for Batman, and the ending is too abrupt. I recommend skipping this one and just waiting until Detective Comics starts delivering solid, full-circle stories again. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Aug 25, 2020

    I had a hard time caring about this story. Batman takes on a villain during "The Joker War", but with no tether to the main event, it seems random and pointless. Even if "The Joker War" wasn't going on, this story would seem slapped together. It's not a badly made comic, it just doesn't ever scream out to you that it needed to exist in the first place. Read Full Review

  • 2.0 - Christian Hoffer Aug 26, 2020

    This is not a good superhero comic at all. Read Full Review

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