With three kingdoms on the brink of war, Batman is in hiding, recovering from an attack and a shocking betrayal. But Bat-man finds he's not the only unfortunate soul to be taken in by his surprise rescuers-strange, magical youngsters have been given sanctuary alongside the bastard prince, Bruce Wayne. Will these teen outcasts change everything Batman believes in? Or will they perish at the hands of a demon?
I'm really looking forward to seeing how all of this pans out in the next issue. Read Full Review
While it seems that Bruce is being set up as the big hero in this series, I hope Kal remains above the fray as well. We need as many heroes as we can get. Anyways, we didn't see the Els or the Amazons or the ruling queen of the House of Lightning at all this issue. This was a side issue which helped with world building. But I feel even more confident. Martians are here. Read Full Review
Taylor continues his innovative reworking of the DC Universe by re-introducing the Titans to readers, and I love how this chapter places Richard Grayson in a position to join the ranks of his traditional second family. Read Full Review
Dark Knights of Steel remains full of excellent surprises with just enough traces of the default characterizations of DC legends that it succeeds on multiple levels. Even with a shift in artist, this remains a definite must-read for the week. Read Full Review
While we have another guest artist in Nathan Gooden this issue, the series doesn't lose momentum at all. Read Full Review
This book is filled with demons, dragons, zombies, gods, and written with a deft understanding of human psychology. With a creative team of this caliber, I don't think that this story could be disappointing if it tried. Read Full Review
I highly recommend Dark Knights of Steel #7, especially if you're a Teen Titans fan, or if you'd like to see more of the Bat-prince (I always will). In addition, dragons! This would be an excellent setup for a DM for those who are enjoying the combination of Dungeons and Dragons with the DC Universe. As an avid player, I think it would be incredible to release applicable character sets (starting at 20 strength is a bit unreal for my level 3 Paladin skillset). Read Full Review
Dark Knights of Steel #7 is a good issue, especially if you're a Batman fan. Taylor continues to evolve and develop these characters in a way that feels new, yet spiritually accurate to who they are. Given the fantasy setting, Dark Knights of Steel is a great twist on DC Comics superheroes. Read Full Review
There's a whole lot going on here as usual and it delivers really well on some great dialogue, interesting reworkings of familiar characters and concepts, and a real sense of being lived-in in a way that makes me want more. Hell, this is the kind of stuff that could get novelized easily and run for years with expansive storytelling. Taylor's scripts is frustrating in just how easy flowing it is and the way the characters move about and interact, all while new aspects are revealed and more characters surface. Gooden's artwork is spot on in feeling like what we've had but also having its own style and design choices made that let it stand out as a different artist, giving us the best of both worlds. I'm excited to see what's next. Read Full Review
This lacks some of the shocking twists of previous issues and I feel like the comic isn't doing as good of a job of establishing various DC characters as unique from their mainstream counterparts. Still, a fun issue nonetheless. Read Full Review
Dark Knights of Steel #7 is a mixed bag of a comic book. There is certainly a lot of good character work for Bruce Wayne and the newly introduced Titans. But that character work comes at the cost of the overall narrative for this series coming to a screeching halt. This decision just as we begin the second half of this story creates concern for how much time other characters will truly get a chance to shine in this story. Read Full Review
Despite the minor hiccups in the storyline and artwork, I still believe Dark Knights of Steel is a fun ride. This particular issue just needed more thought and care overall. I am a firm believer that a good journey is about where you're going, not what's in your cooler. Unfortunately, I have no idea where it is going and can only judge it by where we are right now. Tom Taylor is sidelining his grander plot to set up a future one. It is hard to say if issue #7 turns out to be more important or just ends up a "backdoor pilot for something else. Read Full Review
This issue was a ton of fun and I really hope they do more with the Titans but it's likely they will all be shuffled off until the final battle. All of them felt like their respective characters but we can only get so much from a handful of pieces of dialogue. At the very least, Beast Boy actually made me laugh and that was nice. The art here was actually really stellar even without Putri but reinforces the point I made in the last issue review. Why are they putting Putri on the slower books when their art could have been better showcased here. Additionally, I felt like this issue could have benefitted from 3-5 more pages. A little more dialogue with the Titans, more establishing a bond between Bruce and the Kents, a longer battle that wasnmore
Fast entertaining read. Series still moving at a fast clip but due to introducing so many characters sometimes it doesn’t feel like it’s settled in in any way. I wish there were less characters and tighter plotting.
I want to like this. A Marvel 1602-ish theme for DC makes sense, but Taylor is just ham fisting characters into a limited series, and that just doesn't do anyone any justice.
Taylor keeps throwing in characters and plot points when we barely know anything about the existing ones, which makes for a dull read.
Also, not a fan of Chosen One Batman having Superman's powers and absorbing his role in the backstory with the Kents, to be honest, talk about a fantasy series cliché.
although it was nice to see the mention of Titans in the last issue wasn't just some throw away line for fan service, imo it would've worked better if it had more building up to it rather than just half an issue. another problem i have with this book is that it's introducing so many new characters, i think Taylor is doing it partially because he believes that most people know them already because of the main universe, the problem comes from the fact This is not something like dceased or injustice that were based on the main universe with a twist like superman becoming evil or Justice League having to fight zombies. now it's totally something new and so should be the character and their respective characterization. and i think this kind of smore