Batman #93

Writer: James Tynion IV Artist: Guillem March Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 24, 2020 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 20 User Reviews: 63
7.4Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

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Batman faces off with the Designer as "Their Dark Designs" reaches its epic climax! In the last year, Batman has lost more than he could have imagined, and now he faces a cost so dear it will change the course of his life. And there is worse on the horizon. In the midst of all the horror, he can feel the drumbeat of battle. "Joker War" is coming, and Gotham City will never be the same.

  • 10
    Comics: The Gathering - Wes Greer Jun 23, 2020

    I'm still trying to process how I feel after reading this issue and I am super bummed we have to wait two more weeks now to see the final chapter of this story and how Tynion and company are going to set is up for Joker War. With all the excitement in this issue, this easily could have been a final chapter but I'm jumping for joy knowing this was just a set up for the final chapter which means things can only get better in the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Derek McNeil Jun 23, 2020

    Batman #93 brilliantly brings the plot threads of “Their Dark Designs” together in a way that makes sense and beautifully sets up the “Joker War” event. A penniless Batman now has to face the Joker, who knows all his secrets and has possession of his fortune. The Batman certainly has his work cut out for him. Read Full Review

  • 9.7
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Jun 24, 2020

    Guillem March and Javier Fernandez do some astounding work with the art in this issue. The action is visceral and full of energy. The final pages and what they reveal are pitch perfect and the Harley/Punchline fight is brutal. A great looking issue from start to finish. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    The Batman Universe - Scott Waldyn Jun 23, 2020

    This issue represents the turning point to James Tynions Batman run thus far, and it appears to be our final barrier before we cross the bridge into Joker War. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Jun 23, 2020

    I had fun with this issue, and while it wasn't quite as sharply written or fun as the last, it's a good conclusion that serves as a great segue into "The Joker War" you can't miss. Honestly, I was lukewarm on "The Joker War" for some time, but how things shift around in this issue I'm incredibly excited to see how Harley, Catwoman, and Batman can thwart the dastardly Joker. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Jun 23, 2020

    Batman fans have been rewarded with an outstanding run with Their Dark Designs — an arc that was worth the buildup. Now let's see how The Joker War plays out. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Jun 23, 2020

    As we rocket towards Joker War, James Tynion IV's run continues to build momentum and it becomes clear just how many hands Joker has everywhere in Gotham. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Jun 27, 2020

    A very well-crafted, well-executed story reaches the prestige with just the right amount of surprise, suspense and anticipation for what comes next. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Graphic Policy - Brett Jun 24, 2020

    "Their Dark Designs" is an interesting arc. It's an entertaining read but the landing doesn't quite stick as it is revealed it directly ties into "Joker War" as opposed to being two stories running side by side. It takes what was an interesting new villain for Batman and turns him into a puppet, deflating the balloon. It's not bad and does the job of transition from the last run to the current but by issue's end, something felt a bit off. It no longer was the self-contained storyarc, it's just the beginning of something much longer. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Lainez Jun 24, 2020

    Batman #93 turns an average storyline in "Their Dark Designs" into a strong prelude for the upcoming "Joker War" event. The revelation with how Joker and Punchline manipulated everything to prepare Gotham City for their plans elevated the entire story. James Tynion set things up to be even more intriguing as Batman, Catwoman, and Harley Quinn must now overcome all the odds they have been placed against going into "Joker War." This set-up creates greater excitement for the future of this series. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Bleeding Cool - Hannibal Tabu Jun 28, 2020

    The Designer finally shows his hand and all the best laid plans of Bats and Cats may come to nothing. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    On Comics Ground - Travis Tucker Aug 27, 2020

    I'm not going to riff on it too much, for there is still much to see about how these recent developments settle into Tynion's vision. Between Punchline slashing Harley's throat and Joker coming in clutch with the plan on a plan. I'm getting a whiplash that makes it hard to decide whether I like how this turned out. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Jun 23, 2020

    This book seems like it's arrived a day early for the Joker War, and we are hanging with it until the real party starts.  Big things happen, but I still found myself looking at my watch, knowing it's all just set up for later.  The art was inconsistent (a two artist problem), and I'll file this in the okay bin.  I wasn't upset that I read it, but it's the first prelude to the Joker War that didn't have me more excited for it all by the end. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Dark Knight News - Eric Lee Jun 23, 2020

    As a conclusion, Batman #93 acts as a highly unsatisfying ending to a rudderless arc. The story bounces all over the place and encourages fans to read a completely separate arc, if they want any sense of closure. Not even super strong art, or fun story ideas can save the comic from delivering what I found to be a great sense of disappointment. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge Jun 23, 2020

    Joker War has been looming for awhilenow, from previews to interviews to teasers. But the line between marketing and effective storytelling blurs too much for comfort in Batman #93 " while March and Fernandez deliver some compelling artwork, Tynion has spent six issues spinning his wheels as he reveals this entire arc has been just more stage dressing for 'The Joker War.' Given how in-your-face the upcoming event has been, this sort of reminder is both underwhelming and overkill. Read Full Review

  • 6.0 - Nicole Drum Jun 24, 2020

    The issue is simultaneously too much and not enough and ultimately lands as just an "ok" book overall. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    But Why Tho? - Lizzy Garcia Jun 23, 2020

    Batman #93is a step up from the previous issues and overall I am happy to see an end to this story arc. That being said, the art and some aspects of the characters continue to hold it back from being a great Batman run. Read Full Review

  • 5.6
    Comic Watch - Cody White Jun 27, 2020

    Batman #93(Tynion IV, March, Fernandez) leaves readers with more questions than answers. Chief among them: Is "Joker War" here yet? Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    Batman-News - Joshua McDonald Jun 23, 2020

    Some of the core ideas are great, but he either glosses right over them, or the execution is such a mess that I can't take it seriously. Maybe he should be more of an idea guy than the execution guy, because more often than not, I feel he fails in his execution. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Forces Of Geek - Lenny Schwartz Jun 24, 2020

    The art is all over the place. It really has been over the course of Tynion's run. Hopefully this get fixed soon. This book just ups my anxiety with each passing issue and not in a good way. I hope they get it under control. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    KittyNone Jul 2, 2020

    Oh now that was good. I've been a little indifferent to Tynion's run so far, and I'm still of the opinion that Punchline is empty hype, but the pieces all fall into place quite tidily here. The ending twist isn't unexpected by the time it comes, but Tynion & March sell it well enough that I'm eager to see where they're going next, and it's been an awfully long while since I could say that about an issue of Batman.

  • 9.0
    M1sf1r3 Jul 19, 2020

    Absolutely loved the last issue and as we gear up for Joker War, I am so ready for what comes next.

    The Good:
    Love how Designer ties everything from the original meeting together with his overarching plan to the current events unfolding.

    I'm enjoying the difference between Harley and Punchline.

    March's art is great yet again.

    The Bad:
    Bit annoyed at the Designer twist.

    It's still a great issue, I just wish Designer had a bigger role to play then just being complete set-up for Joker.

  • 9.0
    Sky788 Jun 25, 2020

    Ok. Ok. Call me easily impressed but gosh darn did this ending really impressed and suprised me. To begin I have...thoughts on the last issue. Thoughts that have mellowed but are still there. I was however excited to see just who the designer was. Why was he deserving of all this hype? Why he was even still alive. Tynion not only failed to answer my question but instead told me that my questions didnt even matter with the bombshell reveal that the designer has always been dead both dead and the Joker. Ok. Then he tells me that the A plot is actually the B plot and vice versa. Oh. Now Joker also has all of Batmans money and is planning on destroying him after already destroying his relationship with Catwoman. This was a Catwoman story arc m more

  • 9.0
    Tony Jun 23, 2020

    You ask for answers, well, this is your issue. Everything sets up for "Joker War" and I could not be more excited because after all, this feels like a good developed story. A great climax. Not a fan of the mix art.

  • 8.5

    It looks like my theory about the Designer was head on. The poor guy got in over his head with the Joker, never got his career off the ground and would never have been heard of by Batman had he not provided such an excellent distraction from Joker's real plan. Joker is obsessed with his own perverted amusement through suffering most of the time, but this time it seems his goal is to outwit Batman. Sometimes I think we forget he's a lot more clever than he shows. And that's how he likes it. He finds it funny proving he was underestimated, so this caper must tickle his funnybone harder than anything since killing Jason Todd.
    In regards to Punchline, she seems to be receiving mixed reactions. If I can say anything about what I've seen so more

  • 8.5
    EDiakota Jul 1, 2020

    " Every day, he's out there changing the world. Making them see the clowns they really are. Showing them they should laugh at death and tear down society. You could have been running this horror carnival at his side. But now you're going to get caved by your replacement. "

  • 8.5
    Gorr Jun 24, 2020

    This issue of batman features the penultimate chapter of the 'Dark Designs' storyline and it was quite an enjoyable issue. Firstly, I read this issue twice to fully appreciate the scale and nuance that Tynion brings to his Batman story, and there is plenty. Arriving at this point of his first 'Batman' story arc, he has added a number of characters, gadgets, tricks, and tropes to make this run feel as if it were truly his own and is something I really enjoy.

    Tynion utilizes all the characters well to add a sense of weight to his storyline. Batman's world is really falling apart here, setting up the chaos we are sure to experience in the upcoming 'Joker War' story arc. There is an exciting battle between Punchline and Harley Quinn more

  • 8.0
    DDJamesB Jun 24, 2020

    Although there were some not so good parts it had some really good thoughts and ideas and actually had some twists that I enjoyed. There were some minor confusing parts but overall it has me ready for joker war.

  • 7.5
    superstan52 Jun 24, 2020

    My only comment is that it's easy to have a villain boast he has a criminal plan that's magnitudes of genius and complexity than anybody else has ever conceived and then never show the plan's actual machinations.

  • 7.5
    Nihilist Jun 23, 2020

    After King's disastrous Batman arc, leaving more loose ties and unresolved plot points I can possibly name, DC decided to play safe for once and give fans a more... conventional story, one that wouldn't try to reinvent and deconstruct avery aspect of what it means to be Batman, one that wouldn't feature more filler than actual plot, and one that certainly would not smell its own farts pretending to be deeper and more intelligent than it really is. You know, exactly like a certain controversial game everyone hates and mocks, released few days ago.

    Tynion crafted a big mystery that instantly captured our imaginations. It was big, it was convoluted, and and it was made with a plan in mind. It wasn't yet another War of Jokes and Ridd more

    + LikeComments (3)
  • 7.5
    Liem Duong Jun 23, 2020

    This was a good issue, and to be forewarned, this is an issue that will make people extremely excited or let down, depending on what you were expecting from Dark Designs.

    First off, the art is awesome like always. I know some people don't like March's art, but it is perfect for a Batman story like this. Inks, colors, composition, layouts are were superb as well.

    Now onto the meat. Without spoilers of this issue, Dark Designs is a prequel transitioning straight into Joker War. Alot of people will be mad about a story like this which picked up alot of steam being just a mere prequel, despite it was always hinted at, especially with introductions such as the Designer. There is a big reveal on the Designer, and it was ve more

  • 7.0
    Gizmo Jul 11, 2020

    Not sure how that skeleton is being animated, but at least this issue has a one-two punch at by the end.

  • 7.0
    Spacey Medicine Jun 30, 2020

    Punchline was the worst part of this.

  • 7.0
    REYNARD Jun 24, 2020

    Predictable and underwhelming.

    Cool that Harley got muted but the preview art for that page came out months ago.

    I was really hoping for a twist with the Designer reveal, but stupid corpse twist and catwoman bank account switcharoo instead.

    Confirmed that Bruce Wayne does not pay taxes lol.

  • 7.0
    allenquanobi Jun 24, 2020

    Eh, nice fun reveal I guess, but I feel like it was just a waste of a character. Maybe should have seen this coming since Designer is rarely mentioned in the solicits of future issues. I don't like Punchline so far, she doesn't seem like a likable character at all like Harley. This also seems to be undoing the Catwoman/Batman dynamic set up in King's run, which was one of the few things I really enjoyed about that run.

  • 7.0
    Psycamorean Jun 24, 2020

    Note to self: replicate study for the office. I don't know, this is fine. I don't think it's great or anything. Moderately appealing, at best. I guess that would excite *someone* for Joker War.

  • 7.0
    Afre Jun 24, 2020

    This was fine. An okay issue, maybe not the best final issue of Their Dark Designs, but not bad either.

  • 5.0
    Svarietyy Jun 23, 2020

    DC needs to stop double-shipping for the sake of quality and delivering a sense of commitment to readers.
    This particular issue suffers from a recurring problem throughout Tynion's time on the title- A lot of hype with minimal substance and logic behind it.

  • 4.5
    FinanceGuy15 Jun 25, 2020

    The only highlights of this issue was the fact that Bruce Wayne is a tax-evader.
    A fact that makes no sense given the extremely trivial information provided in the issue.
    Off-shore accounts, really? Did Tynion just pick the first thing that Google came out with when it comes to Tax-Offences for high net-worth individuals?

    Also, the big "reveal" was incredibly underwhelming and predictable.
    An 8 issue arc that only acts as a set-up for Joker War.
    Mediocre at best unless you want mindless action with decent art.

  • 4.0
    Quinn Jun 26, 2020

    I really don't get this issue. It's supposed to show Bats is smart, but the plot can only happen if Batman is stupid.

    The Planner or whatever his name is actually an animated corpse that can actually fence with Batman? The Joker has really seen an upgrade in his skill set. Yes, the Planner or the Archvillain or wahtever his name is was actually killed by the Joker and his corpse is being controlled by the Crown Prince of Crime.

    Batman figures that out but actually just doesn't destroy the corpse while fighting it. Moron.

    Oh, Catwoman puts her plan to steal Bruce Wayne's fortune into place to prevent the Archvillain from doing that, but guess what - the Joker is one step ahead and actually needs Catwoman's ba more

  • 10
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