As we were saying its good to have fun comics to read again.
Twenty-five years ago, you thought you knew the whole story of Batman: The Long Halloween. Now, legendary creators Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale return to Gotham City to reveal that no secret remains buried forever! Join us for the return of the Batman Halloween specials and a mystery that could destroy Batman, Commissioner Gordon, Two-Face, and…well, that would be telling, wouldn’t it?
Batman: The Long Halloween Specialis a very welcome return to one of the most groundbreaking and influentialBatmanstories of the modern era. It is great to see Loeb and Sale together again as they craft a very compelling tale set within their world while Wagner and Starkings elevate their work even more. Fans of The Long Halloween will not only enjoy this, but likely want more with the tantalizing possibility the team leaves at the end for further adventures. Read Full Review
Loeb and Sale havent lost their touch. The Long Halloween Special shows some of DCs finest future stories could be by revisiting greatest hits of yesterday. Read Full Review
This was every bit as good as I could have hoped for. Superbly written, with absolutely spot-on characterisation and some fantastic little hints and nods to the future. It was nostalgia of a sort, but every bit as relevant today as when the original book came out. Read Full Review
The team are back, and they didn't let us down. Read Full Review
Batman: The Long Halloween Special #1 isn't a cheap, nostalgia-based cash grab. It's creators elevating to the top of their games to remind the world just how special their collaborations can be. Even if you haven't read the original, DO NOT MISS THIS COMIC. Read Full Review
This is a gorgeous comic, minimalist but almost as good as the originals. I don't know if we'll ever get more, but this is a fitting capper to the previous installments. Read Full Review
Buy this book. You won't regret it. Read Full Review
I would love to see more stories focusing on Gothamites from Loeb and Sale! Read Full Review
Batman: The Long Halloween Special is a triumphant return to an iconic tale that works as a standalone issue of Batman goodness and an eerie, worthy continuation of The Long Halloween saga. While many creative teams diminish over time, Loeb, Sale, and company are still hitting comics out of the park. Read Full Review
If anything, the Long Halloween Special showcases how ubiquitous the elements of its original title have become, as this is a Batman tale that both diehard fans and new readers can appreciate. Read Full Review
I hope you've enjoyed this little trip down memory lane " because despite my critiques, I definitely have. I'd say you'll have a good time with this book, even if it does feel a little like tasting a meal you used to love that isn't quite as good as you remember. Sale's art is a little messier, Loeb's writing a little weaker" and while that doesn't stop me from having fun, I notice the final pages of this book are quite keen to tease a follow-up. Read Full Review
Batman: The Long Halloween Special #1 is a follow-up that serves more as a reminder as to why The Long Halloween was great than anything fresh or necessary. It's a beautiful walk down memory lane, but it's definitely not a must-read. Read Full Review
What a great issue! Absolutely amazing! It took me a while to read, but worth it every second of the reading. I just love Loeb and Sale's work at Batman, and this issue is another great contribution to the myth. And Sale's art just grew older very well.
It goes without saying that this has been worth the 25 year wait. Loeb & Sale are back and on fine form.
What really struck me about this book was that it both managed to capture spirit of the original without feeling dated at all, showing that some comic book series are in fact timeless.
I know that many, including myself have always found the last page reveal in the Long Halloween disappointing, that it was a twist for twists sake and didn't add anything to the story. And that's where this book comes in. Due to that twist a set of stakes are set up which really adds a tension to the story.
I can only hope this book does well enough that DC invests in a new series from this incredible team.
Loeb dialogue is minimal and tight which gives the book great pace, and knows just where it needs to hit with a laugh or dramatic reveal.
And as for Sale's art. Perfection. His work is minimalist and atmospheric in a way few others can even approach.
If you are a fan of the original series, then this is a must read. But please, don't do into this blind or having only seen the animated movie. more
A classic that reminds us of when DC writers were really writers, not like now, a group of progressives writing E. L. James fanfics with their 50 leftovers. Of course, someone underage or very childish would not understand the theme of gangsters at that time.
A great re-entry into the Long Halloween/Dark Victory/Haunted Knight universe. Thoroughly enjoyed the heavy focus on Julian Day and the subplot of Two-Face and Gilda (we all know her secret by now, though not necessarily touched upon in this) coming back together, and the underlying theme of two.
The art is reminiscent of the similar art style of Sale’s glory days on The Long Halloween, though I feel Sale has degraded quite a bit with this one-shot. Some panels really seemed off, while some were just as elegantly drawn as ever. The writing is still sharp, to the point, and draws us back to Loeb’s classic Batman masterpieces. Overall, a really solid one-shot that sends the reader on a nostalgia trip, among most aspects.
Not a masterpiece like some might claim it to be by any means, but a damn fun book with some utterly amazing art nonetheless.
Pretty good, it doesn't beat the original, but it's good
That is the point. Longing for those good writers with creative freedom where the limit was their imagination. So this is good, of course not as supreme as the original, but for people tired of hypocrisy, racism (as I have seen many here, ignoring the effort that some make to handle grammar and write in English for education and not In your native language, that gentlemen is racism and if there are many racists and hypocrites on this server that are allowed to continue insulting instead of giving an opinion and of course there is also a lot of hypocrisy in the administration of this place allowing racism and xenophobia continue.) and phobias of the progressives present us something of good quality or at least superior to what this publishing house is currently doing in the hands of Lee. more
Pretty cool, I always felt that there was room to expand on Calendar Man, and I think this special did that nicely. It is a bit pricey for what it is, but you're also returning to this world with the same tone and people behind it, so you gotta respect the fact there was this story in the bank. However if there is not much to do in this world don't try to milk a future series just cause. It was a great standalone Batman story, and this serves as a epilogue twist chapter almost.
Not too shabby for a quarter century later made follow-up. AM I the only one to notice the Gordon House's interior resembling that of the Bunkers' house from All in the Family? Great Easter egg Tim Sale.
It fits in pretty well with the Long Halloween and Dark Victory better than most follow-ups made 20 years later. Usually they just ruin the quality of the original saga. But this one works pretty well. While I don't see it as anything really great, it is preferable to the extremely poor quality of today's books. But I have a feeling this will be a welcome addition to future collected editions of The classic story in the future.
If not for the horrible artwork by Sale, this one would have been a 10.
The best number that DC has released this year.
Very good story, obviously not as good as the original, the years have passed over both Loeb and Sale but it's still better than most of the comics today.
Yep, this book literally had no politics or propaganda in it, not something you see very often these days.
Yeah I really enjoyed it. You're right its not at the level of the original but it's still really enjoyable.
Damn it's good to have Tim Sale back on interiors. Feels like it's been an eternity since Captain America White ended and all we've gotten since is some pretty great Batman covers here and there. He's an absolute master at working with shadows and negative space and he brought his full talents to this one shot. The story was fine and does a solid job reinforcing some of the loose ends from the earlier Sale/Loeb collaborations. The Trick-or-Treat team-up with Babs and Dick was also a nice little bit of added levity. Overall a really enjoyable read.
It's been a looong time since I've read Long Halloween, so I may not have picked up on everything here, but what we got was pretty good, I guess. Nothing mindblowing. Tim Sale's art is definitely not on the level it once was, but they still manage to make some cool images across the one-shot.
pretty good, albeit very unnecessary. there are a lot of complaints about sale's artwork but honestly i don't think it's that bad. I loved tim sale's art but he wasn't always the most consistent artist. leaves on a cliffhanger, which is unknown if it will ever be resolved due to sale's untimely passing. still worth a read
I was so looking forward to this and after reading just felt unnecessary.
Nostalgia grab targeted at the lowest common denominator with nothing to add, other than Jeph Loeb desperately clinging to relevance. Waste of perfectly good Tim Sale art. I almost pity those who manage to trick themselves into thinking that this is anything else.
Highly recommended for anyone who doesn't care about quality writing, and just wants to blindly consume corporate-made products.