Black Latina and gay's Profile

Joined: Nov 02, 2021

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Psycamorean posted on Black Latina and gay's profile Nov 2, 2021

Still waiting for an explanation.

+ LikeComments (3)
Psycamorean - Nov 5, 2021

Oh, I know, but I'm glad that I can outdo them in their attempts to troll me.

Black Latina and gay commented on this:

This was better than the last few issues, but it's stiilll pretty bad.

Suicide Squad: King Shark #6

By: Tim Seeley, Scott Kolins
Released: Oct 20, 2021

The Wild Games continue! King Shark vs. Queen Tiger! While they battle for supremecy, Defacer must try to undo her Oops from last issue!

+ LikeComments (6)
Black Latina and gay - Nov 2, 2021

Hahahah sure! You do!!!!

Psycamorean - Nov 2, 2021

So far, I've proven a better grasp on language than you have. I assume that extends to reading comprehension. You clearly don't have that since you can't explain your problem with me.

Black Latina and gay commented on this:
Psycamorean reviewed Batman / Catwoman #8 Oct 26, 2021

I am really not liking this. The art, which I think I praised in the last issue, is terrible at points here. You can definitely feel the rush. As for the story, god it seems like still nothing has happened. And I don't mean that literally, of course, but pacing wise I feel like we've been waiting several issues for another shoe to drop that just hasn't. The three timelines thing was a mistake. And more

Batman / Catwoman #8

By: Tom King, Liam Sharp
Released: Oct 20, 2021

Pulled apart and torn together! Setting new boundaries in their relationship leads to conflict at home and on the mean streets of Gotham for Batman and Catwoman. With opportunists like the Penguin waiting in the wings to strike, our hero becomes more vulnerable than ever. Meanwhile, Phantasm locates her target-The Joker!

+ LikeComments (2)
Black Latina and gay - Nov 2, 2021

That explains to me, that you can't read comics!

Psycamorean - Nov 2, 2021

Explain why.

Black Latina and gay commented on this:

Just not very good and not worth anyone's time.

Shang-Chi Infinity Comic #4

By: Alyssa Wong, Nathan Stockman
Released: Sep 1, 2021

The concluding chapter to the first arc of Shang-Chi's Infinity Comics adventure!

+ LikeComments (2)
Black Latina and gay - Nov 2, 2021

You are so wrong!

Psycamorean - Nov 2, 2021

Again, explain why instead of just stating my wrongness as a fact.



Venom/Carnage Infinity Comic #4

By: Karla Pacheco, Scott Hepburn
Released: Oct 13, 2021

Carnage throws down his closing moves in this epic battle finale!

+ LikeComment
Black Latina and gay added Suicide Squad: King Shark to their pull list Nov 2, 2021

Suicide Squad: King Shark

King Shark and unfortunate tagalong, The Defacer, are swept into a mystical tournament for totemic animal spirits, at the behest of King Shark's father, the God of Sharks!

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Black Latina and gay added Superman vs. Lobo (2021) to their pull list Nov 2, 2021

Superman vs. Lobo (2021)

What happens when an indomitable force meets an irritating object? That’s what readers find out when Superman runs into Lobo. Think of it like a boy scout joining a biker gang. What will be worse, the damage Lobo causes on his own, or the chaos of trying to stop him? I smell a team-up, fanboys! Numen is the most popular being in the universe, a g...

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Black Latina and gay reviewed Robins #1 Nov 2, 2021

I love it!

Robins #1

By: Tim Seeley, Baldemar Rivas
Released: Nov 17, 2021

The five heroes to have donned the Robin cape and mask find themselves at a crossroads in their lives. Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, and Damian Wayne come together to discuss the big thing that binds them together: Was being Robin, and Batman’s sidekick, the best choice they could’ve made? But before they can get to the ...

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Black Latina and gay commented on this:

No point in reading this one. It's not good.

Venom/Carnage Infinity Comic #4

By: Karla Pacheco, Scott Hepburn
Released: Oct 13, 2021

Carnage throws down his closing moves in this epic battle finale!

+ LikeComments (4)
Black Latina and gay - Nov 2, 2021

Sure, I can. But the problem is, if you understand?

Psycamorean - Nov 2, 2021

Try explaining instead of making an account solely to say I'm wrong about things you probably didn't read anyway.

Reviews for the Week of...




