Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War: Scorched Earth #1

Writer: Chip Zdarsky, Tini Howard Artist: Mike Hawthorne, Nikola Cizmesija Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 1, 2023 Cover Price: $5.99 Critic Reviews: 14 User Reviews: 43
5.5Critic Rating
3.2User Rating

THE GOTHAM WAR ENDS HERE! The final chapter of this epic crossover is here, and Batman and his family must find a way to overcome the endgame of an ancient enemy! Can the Bat and the Cat set their differences aside? Is this the end of the Bat-Family? Lives change forever in this action-packed conclusion!

  • 10
    But Why Tho? - William Tucker Oct 31, 2023

    Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War: Scorched Earth #1 is a powerful ending. There is something to be said about the inevitability of Gotham, but this final issue ushers in massive amounts of change. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Dark Knight News - Max Byrne Oct 31, 2023

    Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War Scorched Earth is a worthy final instalment to a gripping saga. It wraps up the conflict in a satisfying manner but also leaves several new threads dangling for future stories. Things will never be the same again for the Caped Crusader; his personal relationships are damaged, perhaps forever, and a certain alternate persona is still bubbling under the surface. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Oct 31, 2023

    All in all, a fun if truly bizarre event. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Oct 31, 2023

    Hawthorne and Cizmesija deliver some good art in the issue. The action is solid and captures the tone of the story well. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Nerd Initiative - Ken M. Oct 31, 2023

    When the smoke clears, the fate of Gotham City is made evident to readers with a fitting conclusion to the Bat family civil war. With themes reminding readers about the bond of family through the writing and art, This crossover conclusion is sure to have fans talking on New Comic Book Day. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Comicbook Dispatch - Dispatchdcu Oct 31, 2023

    Batman/ Catwoman: The Gotham War Scorched Earth #1 brings this storyline/ event to a close quite uneventfully. The character voices were off, the illustrations didnt match, the story lacked emotion, and the impact of the shocking conclusion lost its punch with the exceedingly fast-paced panel progressions and conversations from the characters. Sure, there were certainly a few strong curveballs in this issue. However, they werent enough to save the event making Batman/ Catwoman: The Gotham War potentially a forgettable storyline a few months from now. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Oct 31, 2023

    As far as endings, characters feel changed, at least for a while, which is exciting in legacy storytelling. Three nuggets of story will play out in future tales. Overall, though, this finale feels bloated with action and lacks the character exploration in previous chapters that has been so exciting. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Nov 4, 2023

    The ending of the story is far less interesting and just more generic superhero comic than the start of the story. Read Full Review

  • 4.6
    Comic Watch - Dustin Gebel Oct 31, 2023

    It, along with the inking and colors, feels rushed and makes the case for avoiding the larger crossover, instead proving that the standalone issues of Batman are the strongest issues of the event. Hopefully, both books can return to their creatively rich tales of complex characters and well-crafted plots now that the meteorite has wiped out this crossover. Read Full Review

  • 3.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Lainez Oct 31, 2023

    Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War Scorched Earth put an end to the most disappointing story of 2024. There isn't a single character involved in this story that came out of this better or with more interest behind their futures. The best thing that can be said is that Gotham War is over and we can all move on. Read Full Review

  • 2.4
    The Batman Universe - Scott Waldyn Oct 31, 2023

    If you managed to make it this far into The Gotham War, congratulations. You survived. Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War: Scorched Earth #1 is a lousy ending to a lousy event. Read Full Review

  • 2.0 - Nicole Drum Nov 1, 2023

    This comicand the whole eventfeels like a really bad Mad Lib. In fact, it might have been better of being a Mad Lib. Thank gods it's over. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Weird Science - Gabe Hernandez Oct 31, 2023

    Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War - Scorched Earth #1 is unintentionally scarier than the Knight Terrors event because it's terrifying that DC allowed such an embarrassingly bad comic to ever see the light of day. The story is nonsensical, plot points come out of nowhere, things happen that aren't possible, nobody acts with any sense or reason, and everyone is still acting as if the biggest problem with what happened in this "war" is Batman. Two points for mediocre art. Read Full Review

  • 1.0
    Batman-News - William Martin Oct 31, 2023

    Gotham War has been a low point in DC's history as a publishing company and a story I hope I can excise from my memory as soon as possible. In short, I'm disappointed and I seriously hope the next Batman event has nowhere to go but up. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Screaming Enigma Nov 9, 2023

    I, personally, don't think this was as bad as others believe it to be, but I can also see why a lot of people aren't fans of this. Either way, there was a fair amount of stuff I liked here, but this feels like it deviated away from the initial point of the crossover a bit. At the very least, the ending leaves me interested to see where both Batman and Catwoman will go next in their respective series.

  • 5.5
    Psycamorean Feb 29, 2024

    I sorta blew up on the Red Hood review, I don't have much else to say. This event ends as most events seem to, with little consequence. For now, at least. I know the very end has a very big tease, but it's nearly March and we still haven't gotten a pay off, so I'm fine with my statement.

  • 5.5
    Mout Nov 29, 2023

    Shit event

  • 4.0
    sawright20 Nov 1, 2023

    I really wanted to like this event, and I’d been giving it the benefit of the doubt from the beginning, but it just didn’t work. The initial ethical dilemma was interesting to me, and I didn’t feel that the character voices were off—maybe just exaggerated. But that initial plot thread gave way to an unbelievably boring and tired story of Vandal Savage looking for a thing that will do a thing, so everybody has to stop the thing. Other reviewers have said that this event has changed the characters and dynamics, but I fully disagree. Zdarsky has changed Batman, but that happened before the event. Batman is in the same place now that he was at the end of issue 136. I have loved Zdarsky’s take on Batman, but I am so tired of the detour more

  • 4.0
    daspidaboy Oct 31, 2023

    Not going to lie, this event was pretty much garbage. This is probably my least favorite event of the year hands down. this shows that every great or skilled comic book writer can have some bad days, and this is no exception for Chip Zdarsky.

    First off, the art is horrendous. Every time there's a comic book event, I always expect good if not great art. I get that Jorge Jimenez wanted to work on Chip Zdarsky's Batman run exclusively, but I would much rather have the big guns on the event, and have hte long running series have some dip in art quality.

    Story was bland and forgettable, Action was bland, even if Batman was controlled by Zurr En Ahh, the way he treated Jason Todd was honestly crossing the line. Catwoman by T more

  • 4.0
    derbycomics Oct 31, 2023

    How did DC follow-up the poorly executed “Knight Terrors” summer event? With a Gotham-wide event that was equally poorly planned! None of the cross-over issues across the “Gotham War” ever really landed due to a multitude of issues and it was all laid bare in this punchless attempt to conclude this wildly contrived story of tension amongst the Bat-Family. The parts of the sum haven’t all bad though, Chip Zdarsky’s standalone Batman issues have given the character an interesting psychological undertone which was brought up in this issue in the most surface-level way possible. Tini Howard’s Catwoman sections are some of the lowest points of the issue and it really felt like Selina’s additions were an afterthought this entire e more

  • 3.5
    Watchtower022 Nov 3, 2023

    I thought this was the best issue of the crossover lol

  • 3.5
    Afre Nov 1, 2023

    Yeah this wasn't good. It's too messy and all over the place. I had enjoyed some previous parts, but overall I had no idea what this tried to accomplish. Everything set up in Battle Lines is almost forgotten here, making the whole dilemma pretty pointless? It seems like nothing was changed after this.

    Bruce's and Selina's relationship is still the same. The same "will they, won't they" seems to continue. I thought Vandal would be setup as the next big bad for Zdarsky's run, but he seems to be gone?

    I don't generally dislike Hawthorne's art, but it's not my favorite.

    Overall, just a bad conclusion that makes everything I liked (and disliked) about this event worse in hindsight.

  • 3.0
    Atomichound Nov 2, 2023

    Do you like drama? Do you like stories of betrayal? Do you like family drama? Do you like meteors? How about all together in one shit sandwich?

  • 3.0
    BillyBat Oct 31, 2023

    Wow... Tini Howard must be stopped.And what happened to Zdarsky ? Are there any editors left at DC?

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  • 2.0
    Batmanaholic Nov 4, 2023

    This was awful, just aweful. The whole idea should have been stopped in editorial. I think that has to be the biggest issue in comics currently. No editor ever seems to say to a writer “ that is a stupid idea and you cannot do it “

    Also dc has the best character in all of comics l, and has decided “ you know how people love Batman…… and he makes literally over half or more of our revenue in a year, how about lets take away his trusty beloved Butler, his mansion, his cash, and now his family, his manhood in some stories (Tini Howard writes him line a big cry baby bitch ) “ and wonders why people don't like the current Batman run.

    Bruce Wayne being a rich white male, doesn't mean he can't be the best charac more

  • 2.0
    TheObserver Nov 4, 2023

    Botched work.
    It was to be an epic, deep story, questioning the notion of family and heroism. But it was none of that. It’s a perfect example of a story being rushed through without any of the promised goals being achieved. What about thinking about Batman’s radical methods? What about thinking about a more permissive but perhaps more effective alternative choice? What about the thoughts of the Batfamily as long as they choose. Why believe in Catwoman rather than Batman? It could have been interesting (only RedHood was entitled to some discussions on this subject). And what about the failure of Catwoman's plan? remorse, regrets, what share of responsibility in this disaster does each person have? and then what do we do?... and fami more

  • 2.0
    fzanca Nov 3, 2023

    The only words to describe this entire run is -- "piece of shit!" If their goal was to increase sales, I don't think they accomplished that goal, since I, for one, are dropping both titles. I'm over both writers' takes on the characters. They just don't get it. And how can no one address the fact that Catwoman is an ESCAPED CONVICT?!

    I'm just glad it's over.

    My Comic Review Channel -

  • 2.0
    ItsJess Oct 31, 2023

    Not even worth a long rant. Just absolute garbage. The premise was awful from the start and the ending just as bad. What a fuckload of shit.

  • 2.0
    DomesticatedGiraffe Oct 31, 2023

    The entire event sucked. 2 stars for it being over, nothing else.

  • 1.0
    BatSledge Nov 29, 2023

    A pox upon William Tucker for giving this a 10/10 critic rating!

    This event and this issue was pure excrement and the writers and editors involved should be run out of the business permanently! Nothing here made any sense whatsoever. Plus, there are probably at least 20 DCU heroes around that could’ve stopped the stupid meteor. With that said, I was rooting for the meteor.

    This is quite possibly the worst Batman story I’ve read in 45 years of collecting BATMAN. DC should be ashamed of itself. What would folks like Denny O’Neil, Mike Carlin, Dick Giordano, Paul Levitz, Len Wein, Marv Wolfman and many other brilliant custodians of these characters over the decades have thought of $hit like this?!

  • 1.0
    Bats44121 Nov 2, 2023

    They basically hate The Batman character. Let's be clear. This was really a zero rating.
    And this was NOT ONLY a Tini Howard story, also a Chip Zdarsky story.
    And let us really NOT FORGET Teflon editor Ben Abernathy. Ben has been involved in one train wreck after another with Batman. And DC Comics expects fans just to fork out more cash endlessly.
    If you are TIRED of the DC Comics' Batman hate - STOP BUYING THEM.
    Don't give DC Comics another dollar for 6 months. THAT is only thing that will get their attention.

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 1.0
    Frank61 Nov 2, 2023


  • 1.0
    Anakin Nov 2, 2023

    Worst mainline Batman story I've ever read, I'm frankly shocked that such a big event with status quo breaking stakes was written so poorly. I can truly feel the hate for him and the batfam here, it's like the writers wanted to bring everything great about Batman into one place and ruin them all in one go.

    Honestly Batman stories have been more or less decent for more than a decade, it's never really been outright trash, but this was mindbogglingly awful to the point that I feel like it's a case of sabotage.

  • 1.0
    ResearchReader Nov 1, 2023

    I think Batman is dead. I know he is alive but this run of Batman might as well be dead. This event might be the worst, most bat-family destroying event in the past 20-30 years.

    Everything has been taken from Batman. I am not talking about the villains doing it. I mean Tini and Chip. He now has no tech, no cash, no team (who all come off as traitorous fools) and he left the team to Nightwing as him and Catwoman cant play mom and dad anymore. Really? Batman and Catwomans relationship is so toxic at this point, I dont think they could ever be put together in the next decade or so. Nightwing shouldnt run the bat-family, it should be disband based on how dumb they were.

    Batman himself was so out of character and both him more

  • 1.0
    darkknight of steel Oct 31, 2023

    I really would like to know how some of reviews of this is 10 out of 10 because there was nothing literally nothing right with this issue it didnot answer a single question Bruce bailed on everyone and well said the batfamily responsibility is no longer on me and well guess what he is gonna be isolated because he wanted it himself great just great thus issue really doesn't deserve more than a 1

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  • 1.0
    Lions Oct 31, 2023

    Es de esas cosas tan malas que agradeces aún que sea esta conclusión tan mediocre. En un momento determinado se vio venir soluciones fáciles para la unión de la familia sí pudieron tener buenos puntos para un buen drama todo esto fue echado a la basura y un sinsentido total con un punto de vista totalmente irracional y estúpido Tal como lo ha sido por este evento. Por otro lado el arte es horroroso por dónde lo miro no encuentro ni la construcción de personajes ni el respeto hacia ellos un elimina buena historia nada, Es una escultura completamente vacía y los bienes haciendo desde hace más de un año

  • Kreniigh Nov 2, 2023

    Nobody hold back now, how do you REALLY feel about this?

  • 10
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  • 10
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