Phenomenal as always!!
I really love this story arc. Don't get the hate.
Finally this issue gets into motion and is interesting. The art by Jorge Jimenez is of course jaw dropping and there are a couple of plot twists as well as great action.
This was the best issue of the main story yet when it comes to Fear State. However, I will say that the book as a whole is a bit dragged down by the backup story. Speaking about the former, I really enjoyed this and, if you read my review for Issue 113, you'll know that I got exactly what I wanted here. The first two issues, while written well and overall good issues, were slower in their pace. I think, for a big story such as this, the story needed to pick up a bit, and that's precisely what happened here. The action with Peacekeeper-01, Peacekeeper-X, and Batman were great and allowed Jimenez to showcase, once again, just how great he is. Moving to the backup, the last installment wasn't as engaging as the first, and this one doesn't do anything more than said installment, unfortunately. As I said in my review in the previous issue, I actually do like Clownhunter and I think his character has potential, but this story hasn't done that much for him, in my opinion. As of now, I don't plan on reading the continuation of the story in Batman: Urban Legends. I'm not typically a huge fan of backup stories, but I can only hope the next one is better if this title is going to keep them going. more
Better than the last issue. The fight between PK-01 & PK-X with Batman in the middle was good. Molly's belief that people should be cleansed of their "traumas" shows what a flawed character she is. People are stronger than she realizes. So Tim is going to hang with a serial killer now? Seems out of character for him.
I really just don’t care anymore.
Can't say I'll Miss Peacekeeper X. Then again I can;t say I'll miss PK-01 either. Or any of the entire magistrate. The best part is that these poor man's robocops will be on the way out. That's all I really see to this issue. We're halfway through Fear state but half of nothing is still nothing. And that seems to be all that's been accomplished since #106. I suppose all the real stuff will be reserved for the upcoming conclusion. These 6 issues seem to simply be just filler material.
Aside from the art by Jorge Jiminez, this isn't worth reading. The plot seems very slow and not much happened here. It's just a very uninteresting issue.
"Grab my hand"
Is it me or is Batman starting to feel more and more like an extra in his own book?
And does Tim have a new boyfriend already? I thought he retconned his entire history for Bernard.
And what's going on with the continuity for this Fear State event? In Batman, it feels like it's all happening on the same night, while in Nightwing and I Am NOT Batman it feels like days or even weeks passed since Magistrate formed.
What gives?
I'm so sad for Jimenez that he has to work with such a bad "script". No one cares about your stupid Molly, dude, she's boring. The fact that she's supposed to be a hero yet she thinks that she'll save people by brainwashing them is just crazy on Tynion's behalf. Batman is, as always in Tynion's run, a side character that has no control over anything that happens here. P.S.: Ten bucks that Clownhunter and Tim are going to be a couple if that kook Fitzmartin gets to write them.
In the old days, all the action of this issue could have been compressed into two pages. Basically all that happens is that Simon the Pieman's other troops fail to take down the mad dog guy controlled by Scarecrow and Molly the Ecstasy girl says she knows Scarecrow's plan. She also declares what her organization's goal is - to allow people to become what they could have become without all the DC Major Action Plots stories.
Let me sum up what all means to me - Huh? Apparently Molly and her group have their own brain device or something. Whatever. Basically they are doing the same thing Simple Simon is. Freeing Gotham from the old systems and installing their own. Way to stick it to the Man, man. You guys are so radical and cool. Whatever.
The funny thing is that Batman could have sat out this issue and the results could have been the same. The battle was between the forces of Simon Says. Lift the Batman pages out and the action could have stayed the same. His presence did not tip the balance of either fighter.
Also, if you are going to fight armored guys, just hitting them with your fists is not a great strategy Bats. Just saying. How about bringing some, I don't know, EMP devices that can cut out electronics. That shows you can actually think and why perhaps depending on technology and not hard training for years that produce smart, tough strategic and tactical fighters is the not-better way to go.
Again, Gotham just seems to be happy doing nothing. The police, feds and national guard can't storm Simon, Simon's lair? The governor can't declare a state emergency?
Telling people they are helpless via the false Oracle doesn't strike me as something that would actually paralyze the authorities. It might keep people indoors, which is actually good in an emergency, but that's it.
This plot does not pass the smell test. Plus, Batman has tons of allies. Where are they? Tynion you have to deal with the Bat books and all their characters if you're going to write some huge magnum opus story. You can't ignore what is inconvenient to your plots. It's called the difference between being a good writer and being a Hack. Good luck on Substack. I honestly can't imagine why any reader would follow you there. At DC, you, at least, have Batman. He is a popular character and people like to read Batman. Notice that I said Batman and not Tynion. Something to think about. At least with you gone, DC can get all petty and make sure not to use any of your lame Batman characters so as to deprive you of residuals.
Or I could be wrong. more
This is really sad, very sad. They are tearing up their iconic characters to make way for very idiotic characters, with low-quality storylines. This year I don't think DC can increase its sales with this garbage.
Trash! A complete disposable garbage is this number, if you thought Future State was bad, wait Fear State, funny FS both of them and they both suck. I do not know if this Mr. Tynion consumes something that is leaving his neurons dry or always been terrible writer, I think it is time that this man retires and going to be something in what is actually good.I don't know how to mow the grass, start a flower shop. Whatever works for he.