That explains to me, that you can't read comics!
Pulled apart and torn together! Setting new boundaries in their relationship leads to conflict at home and on the mean streets of Gotham for Batman and Catwoman. With opportunists like the Penguin waiting in the wings to strike, our hero becomes more vulnerable than ever. Meanwhile, Phantasm locates her target-The Joker!
Some of Tom King's series are universally acclaimed like Mister Miracle, while others are polarizing like Heroes In Crisis. Batman/Catwoman seems to in the latter camp. But I count myself among the readers who love this series. I find it an utterly fascinating exploration of the character of Catwoman and her motivations. Read Full Review
Liam Sharp delivers some impressive and beautifully detailed imagery throughout the issue. The moody, dark tone of the art is perfect for the tone of the story. Read Full Review
DC Comics'BATMAN/CATWOMAN #8 is wild. It's a patchwork of different styles, both visually and tonally. But it captures the complex nature of this story beautifully. This creative team is taking their gloves off to take us to dark new places. Read Full Review
King works best when he's dealing with characters who he can put his unique stamp on, and while there is a lot of good in this series, it doesn't quite match up with his other recent work because it feels too apart from the character we know. Read Full Review
Batman/Catwoman #8 finds its hold on the reader through Sharp's wonderful art that keeps you on your toes just as much as Tom King's plot twists. As we enter the third act of the series, the narrative could stand to be more cohesive as many plot points take place off panel, but for those still around I can't imagine this issue would turn you away. Read Full Review
This is a three-tiered love story, slightly flawed, but beautifully decorated. The art is worth the cover price all by itself. Read Full Review
Batman/Catwoman #8 explores Batman and Catwoman's relationship on a level deeper than we've seen in many Bat/Cat depictions. It's the heart of this storyline, finally, and we can only hope King and Sharp take this dynamic to new heights. Read Full Review
It seems like this story is finally trying to find its point but by the reveal that we get here, I'm still not sure what that could be. The timeline transitions are getting back to being ridiculous in trying to follow and the past and future stories just feel like a way to pad at the issue at this point because they spend so much time not doing anything. Man, this is a rough series. Read Full Review
Batman Catwoman is at the stage of diminishing returns now. King hasn't been able to make his three time period approach work and The Phantasm character has not been much of a factor now in eight issues. It's asking a lot that this title will improve at this point. Now it's just a matter it getting through for readers who remain remotely invested. Read Full Review
If I'm being honest, I have no idea what is even going on in this title anymore - and I don't want to. Read Full Review
LMFAO the pedophile is butthurt at me again. I must be living in his head rent-free.
The worst issue in the series to date. It's spinning its wheels, and there's still another four issues to go.
I love Liam Sharp, but his art wasn't very inspired in this issue. All Joker/Catwoman part (in the past) was cool to read, but Batman was very silly and mushy. And all the christmas tree thing was too ridiculous.
Officially the last Tom King book this guy will ever be reading.
This issue really lost me...Catwoman is just an insufferably smug brat, the art just doesn't mesh well with the rest of the series, it's just not clicking. Frustrating.
When a writer thinks himself so much smarter than the reader, you get something like this comic. Not interesting or coherent. Sadly, if he dialed it back and added more content, this could be really interesting.
Really not enjoying this without Clay Mann. Only upside is it reads fast.
I am really not liking this. The art, which I think I praised in the last issue, is terrible at points here. You can definitely feel the rush. As for the story, god it seems like still nothing has happened. And I don't mean that literally, of course, but pacing wise I feel like we've been waiting several issues for another shoe to drop that just hasn't. The three timelines thing was a mistake. And I really don't understand where this friendship with Catwoman and Joker comes from. It doesn't make sense, even within the logic of the issue itself. Catwoman admits that she finds the Joker horrific, so then... why is she getting drunk with him on Christmas and gossiping about Batman? These two shouldn't be besties. It's perplexing.
I've tried really hard to like this series, but this is it for me. I'm just never going to care about this mess or buy Selina and the Joker being pals, and when DC is putting out 800 bat books a month it's hard to justify continuing to purchase one I just don't like. King's Batman started so well five years ago that it's really a shame that it's ending like this.
Wow. I have never been so confused while reading King's story. I had no idea what's going on or when.
Writing for Selina is just... so bad right now. I don't know why King is currently writing present day Selina so oddly?
Again. Nothing has really happened. Remember Phantasm? She is a... character I guess? She really doesn't do anything here though. Nobody really does.
So in short, I didn't think it was possible to be even more confused by this series, but King suprises me yet again.
Yet another issue where Catwoman bitchslaps Batman and treats him like he's an idiot, where King fills half the issue with Christmas songs and just with awkward nonsense.
Its Kings style man..hes such a genius even the fan deaf DC editorial threw him off the main book. Why cant you recognize his genius Merlyn?
The fact that only one member of his cultish fanbase had the guts so far to rate this with a green rating (and that one is literally insane) makes me believe this is actually worse than I can describe it.
King is Gaiman Moore and Miller with public domain songs and literature all in one. Hes a genius I tell you.
@Mingthemerciless hahaha! Your comment killed me. All in one, exactly, this man should write for Broadway
This comic reads like it was written by a Six-Year-Old with ADHD, that had gotten hold of and eaten an entire box of crayons. Why this idiot is allowed to continue to write Batman stories is beyond me.
I don't think even the writer's mother liked this. Horrible.
Uh? Well what I said is an expression, and it's good that that person likes it. Blessed be the diversity. That is something that extreme progressives should learn, along with not denying history so that it does not repeat itself instead of crying and lashing out at everything wanting to impose their intolerant, anti-biological, racist, misandrist, toxic and heterophobic ideas.
And anti-biological I mean that there are some people who say that the human species is born with both sexes, without having all taken a genetics book, If so, we would all be hermaphrodites. Heterosexuality or homosexuality is only a treat, like eating strawberry ice cream and not lemon. It does not make you better or worse, it is the actions that will define what kind of person you are.
Like your ethnicity, maybe some peculiarities of your own, but that does not make you better or worse, nor more stupid or intelligent.
I think he means that only one guy here, the insane one, actually likes this issue, he didn't mean you.
I assumed and I hope that Fear understood the message, this is slapping with white batting and what I really think. Because my good Merlyn there are some people who want to force something to like or dislike and I do not mean Fear of course, but people like some stalkers (you know about that) with emotional problems cannot accept a NO as such. a rapist would.
They can try to force us to conform with their opinions for however long they want, we still won't.
This is literally a series that has almost no story. I dont even know what the hell is happening right now.
The book is going down bad, the writer writes the characters like he is the best writer to write them but the reality is literally opposite. He doesn't understand characters plus there is no story whatsoever ever it is just straight up trash writing
King continues to put out garbage and DC continues to let him.
It's one thing to write a book that I don't like. Happens all the time. No one has to like everything. It's quite another to write a book that offends me on a moral level.
In the three time periods we see Helena and Dick blather on without actually doing anything. In the past, we the Joker taking Phantasm (who has never been called that if I recall correctly. If I recall incorrectly, sorry King, that's on me.) Apparently some kid is Andrea's son's brother, or maybe Andrea's son. Andrea drops her guard, takes off her mask and is then strangled from behind by the Joker. Tune in next month, same Bat-time, same Bat-channel to see if she survives being dumber than a box of rocks.
In what I think is the present, or perhaps the recent past, we see the same old Bat-Cat dance. Catwoman says to Bats "leave me alone." And then ponders if her totally created by King friendship with the Joker is immoral. The Joker then declares that people think they are good, but by not helping some poor starving waif who might save the world if she didn't starve, are actually killing the future and are evil and What I Do Shows The People Their Hypocrisy. He even blames Bruce Wayne for spending all his money maintaining his mansion. I guess he never heard of the Wayne Foundation, just like the people who say "If Bruce Wayne Spent His Money On Antipoverty Efforts All Gotham's Problems Would Magically Disappear Because That's How The Real World Works."
I am offended that King has written a relationship between the Catwoman and the Joker. That's is not history, that is King's Fantasy. As I've mentioned before, all the way back in Batman #3 vol. 1, (about 1940) we see the difference between Cats and Jokes. J has Robin in his grasp and Cats says the loot they were both going after would be the Joker's if he let the boy go. From the very beginning of their mutual history together, we see a huge difference in their morality. The notion that they would hang out together is offensive. Offensive to the rules of story-telling and offensive to Catwoman's character. It's offensive to Bruce's character as well. The idea that he would be in a relationship with a woman who was pals with the Joker is beyond the pale. And the idea Batman would keep following Catwoman around saying "please be good, please be good" is insulting to both characters.
This issue is trash, and all of King's faults are writ large.
Or I could be wrong. more
Maybe King is riffing on the time catwoman worked with the joker in 5G he 60s Batman movie? Kings a genius like that AND with Christmas songs.
The King is again letting other stories do the heavy lifting. Relying on us to know things we have not been shown or told. Also Caesar Romero’s Joker never killed children for laughs.
I can't figure out if King is implying that Selena & Joker have a more intimate relationship or if they just like palling around together for some obscure reason.