Batman has been on a breakneck journey throughout the DC Universe, from Wayne Manor to the House of Secrets and back again...but where there are clues there is a trail, and the world's greatest detective has followed this particular trail back to where he and Superman began this journey: Lazarus Island. With an entire island and army at Damian Wayne's disposal, does Batman stand a chance? We'll give you a hint: NO!
Mark Waid, Mahmud Asrar, and company are creating absolutely brilliant work with this series. Read Full Review
Batman vs. Robin #3 is a mature, heartfelt, emotionally weighty issue matched only by exciting action and surprising revelations. The scale and complexity of the Demon Nezha's plan take a giant leap forward, and Batman's failure as a "father" come back to haunt him powerfully. Read Full Review
Strong writing and narrative clues sprinkled throughout show the experience of this creative team and just how much of a class act Mark Waid, Mahmud Asrar, and company truly are. Batman Vs. Robin #3 explains plot threads, motivates the antagonists, drops in some psychological beats for readers to think about with Batman, and all with just enough of a healthy dose of action to keep readers entertained. Balance the story with Mahmud Asrars incredibly detailed illustrations and fans get a thorough, well-developed story thats turning into an extremely fun mini-event. I highly recommend Batman Vs. Robin, especially with Lazarus Planet waiting in the wings, and think it needs to be on everyones pull list. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless! Read Full Review
Waid's approach to the series' big mystery was appreciated deftly avoiding the shock twist had it played out later. This series remains an enjoyable read with many unpredictable paths yet to go. Read Full Review
This is definitely the best Bat-event in a long time. Read Full Review
The creative team continues to knock this event out of the park. Despite some bumps, it's still a must-read. Read Full Review
Batman vs. Robin #3 is at its best when exploring Bruce Wayne's relationships with each of his Robins. Although Mahmud Asrar's, Scott Godlewski's, and Jordie Bellaire's dynamic action sequences are a huge selling point for this issue, Mark Waid's scripting elevates each sequence beyond a traditional battle of fisticuffs. By forcing our hero to face his impact on each young hero, Waid adds depth to the Dark Knight Detective. Read Full Review
Asrar and Godlewski deliver some great art throughout the issue. The visuals are thrilling, especially the fights between Batman and his former proteges. Read Full Review
BATMAN VS. ROBIN #3 is action-packed and full of heavy emotions as Batman fights through his former wards and has to face a goodbye he wasnt prepared for! Read Full Review
Three big fights, Damian's story, the introduction of Devil Nezha's plot, plus a Batman who's confronting his past actions with the previous Robins. It sounds like too much for one issue, and it almost is. Each fight with a Robin could've been half a comic on its own. That aside, Batman Vs Robin #3 juggles everything well while still finding space for a meditation on the theme of parenthood which gives the series its emotional weight. The importance of both story and character in this series continues to build impressively. Read Full Review
Batman vs Robin #3 finally finds that warm, soulful, heartfelt center that it has been sorely lacking in the last couple of issues. It's beautiful and might bring a few readers to tears. Read Full Review
Batman vs. Robin #3 threatens to stagnate the series with a routine structure that offers very little surprises until the last few pages. Mahmud Asrar and Scott Godlewski turn in solid work that captures the blend of magic and pure fisticuffs on display in the action. However, Waid's gambit to dredge up old festering wounds sets up a truly affecting final few pages. Bruce's despair and past regrets are tastefully managed, while also paving the way for a redemption deeper than just defeating a monstrous villain. Read Full Review
The relatively limited scope of each combat aside, Waid and company do an excellent job of composing and executing an action-based drama with a rather large ensemble of characters. The scope of this one issue could have easily been expanded into a much more satisfying five-issue mini-series, but Waid has places to go and things to address in the series that wont wait for a more nuanced exploration of Batmans relations with various Robins. Its really too bad, as this feels like the most compelling point in the series thus far. Read Full Review
Batman vs. Robin #3 hosts beautiful artwork and contrived plot beats. Read Full Review
The story is getting even better issue to issue.
Good storytelling, Marc Waid has a great talent for writing a fluid story that mixes magic, conspiracy, family and confrontations without getting tangled. The story is easy to follow, enjoyable to read and I really enjoyed the art. The plot moves forward: is Damian really under the influence? Batman plots his course knowing what he is likely to face. The fights with the Robins are a bit "phoned in" and would have deserved more development. The fight with Nightwing was the best and I liked the cunning of Batman. The emotional moment was nice but I hope it's the last one* (and in all the books). It's time for the wounds to heal. I recommend, it's an engaging read.
*I want memories with Alfred for for the characters but no more nec more
Waid really gets these characters, more than anyone else currently writing a Batman comic, and as much as Tom Taylor on Nightwing. Those last few pages are amazing.
If nothing else, the last few pages of this book will really get you if you're a Batman fan. These last few pages are done so well that it doesn't matter what the rest of the book is about. It has some good action and good inner dialogue. My only problem is the villain. I don't care about him in the least. I do like what's going on with Talia as well. All-in-all in good issue.
It0s actually getting intersting.
This is a really really good comic. I was going to give it a 9.
God dammit dc, you killed off alfred after three issues I was soooooooooo happy to have my butler back. You can go to hell. I'm only buying 1 cover of every book from now on instead of two, and cutting my pull list in half. I'm tired of your shenanigans and Tom foolery.