F.T. Wolf's Profile

Joined: Feb 24, 2021

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Overall Rating
Batman (2016) #106

Mar 3, 2021

Solid, enjoyable issue. Excellent art. The shots of Scarecrow in the background were especially striking, as well is the action. I like the dynamic of Batman has with both Oracle & Ghostmaker. The Magistrate isn't something I'm looking forward though. I found it the worst part of Future State so I'm not too thrilled to see it here. Robin backup is also good, though to short for any momentum to properly build up before its final panel rolled around.

Batman (2016) #107

Apr 7, 2021

While a bit long-winded this issue is still as enjoyable & well drawn as #106. While I don't agree with every direction this run seems to take (e.g. Renee Montoya) its moving the story forward in an intersting way. The Ghostmaker backup is enjoyable.

Batman (2016) #108

May 4, 2021

I really liked this issue. It has some very strong character work alongside some excellent art. It provides an intersting, albeit passive, look into Bruce's mind. New villain Miracle Molly (name is lame, I know) has layers and I hope those will get explored. Ghostmaker backup story is well made, but is losing my interst. Bit to generic I feel.

Batman (2016) #109

Jun 1, 2021

Technically, this issue is very good. The art, the pacing the quality of writing are sound. I, however, didn't enjoy it that much. I just don't like the magistrate story & the heavier it leans into that direction the less enjoyable it becomes for me. I still regocnize its quality and good moments though. I surprisingly like the Harley Quinn and Ghost-maker segment and the Batman fight is very cool. The Ghost-Maker backup was amusing. Still not that big of a fan of it but it daunted on me that it reads like a manga of sorts and that has made me appreciate it a bit more.

Batman (2016) #110

Jul 22, 2021

A good, enjoyable read. It reminds me of those 'the last before X event starts', but better. Those hose issues ussualy are all about getting to the end, getting everything into place, that the rest often rings a bit hollow. This one doesnt. It has enough going on, has enough interesting character work that it feels like a good and thick read. Also: the art is the mvp. It's everything you could ask for. The Ghostmaker story is good as well (well written with nice art) but, again, just not my thing. All right. One down, over a dozen of backlogged comics to go!

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #4

Apr 1, 2021

1st issue that manages to juggle the different narratives in a way you can follow well. It's intertwined in such a way that the jumps aren't jarring and you can quickly understand in which narrative you are. The art remains very good, though still poor in its depiction of women. The imagery is particulair strong in this one. Issue got some implications regarding Selina & Joker that I hope are a misdirect, because otherwise... that's going to cause quite a stirr and honestly? It would be quite icky.

Champions (2020) #6

Apr 28, 2021

A good issue that'll surely be liked by Champions fans. I'm happy to see that the events of Outlawed aren't forgotten. That trust is a two-way street and something that takes time to be rebuild. Hopefully Lore will leverage this in bringing us some good character work and development, for Riri and Viv especially. The art is good, though perhaps a bit inconsistent and while I'm personally done with Roxxon at this point it at least provides the Champions with a villain that's ties into the book's theme.

Champions (2020) #7

Jun 8, 2021

I like that this run remembers that they're teens and let's them do teen things. It's refreshing and is fun to read. It's also handling the characterizations & interactions very well. The story isn't working for me though. Too heavy-handed in what it represents & not interesting enough with how blatantly evil they are.

Champions (2020) #8

Jul 26, 2021

About the same in quality as #7 I'd say. This issue was definetly more tense and I like that it tackles the emotions of the Champions in. The pressure they are feeling gets (mostly) adressed I just feel that the overall story isn't compelling enough, that the book is going through the motions. Everybody having a 'baby-face' is also uncanny and weird. Still enjoyable though and I am looking forward to the next instalment. Yet another one from the backlog down!

Crime Syndicate (2021) #1

Mar 3, 2021

Enjoyable. Putting more nuance into the Crime Syndicate and its world beyond 'their just the evil Justice League'. Would've prefered completely new civilian identities though. To make it much farther removed from the DC Univderse we know. I feel that would have served the characters better. How it stands now I can't help but keep comparing Ultraman to Injustice Superman, keep thinking about how weird it is that Oliver Queen is the president etc. Getting The Boys vibes too, though not as gruesome or graphic which I appreciate.

Crime Syndicate (2021) #2

Apr 6, 2021

A step down from #1. It misses a lot of the intrigue of that one, instead going for a more traditional route. Typical Alien invasion scenario. Did appreciate the Owlman origin. Nuanced & love the Justice League: Two Earths inspirations. Instead of just going the 'they're just evil versions' route this run does its best by giving you a plausible explanation of why these characters are bad guys in this universe. I appreciate this approach.

Crime Syndicate (2021) #3

May 4, 2021

Meh. While the limited-series started quite strong, it has been dropping with the story becoming very by the numbers and quite rushed. There's still fun to be had but the intrigue, the potential commentary, has been lost.

Daredevil (2019) #28

Mar 11, 2021

Once again, Daredevil is amazing. Good art, very good writing, an interesting direction and lots of focus on character work. Elektra as Daredevil remains intriguing and I can't wait to see what for influence Alice will have on her.

Daredevil (2019) #29

Apr 15, 2021

This one book whose quality is excellent and manages to keep it that way. The pacing, artwork, dialogue, character selection remain great. Matt's time in prison just hit a low, while his twin-brother Mike (did not know he even existed) is using the opportunity to further his own criminal agenda. Elektra is drawing too much heat, but has good intentions. Still, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. The way she going about mentoring that girl and protecting Hell's Kitchen things will go out of hand I garantuee you.

Daredevil (2019) #30

Jun 6, 2021

In the Elektra side of the story, something happenend that we all saw coming. Yet, there's more to the situation then I thought there would be. More nuances. That's what makes that part of the story interesting. Showing Elektra's thoughts and that she had the same thoughts/reservations as the reader will no doubt have (had). On the Matt front, this issue dives deeper into the 'selfhisness/selfless debtate and provides Matt with a way out of prison that wouldn't (completly) undo the significance of his sentence. Let's see where that goes. Writing & art are excellent as always. What more can I say, this series is just really good!

Daredevil (2019) #31

Jul 4, 2021

This issue of Daredevil is still the same well written, character heavy superhero drama that I´ve come to know and love. However, it has two little points that irks me and makes it my least favourite Zdarsky Dardevil issue. For one, the ´Bullseye goes on a killing spree with a clear religious connection´ just rub me the wrong way. Makes me uncomfortable. Secondly, the art is noticeably different this issue and I prefer #30´s art. Still a very good issue though, no doubts there.

Detective Comics (2016) #1034

Mar 26, 2021

Very enjoyable. Both the Batman & Robin stories are well written & well illustrated. The Bruce story ties into the larger narrative well while still providing a solid new case for the detective. One that ties into both his Batman life and Bruce Wayne life AKA the best type of Batman cases. Damian's story was short again, but offered good insight in what his solo-series will be. Seems fun, though I'm not sure about the direction of his character just yet.

Detective Comics (2016) #1035

Apr 27, 2021

Good issue. Not as hard-hitting as #1034, but with more time for character work. Mr. Worth will definetly be a new Batman villian but a different kind I feel. Someone who won't be going around in a mask with a bunch of croneys, who wants Justice, but will throw his money towards the Mayor and his anti-vigilante campaign. The Huntress story was good as well with a good tragedy at its core.

Detective Comics (2016) #1036

May 25, 2021

Currently my favourite Batman book. It's a good old-fashioned murder mystery with good art. I actually get attached to the victims, them being Bruce's new neighbours and all. Tamaki did a very good job of making me care about them even with the limited amount of pages since their introduciton. The Huntress backup is also very good. Emotional, gripping yet not dour.

Detective Comics (2016) #1037

Jun 8, 2021

A step down from #1036, but still enjoyable. The main gripe that I have with it is that the main story felt rather short, just going from scene to scene, and left me unsatisfied even if it raises some interesting developments such as Bruce's arrest. The art is still good, but I do prefere Mora's work over the team here. This issue has two backups, with mixed results. Exclusive is the better of the two. It features Bruce's new reporter neighbour. It presented in a neat fashion with a fitting atmosphere and to the point. A fun little backup story. 3 minutes I'm not very fond of, solely because of Lucius Fox. It feels disgenuine, simply there to retcon his character to justify the character transplant he has gotten recently. Beyond that, I find the art less then stellar though it was nice seeing Alfred again.

Detective Comics (2016) #1038

Jun 22, 2021

Around and about the same as issue #1037. Enjoyable outing that moves the story along but with some issues in regards to pacing. The story is better paced then #1037, doesn´t feel like just a set of scenes stringed together, but it´s still over a bit to soon and not entirely satisfying by the end. Did like the added moments of small humour and Worth, while not as complexed as I would´ve hoped, is at least entertaining to read about with his affinity for explosions and comedically large weapons. The book got one backup this time around, focused the Penguin. It´s fine. It could´ve made its point in a much shorter span but all in all it´s, again, just fine.

Detective Comics (2016) #1039

Jul 13, 2021

A good issue though not quite a solid ending to a very enjoyable story arc. In terms of the quality (writing, art etc.) the books is solid. More then solid even. It's just that I find it underwhelming due to the pace being too fast for my liking as well as finding the big-bad, the one behind the murder of Bruce's neighbours, not even remotely intersting. Still a good, enteraining read though, don't get me wrong on that. The backup story hinges on if you like new villain Vile. If you do then you'll like it. If you don't, then you won't.

Flash (2016) #768

Apr 2, 2021

With how #WallyWest has been mishandled in recent years I'm going into this with caution. While it has problems (I don't like the art & pacing could be better) it shows promise. It's well written & the character interactions are well done. Let's see Jeremy Adams can craft a modern Wally West story that's actually good.

Future State (2021): The Next Batman #1

Feb 24, 2021

Already liking the new Batman and his approach to crimefighting. He focuses more on saving the people then fighting the bad-guys, an approach that has been lost with current Batman stories were it's often more about the villain Outsiders story didn't do it for me. I found it difficult to understand what was going on, though the panel with Katanna fighting her way through a warehouse was very well done. The Arkham Knights are very intriguing. It's Suicide Squad meets Arkham Asylum and while I question how it got to this point, its an interesting read regardless. Fully recommended.

Future State (2021): Batman/Superman #1

Feb 24, 2021

This book is meh. Interesting to see a story set so early in the future of Future State, but the big problem I have with it is that's just not interesting. The False Face society doesn't scream 'interesting' or even 'a worthy opponent for these two' to me. Beyond that, I find that the interaction between Bruce & Clark could be better. It's alright, but it doesn't 'pop' if you will. Something I think is important when you have these two together. Art is fine. Not my cup of tea but nothing bad either. All in all, I'd read this book at your own risk.

Future State (2021): Suicide Squad #1

Feb 24, 2021

The book is a definete 'meh'. The main story has potentail, Waller having her own 'Dark Avengers' in the from of the Justice Squad is an intriguing idea. An unexpected, but still logical step up from her ussual Suicide Squad. I'm not onboard with the story though, as I find it quite lacking in many departments. From the art to the character work (with exception of 'Flash', she intrigues me) and the overall pacing of the story. The Black Adam backup story is just... bad. Just bad. The only interesting thing that happens in it is the final panel with arrival of 'Gold Beetle'. Would love to know more about what her deal is! All in all, read at your own risk.

Future State (2021): Superman: House of El #1

Mar 2, 2021

A fitting end to Future State if you ask me. It's well written, with good art and some very interesting characters. Said characters don't get a lot of page-time but I nonetheless felt invested in them. The book also provides an intersting look at Clark's legacy though it is admittedly not one I would personally give the Man of Steel. Recommended.

Future State (2021): Legion of Super-Heroes #1

Mar 2, 2021

Yeah. Really not a good issue if you ask me. Art is, in my opnion, ugly and chaotic. It's very hard to see what's going on in the book, the make out what's happening in action sequences. There's also an abundance of text which made this book a chore to read at times. The story is also nothing to write home about either. The same 'the future has gone to hell' mentality that many of the Future State titles have. Don't Recommend.

Future State (2021): Superman vs. Imperious Lex #2

Feb 24, 2021

It's all right. There are things I like and things I don't. I like that Lex is getting his comeuppance this issue. I like the writers know that Lois Lane can take care of herself. I like the humour in the book. What I don't like is the art. It's not bad, just not my cup of tea. I'm especially thrown of by the faces of the human characters. They often look very plasticy. What I also don't like are the politics. Lex is an obvious stand-in for Trump and I'm just completely done with that man. Mild Reccomendation

Future State (2021): Aquaman #2

Feb 24, 2021

I'm happy to say that #2 is just as good as the #1. This time, the focus is on AquaGirl/Woman this issue. You get to see her survive, alone, after the events of last issue. This not only gives us a best glimpse ot here character that we've had to date, but also makes the final moments of the book that much stronger. We get to see how much she cares for Kaldur. Her mentor who she sees as her brother. The art is very nice as well, especially the background work if you ask me. All in all, a very interesting survivor/sibling story. Fully recommended.

Future State (2021): Batman/Superman #2

Feb 24, 2021

Much improved over last issue if you ask me. The mainplot is still not that interesting. I don't find the false face society nor Mistery Pyg intriguing nor threatening enough to warrant the team-up. However, the dynamic between Bruce & Clark is strong. It's what their dynamic should be, even if I find Bruce to be a bit to much of a, well, prick. Art's not bad either. The designs of the monsters are pretty good, decently horrifying. Recommended

Future State (2021): Suicide Squad #2

Feb 24, 2021

So that entire thing was purposeless, now wasn't it? In the end, the badguys won. The Suicide Squad under Peacemaker are all dead and the Justice Squad seems to be done for as well. Only Conner seems to have survived. Shame. I thought that the Flash AKA Bolt and the entire 'Dark Avengers' thing had loads of potential but, in my opinion, they didn't do anything interesting with it. That's, I feel, this issues greatest sin. In the end, nothing mattered and it didn't make a lot of sense to me either. The only enjoyable thing in the #BlackAdam story was Gold Beetle. The rest wasn't any good. Just not interesting and not well written. However, Black Adam timetravelling to the past gives me hope that Teen Titans Academy won't lead into Future State, but will instead prevent what happend with the Titans and Raven. I hope. Don't recommend.

Future State (2021): Legion of Super-Heroes #2

Mar 2, 2021

Still not a good issue. It has the same problems as #1. Art that is, in my opinion, ugly and very chaotic. A story that isn't interesting and ends in a rather boring/uninteresting way to boot. An overabundance of text, that makes it all a heavy read. Don't Recommend.

Future State (2021): Superman: Worlds of War #2

Mar 5, 2021

The Clark Kent story was excellent. Well written and well drawn. It stopped more then it ended, but that's my only complaint. The Mister Miracle, Midnighter & Black Racer backups aren't as good, but still various degrees of enjoyable.

Future State (2021): Shazam! #2

Mar 6, 2021

Yep. This book is bad. A story that completely disregards characterization for the sake of telling a bleak and depressing but mostly boring tale. Shazam is supposed to be a story about a hopefull young boy. What this story does to Billy and Shazam, with this in mind, just feels wrong.

Future State (2021): Nightwing #2

Mar 6, 2021

Future State Nightwing remains a good book. Much more hopefull with a very good characterization of Nightwing at its core. The Nightwing & (the new) Batman dynamic is alsa surprisingly good. Barbara's Oracle suit is also looking pretty good if I do say myself.

Future State (2021): Immortal Wonder Woman #2

Mar 6, 2021

Still good, though I found it not as good or enjoyable as #1 to me. Diana's story is still well written with beautiful art, but I also though the ending was anti-climactic and, frankly, boring. Nubia remains a very interesting character, one I hope to see more of.

Future State (2021): Catwoman #2

Mar 6, 2021

An enjoyable issue. Don't have too much to say about it other then that I'm happy that Selina gets more focus here then #1 and its good art. I also like the books ending, which I feel is a very fitting and satisfying.

Future State (2021): Dark Detective #4

Feb 24, 2021

I thouroghly enjoyed both the Batman and Red Hood (featuring my girl Ravager) stories. While I don't agree with the direction Future State has taken with Bruce Wayne (and many characters come to thin of it) I can't deny that the more down to earth approach and focus on his detective skill really work for the character. The Red Hood story is just enjoyable. Not that overcomplicated or too surprising, but well executed. In short: Good writing, good art and good characterizations throughout. However: is this really the end of the Future State Batman story? Because if it is, it's a really unsatisfying one. Recommended

Future State (2021): The Next Batman #4

Mar 5, 2021

I thougoghly enjoyed bot the Batman & Red Hood (with my girl Ravager) stories. They had good writing, good ar and good characterizations. However, is this really the end of the Future State Batman Family of stories? Because if it is, it's a really unsatisfying one.

Heroes Reborn (2021) #1

May 5, 2021

This is good! The first issue of the next big-event is all setup, but done in a very intriguing way. There are lots of fun mash-ups & easter-eggs with excellent art that sells it all. Let's hope the rest of the series is of this quality.

Heroes Reborn (2021) #2

May 12, 2021

While juggling the individual Squadron stories with the main narrative worries me (I can easily see one overshadowing the other) this issue mixes them well. The focus is on Hyperion but there's enough connectivity so that Avengers one, while brief, works and doesn't feel disjointed. Speaking of the Hyperion story, it's very Superman-y (as expected) but has enough changes & edges to make it worthwhile. Art is good for both stories, though I do think the sudden change in style could've been a lot smoother.

Heroes Reborn (2021) #3

May 20, 2021

This issue continues the path of HR as a series of self-contained books with only the backups moving the event forward. It's shaping up to be this event's biggest strenght and weakness at the same time. Still very fun to read though, with good art to boot, but I can see the gimmmick starting to wear thin and some of the weird moments making people scratch their head in a 'I don't get it' way.

Heroes Reborn (2021) #4

May 27, 2021

A mixed big. While the story is still well told & this issue has some cool reveals it doesn't live up to #1-3. The art is rough too chaotic to follow, the cover (& setup) is misleading and the entire affair feels drawn out. This issue also lacks some elements that made the others. I barely saw any DC callouts/pastiches or at the very least I didn't notice them. What I also appreciated about #2 & 3 is the complexity in Hyperion and Blurr. They're flawed, overly-violent, heroes but heroes nonetheless. They're being manipulated, but propably good people at heart that could be redeemed. Doctor Spectrum has no such complexities. He's just a sociopath.

Heroes Reborn (2021) #5

Jun 2, 2021

A very good book that does have some elements here that keeps the issue from fully coming together. The art is good, if very much an acquired taste, and the overall narrative is well-done. What makes this book really good is The characterization of Nighthawk. This issue is basically a character study about him and a really good one. His self-awareness alongside his genuine desire to do good makes him a very intersting and likeable character. Still clearly a pastiche of Batman, but one I could see having a future with this incarnation. What keeps this issue from fully coming together, in my mind at least, is the merger of the Batman elements with those of Spider-Man and Captain America. I can see the logic behind some of them but overall, I don't think it works. Everytime it happens I'm taken out of the story as I feel it creates a tonal shift. Still, the book is good and worth a read if you enjoy this event.

Heroes Reborn (2021) #6

Jun 9, 2021

Just like (most of) its predeccessors, Heroes Reborn is a blast to read though it did leave me slightly dissapointed. It's well written with the character at its core, in this case Power Princess, being a smart twist/pastiche of Wonder Woman that can (pretty much) stand on it own. The artwork is very nice for both stories even if it has some annoying colouring mistakes here and there. Where the dissapointment comes in is the pacing and Power Princess characterization. The pacing is too fast. The book feels much shorter then it actually is and thus left me unsatisfied. When it comes to Power Princess's, Zarda's, character she's too close to being a villain to my liking. I enjoy what is here, the old warrior who revels in violence and booze to distract her from her own loneliness, but she's missing a redeeming character trait.

Heroes Reborn (2021) #7

Jun 16, 2021

A good issue that's weighed down by its own narrative structure. The book is at its best when it's just the Squadron Supreme working together, bouncing of once another, investigating the Avengers. We haven't seen them really interact yet and said interaction is intersting to see and shows these very gray characters' good and bad sides (some characters more then the other, admittedly). The narrative structure ways it down because it's too interruptive. They show how iconic Marvel moments played out with the Squadron and while certainly interesting on it own, it just breaks up the flow too much. I would not have put it in the 2nd to last issue.

Heroes Reborn (2021): Hyperion & The Imperial Guard #1

May 14, 2021

It's OK. Writing is competent & has good tension but the story lacks impact. Its pacing is rushed & it being a one-shot takes away the stakes in my eyes. Starjammers backup is fun but, once again, rushed.

Heroes Reborn (2021): Magneto & The Mutant Force #1

May 27, 2021

It's a perfectly fine issue. It didn't grab me as I find the story predictable & the characters a bit bland but it's well put together. The writing is well done and the art is nice. X-men fans will surely find enjoyment in it.

Heroes Reborn (2021): Magneto & The Mutant Force #1

May 27, 2021

It's a perfectly fine issue. It didn't grab me as I find the story predictable & the characters a bit bland but it's well put together. The writing is well done and the art is nice. X-men fans will surely find enjoyment in it.

Heroes Reborn (2021): Siege Society #1

May 28, 2021

Overall enjoyable, but lacking in substance. The best part in this is seeing the chemistry between BlackWidow, Hawkeye & Ant-man & seeing some different Squadron members. Story itself isn't that interesting though. To by the numbers and could've easily been told in fewer pages. It also SPOILER very much just feels like an excuse to cull the ranks of the Squadron Supreme, to explain why the team really only has 5 heroes.

Heroes Reborn (2021): Young Squadron #1

May 28, 2021

As a big fan of the Champions, I'm so glad this issue didn't dissapoint! This issue is fun small-scale story with good characterization for the 'Champions with a twist' that gives an interesting look into this world. Even in this different world, Kamala, Sam and Miles stay true to who they are. With how 'twisted' this world is that's really nice to see. Deadpool felt wasted though. They 'pastiched' him into Harley Quinn, which is a very odd decision. I mean, the guy literally started out as a Deathstroke rip-off, so why not commit to that now that they have the opportunity to do so?

Heroes Reborn (2021): Double Action #1

Jun 2, 2021

An excellent issue! While I didn't get the sense of nostalgia this issue is clearly going for as I'm not that old and never read the original story, the tragedy and suspense sure did. Even without my prior knowledge I thouroghly enjoyed it as it's just very well written. It can be a bit cheesy at times and the amount of D-tours (small moments that don't go anywhere) are annoying but that's not enough to keep the issue back. I just chuck that up to the style of the era its harkening back to for the most part. Makes the mix of Spider-Man stuff also work better as it causes less of a tonal shift. A critique of mine in regards to Heroes Reborn #5.

Heroes Reborn (2021): American Knights #1

Jun 6, 2021

Enjoyable, but not very memorable. I like the narrative, Luke's character & what it had to say about the church (of Mephisto). The rest was underwhelming though. The writing is good, but not great. The art is fine but with some very uncanny faces and imagery. All in all, an issue that while enjoyable and easy to get through, won't stay with you. Very much a one-and-done read.

Heroes Reborn (2021): Night-Gwen #1

Jun 10, 2021

This issue gave me a taste for more. The art, pacing and writing are all nice and good. The way the narrative leads you through the story was organic though with a few to many flasbacks/expositions and the 'twist' to the vilain was too easy to catch in my opinion. What really gave me that taste for more is Nightbird herself. Compared to the other DC pastiches, Nightbird is much more capable of standing on her own. She mixes elements of 616-Gwen, Spider-Gwen, Nightwing, Batgirl & Batwoman alongside some new additions like the psychiatrist during the day to create a cocktail that tastes pretty darn good. I really wouldn't mind seeing more of this version of Gwen even with the other versions of Gwen Stacey we've seen recently starting to saturate the market.

Heroes Reborn (2021): Squadron Savage #1

Jun 14, 2021

I find this issue to be neither here nor there. I don´t have anything to complain about but don´t have anything to really praise either. Art & Writing are good but not outstanding. I would even go as far and say that the mission the Savage Squadron isn't that exciting. That excitement comes through how the team works which is genuinely interesting. All in all, an enjoyable one-time read but not much else.

Heroes Reborn (2021): Weapon X & Final Flight #1

Jun 17, 2021

This issue was meh. Very much been there, done that. Alpha Flight is the third 'Suicide Squad' like team we've gotten int this event. Logan's journey is interesting but the rest of the cast doesn't have the time to distinguish themselves. Aurora has the same backstory as the Silver Witch, for example. There's still enjoyability here, but I wouldn't go out of your way for it.

Heroes Reborn (2021): Heroes Return #1

Jun 23, 2021

Heroes Reborn end on a fun note that, while it could've been more, is still a conclusion worth reading. After 7 issues, we finally get the Avengers VS Squadron Supreme Fight and it's pretty good. Some smart choices in terms of matchups and leveling the playing field well shown off through the art. The fights are over a bit too quickly but that doesn't take much away from its entertainment. The overall conclusion lacks impact, doesn't follow up on intersting ideas the event raised like the possiblity of (most) SSA members bettering themselves, which is dissapointing. But again, Heroes Return is still a good issue and worth a read.

Infinite Frontier (2021) #0

Mar 5, 2021

Lots to talk about as a fan, but I'm keeping it brief. It's very good, especially the smaller, character-based moments. The framing device works well to bring these stories, some long some short, together in a cohesive fashion. There is some chaos in here due to the amount of different stories and the style of these stories, but it's not a deal-breaker by any means.

Iron Man (2020) #7

Mar 25, 2021

This series has lost me. While the art & the writing quality remains excellent, the story has taken a dive. It's too preachy. This book has extremely clear parallels to religion and faith but it´s not speaking to me. On the contrary, it hinders my enjoyment of the series as I´m just not in the mood for it. There are also other problems with the story that has started to really annoy me. Tony's character has become increasingly unlikeable & Hellcat got the shaft once again. I can see why others like this issue and rate it so high, but I personally cannot do this.

Justice League (2018) #59

Mar 16, 2021

Brian Michael Bendis is of to a solid start on his first Justice League issue. A slow yet enjoyable start with humour & heart that's supported by good art. It's too short though & lacks some momentum because of it. It ends before really getting 'into things' is what I mean to say. The Justice League Dark backup is good as well, but less enticing To be honest. It's a clear setup for the Future State Justice League Dark story which I'm not a fan off. Still, I can't argue with the quality of the writing and art.

Justice League (2018) #60

Apr 21, 2021

Bendis' run is shaping up to be a good one if you ask me. Don't fully agree with the direction I think he's taken, but the writing (especially the character interactions) is well done. The JLDark backup is good to, but a bit to short.

Justice League (2018) #61

May 18, 2021

While many argue that this run feels like filler, I find it enjoyable regardless. It's written in a rather light, easily digestible way even if it's has some weird moments and ends a bit to soon. Art is amazing too and definetly the issue's VIP. The JusticeLeagueDark backup is A-OK. I find them to be too short to really get any momentum going but this one finally moves the plot-forward and (re-)introduces a character I'm particularly interested in seeing how their journey plays out.

Justice League (2018) #62

Jun 1, 2021

Brian Michael Bendis's run isn't the most exciting Justice League run but it's still very enjoyable. I enjoy the art and the general tone/atmosphere. Not every story has to be 'groundbreaking' so I'm alright with Bendis's more relaxed storytelling. I do hope the story becomes more then just fighting & humor in #63 though. Being enjoyable isn't the same as being memorable. The Justice League Dark backup is more interesting, even carries this issue. Plus: the art better. Not that the art in the JL story is bad, but I simply think this is the better one.

Justice League (2018) #63

Jun 22, 2021

Brian Michael Bendis's first Justice League arc ends very unsatisfactory. The run has, up untill now, been more about a fun story with the Justice League then a deep one and that's fine. However, deep or not, you still got to wrap it up in a way people will feel it was worth reading the story and it, in my humble opinion, doesn't. #62 ended on a cliffhanger, the promise of a big battle between the Justice League and Zumbado, the book even starts out with a flashforward showing fallout, but the fight itself is a mess. It's not clear at all what's going on, much of it is due to the way it's drawn. After that it's just a lot of dialogue. It's well written dialogue, Bendis 'gets' each character pretty darn well, but it's als overly humorous and drawn out. The Justice League Dark backup story is this issue strongest part. Good art, intersting narrative and a strong final panel. Justice League #63 isn't a bad issue, the art is good and the character moments are intersting and well done and the Jutice League Dark Backup is really good, but it's also a mess that underdelivers on its promise with a conclusion that just isn't satisfying.

Justice League (2018) #64

Jul 13, 2021

The main Justice League story is a fine, rather filler-like read. I enjoyed my time with it but when we reached the end I was like 'it's over already?'. Nothing particulairly oustanding or terrible about it either. The Justice League Dark backup is once again excellent. I like that we're getting a closer look at new character the Eternal Knight and Batman is used sparingly so he doesn't overshadow her. Intersted in seeing were this goes, even if I don't have any idea what that cliffhanger means.

Magnificent Ms. Marvel #18

Mar 2, 2021

It's over, isn't it? Saladin Ahmed ends his Ms. Marvel run the same way it lived. With a lot of heart, good art though rather by the numbers. This issue resolves many plot-threads letting Kamala end her solo-series in a good place. The Magnificent Ms. Marvel might not have been as good as the original Ms.Marvel series but it its still a worthy follow up that respected Kamala and her friends and family while simultaneously developing them further. Go read it. All of it.

Marauders (2019) #18

Apr 5, 2021

OK issue. Nothing too spectuclair in it, but that doesn't mean that it isn't good. Very much a stepping stone to the big fight for Madripoor in #19 but the issue got some strong moments for individual characters and is overall pretty enjoyable.

Marauders (2019) #19

Apr 7, 2021

OK issue. It wraps up the current story arc in a somewhat satisfying way. Nothing to spectecular, but its enjoyable and does the job. Long time X-men readers will find something extra in this issue with all of the callbacks and whatnot.

Robin (2021) #1

Apr 28, 2021

Enjoyable. While Damian Wayne gets on my nerves a lot, his entitlement is far from charming and he went way too far in stuff like the Teen Titans run, I found him bareable here. With a little luck, this entire story will humble him some. The last page is a potential indication of that, though I won't go to deep into this to prevent spoilers. While the story is nothing we haven't seen before, I'm down for a good tournament arc and the guest-stars such as #Ravager and Connor Hawke have peaked my interest. Also: the art is pretty great and that tends to go pretty far with me.

Robin (2021) #2

Jun 1, 2021

That's more like it! With (most) of the setup out of the way, #2 can start to dive deeper into the characters. Damian Wayne is a very hit or miss character for me. This book keeps his flaws (his ego, for one) intact while keeping him likeable. Also a fan of Rose Wilson/Ravager portrayal here and her dynamic with Damien. She's put forward as the story's deuteragonist and I'm not complaining. Not feeling the 'big-bad' though. The book doesn't do enough to establish her as a credible nor interesting threat. We shall see if this changes but I got the feeling she really is just there as an excuse for the whole 'anime/manga tournament arc' thing to happen.

Robin (2021) #3

Jun 26, 2021

Slowing down the pace and putting the fighting of the tournament on hold, #3 is a fun and interesting character focused issue. It has good character work for both Damian and Connor Hawke which will make their inevitable showdown at the end of this arc that much more interesting. The issue also has good art, some fun jokes and references and an interesting ending.

Silk (2021) #1

Apr 6, 2021

Cindy Moon once again swings around NYC in her own solo-title and it's off to a strong start. This issue serves as a good (re-)introduction to Silk. You get a good if not brief look at her character, her backstory and her interaction with the supportings cast with J.Jonah Jameson the most well known character. It's a very enjoyable book that gets the core of Cindy across with fun & cool moments throughout.

Transformers: Beast Wars #1

Mar 3, 2021

Beast Wars is back baby! Cue the electric guitar! The first issue of this new Beast Wars series is a reboot of the orignal cartoon. It retells the pilot of the old show, yes, but it adds in new characters, new details & some more nuances. It's going to be interesting to see if Burnham will be able to pay off all of the seeds planted in this first issue, both the once he took directly from the show as well as the once he introduced into the story himsel. The writing is good, the art might not be everybody's cup of tea though. It's something I think I'll need to get used to. Fully Recommended.

Transformers: Beast Wars #2

Mar 3, 2021

While not as strong as the debut issue, it's much more intriguing. The story is already going in its own direction, bringing in elements from much later in the Beast Wars for more cohesion even if it's not as well written as I would've liked. What is by far the best part of the issue, aside from the art which I've gotten used to since #1, is the character dynamics. From old favourites like Dinobot and Tarantulas to the newly added characters such as Nyx. Recommended, Yeeessss.

Transformers: Beast Wars #3

Apr 15, 2021

This issue is focused on the Predacons. It made for a very intersting issue, seeing not only more of Megatron, his leadership style & Skold the brand-new female Predacon. It also feature Dinobot's SPOILER, which is an improvement of how it happened originally. Much more befitting of his character and makes the character more sympathetic from the start.

Transformers: Beast Wars #4

May 31, 2021

Solid, but slow issue. I think it did a really good job of showing Dinobot's character & I like the way his change of allegiance is handled. The overall pacing was a bit too slow though. The storytelling could've been compressed more, would've given more time to the Maximals & Predacons to make their part of the story feel more a part of the narrative and less like a break from it.

Wonder Woman (2016) #770

Mar 11, 2021

The new creative team is of to one Heaven (ha!) of a start. The story, placing Diana in a different kind(s) of afterlife, is a very interesting and promising one. The art is amazing. Nicely detailed while not overdoing it and well coloured. The backup with young Diana is also so cute you guys!

Wonder Woman (2016) #771

Apr 14, 2021

This run is shaping up to be stellar! The writing &art are amazing. Diana's amnesia while in the Asgardian afterlife means we see the very core of her character which makes for good storytelling. Young Diana is both cute and thought-provoking.

Reviews for the Week of...


