Amazing Spider-Man #93

Writer: Zeb Wells Artist: Patrick Gleason Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 30, 2022 Cover Price: $5.99 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 40
7.7Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

•  SPIDER-MAN VS. SPIDER-MAN! You may surprise yourself with who you're rooting for.
•  Don't miss the conclusion to one of the most surprising Spider-Stories of the past decade.


  • 9.2
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Mar 30, 2022

    Gleason delivers some dynamic, visually impressive art on every page of this issue. There is great action, drama and emotion to be found in the imagery. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Mar 30, 2022

    Amazing Spider-Man #93 ends the five-month-long Beyond era with fewer conclusions and more new threads to develop. That's not a bad thing, but it does make this more of a transition issue than a satisfying conclusion. There are a lot of good pieces that came out of this story and Ben Reilly ends up being a far more tragic character than even Peter Parker. For that reason, this issue and its ending are about as close to what Spider-Man comics are about as you can get, right down to an accidental transformation. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Comic Watch - Jimmy Hayes Mar 30, 2022

    The curtain comes down on what will be a long-remembered era in Spider-Man history. These were the efforts of a creative TEAM. On behalf of web-heads all over the world, a huge thanks to all of them for keeping us so invested over the last three months. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Multiversity Comics - Alexander Jones Apr 4, 2022

    The Amazing Spider-Man #93 successfully closes the 'Beyond' era of Spidey and starts to hype upcoming plot beats with grace. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    But Why Tho? - Collier "CJ" Jennings Mar 30, 2022

    Amazing Spider-Man #93 wraps up the Beyond Saga while teasing the future of both Peter Parker and Ben Reilly. With Wells slated to team up with legendary Spider-Man artist John Romita Jr. in April, I hope he has a good story in mind for Spidey's 60th anniversary. The web-slinger deserves nothing less than the best. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Lainez Mar 31, 2022

    When all was said and done while Ben Reilly's arc in Spider-Man Beyond left a lot to be desired the writing for Peter Parker and all other characters involved in the story lifted the ending to this era up. Zeb Wells, Patrick Gleason, Sara Pichelli, Mark Bagley, and Tim Townsend all worked together to keep the reader invested in what happens next in this series after Amazing Spider-Man #93. Read Full Review

  • 7.0 - Chase Magnett Mar 30, 2022

    While The Amazing Spider-Man #93 isn't a highlight, it provides a fitting capstone for a consistently entertaining and interesting era of Spider-Man comics. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Comicbook Dispatch - StoryBabbler Mar 30, 2022

    Amazing Spider-Man #93 concludes the Beyond Saga. The whole fight between Ben Reilly and Peter Parker feels a little forced, and the conclusion to Ben's story will certainly leave his fans wanting better for him. However, the art and colors were excellent throughout the issue, the art team did a spectacular job with this comic's artwork. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Apr 2, 2022

    This issue makes for a satisfying ending to the whole Beyond story arc, ending in a cool fight with some strong character moments. A few bites and pieces didn't sit exactly right with me, but I'm open-minded to see where it all goes from here. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Impulse Gamer - Tim Chuma Apr 4, 2022

    This is probably best to read if you are a fan of this series but would also be a good point to jump into the new storyline so you know what happened before. Read Full Review

  • 10
    cincyfan Apr 2, 2022

    Wow talk about going out on a high note! I thought this issue was fantastic! It was an epic and emotional ending to the beyond storyline that sets up the next volume in a big way. Chasm looks awesome too when I finished the book I had to take a moment and take in the design of chasm. I think he looks awesome and I can't wait to see what comes next!

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  • 9.5
    Hex May 7, 2022

    This hurt. But only in such a way that can when a character you care about has gone through a change, a loss, a trauma. I'm thankful to Zeb Wells, Jed MacKay, Patrick Gleason and the rest of the Beyond Brain Trust for crafting this story. As much as I have issues with its execution, they did tell a compelling story. Its biggest flaw is that it took too long to tell that story. But that may be more an issue with the current industry and writing for the trade, building out that catalogue to fill more volumes to sell instead of telling that same story in a more truncated and focused experience. All of that is essentially irrelevant as this final issue is the true ending to Ben Reilly and his Beyond story as we know it and that has me devastate more

  • 9.0
    Toonstrack Apr 27, 2022

    Finally finished this run.

    Yea Ben stans will be upset but honestly... this was a solid arc all around. The characters were used well. The action was great. The art while inconsistently styled was consistently good. Kudos to the team for this.

    I'm excited to see what they do to Peter next.

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  • 9.0
    BDG Comics Apr 3, 2022

    Visit BDG Comics for full review

  • 9.0
    Psycamorean Apr 2, 2022

    So this is it. The big finale to this undeniable filler story, meant to fill the gap left by Nick Spencer's run being cut short. To say this run was an editorially mandated construct would not be wrong. With that in mind, this run was a moderate success. I know that this ending will wash away the good that came from this run in the minds of many readers, but I'm not quite so shallow. And this issue wasn't bad at all. I feel like a lot of people forget how much of an asshole that Peter Parker can be. He's extremely impulsive. Maybe go back and read... any era of Spider-Man. He's especially impulsive when being threatened. Most people are, but him especially. The reason to like Peter is for his lesser elements, and his ability to overcome th more

    + LikeComments (8)
  • 8.5
    CrazyforRAMU Sep 29, 2022

    Beyond featured lots of roads not taken, as well as some stumbles on the safe path it chose. But at some point, the writing team clearly said, "We need to finish this with Ben Reilly vs. Peter Parker. How do we make that happen?"

    I really like the answer they come up with here.

    The prose is nothing special, but the script's structure and pace are great. The art is clean and simple, but also really powerful -- an excellent vehicle for taking the story along a sudden dark turn.

    I'm rating Beyond as a whole as "good, not great", including this finale. But this is as close to greatness as the arc gets.

  • 8.0
    Loafy Trophy May 12, 2022

    This is more or less a review for the entire Beyond arc.

    Pretty darn enjoyable story, some things I wanted to go into detail on:

    - Nearly everything related to Ben was handled really well. From his early interaction with Miles to the descent into anger and rage over the loss of his memories, it all worked. The way the lost memories were depicted from an artistic standpoint was chilling and gave a nice tinge of horror. I also thought the gadgets and costume enhancements were creative and a lot of fun. Overall, I think what they've done with Ben has the potential to be additive to the character. He's completely stepping out of Peter's shadow, for better or worse. Living in Peter's shadow, with his memories and the messin more

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  • 8.0
    jbong Mar 31, 2022

    haha looks like I'm on the side that liked the Beyond arc...I love Ben, and while I understand this conclusion is conflicting for many, I do look forward to whatever comes next for everyone's favorite Spider-Clone.

  • 7.5
    DDJamesB Apr 5, 2022

    The fight between Peter and Ben was interesting and the best part. Other than that it kind of fell short of being a great conclusion to Beyond.

  • 7.5
    Kalaoui Mar 31, 2022

    It is a tale of many threads that really didn't connect well at the end. They said they wanted to do some drama and something new with Ben Reilly and created Chasm after all this although this was done before in the clone conspiracy where Ben Reilly becomes the "Jackal" after all the shenanigans he went through from being killed over and over again by Miles Warren having his mind become corrupted. The dude will never get a proper treatment because as they said in the issue that Peter Parker and Miles Morales are untouchable so we have to mess with Ben Reilly. He is slowly becoming the new Hank Pym. I'm a big fan of Zeb Wells so I enjoyed his issues the most but this was not a true end but rather a link to his ASM era. So I have high hopes f more

  • 7.5
    Afre Mar 30, 2022

    It's an odd one.

    This didn't feel like true ending, just setting things up more. Sure, Zeb Wells continues as the writer, so I'm not that against it. It just feels odd to end this volume with... such a non-conclusive ending.

    Art was great. As Gleason usually is. It was nice to see thoe flashbacks to Clone Saga, to part of me wishes Bagley redraw the scenes he first did 25 years ago.

    As for the story itself? I'm... conflicted.

    More and more I'm just wondering, why didn't they use Kaine? He would've been a much better choice. Now Ben is just left with... something? This all felt like regression. Ben is now the same man he was before his tenure as Spider-Man, except even more confused, lost and angry more

  • 7.0
    Julhin Mar 31, 2022

    It was okay, it's an fine ending for "OnE Of ThE MoSt SuPrIsInG SpIdEr-StOrIeS oF tHe PaSt DeCaDe" according to the solicits, it wasn't perfect but at least it's not as bad as the end of Nick Spencer's run. Wells did his best and the majority of characters are written very well, Peter is okay, MJ is okay(Which is an surprise cause Wells doesn't seen to be a fan of her), Janine was great, never cared about her before but i loved how she was handled during this arc. I think Wells will do a very good job during his run and I'm very curious to see what he will do with some of the seeds he has planted, and i don't have anything to say about Gleason that hasn't been said already, he's AMAZING, no pun intended, and if he's out of ASM i will surely more

  • 7.0
    ICC Mar 31, 2022

    Run kind of felt like a waste of time unfortunately. Not to say I didn’t enjoy some of it, but a lot of it felt like filler and unnecessary arcs. Won’t be reading any Spider-Man for awhile I think.

  • 7.0
    daspidaboy Mar 30, 2022

    No doubt this will be "divisive" amongst Spider-Man fans, but at least its not as bad as Nick Spencer's final issue. This will have spoilers.

    While this story arc is "harmless" and entertaining, I think the problem with this run has to deal with the Beyond Corporation. I did not find them interesting at all, I think the main leader (I seriously dont know their leader's name) was boring, I think they were bland people with bland personalities, and I didnt really care for them.

    Next up is Ben Reily. Ben Reilly had a really interesting character arc about him thinking that he's inferior to Peter Parker because he's a clone and wants all of his memories. But the problem is that its been done a lot of times, and having Ben more

  • 7.0
    Federico Liguori Mar 30, 2022

    Not bad, but also not an ending. Look, I'm not a huge fan of Spider-Man Beyond to being with as I think the potential was mostly wasted due to multiple writers and artists working on it at the same time. This kinda has very good moments (Peter vs Ben was interesting), but it's also rushed and I'm sure I will forget it in two weeks once ASM #1 comes out (I mean, fucking Romita Jr. is on board!). So, yeah, but also "meh".

  • 6.5
    KittyNone Mar 30, 2022

    What a frustratingly ambiguous read. Full of great moments, but less than the sum of its parts. It's hard to imagine that Peter genuinely couldn't think of the kind and wise words Ben needed to make better choices, and Ben felt more like a sulky teenager than (as he has in Wells's previous issues) a damaged and traumatized person trying to do his best; that whole scene felt forced for the sake of getting a big fight in. As regards (spoiler!) evil-or-antihero Ben, I'm willing to see where Wells is going with this, but it'd be nice to see poor Ben get a break someday and it's an unsatisfying place to finish his story. As a conclusion to Beyond this issue is rather inconclusive and underpowered, very "rocks fall, everyone dies".

    St more

  • 6.5
    Rachit Mittal Mar 30, 2022

    I am quite conflicted on the issue.
    Felt it was decent ending.
    Art was quite decent throughout except one panel where Maxine face looked really wierd.

    I felt that Ben and Peter fight was very much immature and forced. I didn't felt that they had legitimate reason to fight.

    Thanks Zeb for reminding me why I am always so picky on Ben Reilly. It's fucking memories thing. Thanks for resolving it until next writer picks it up. Though If i remember correctly, Ben before his death during Clone Saga gave up on being Peter and memories(which were never his to begin with). But Zeb brought it back and did concluded it. That's good.

    I am conflicted on what Ben is gonna be as Chasm. Villain? Conflicted. Might l more

  • 6.0
    Mout Jun 9, 2022


  • 6.0
    Sollywoods Mar 30, 2022

    I was enjoying this issue right up until the end. There were several ways I saw this going and I think the outcome was the one I wanted the least. SPOILER

    Making Ben a villian. Anti-hero at best but we don't even know. You can assume by the colour scheme and new name that he's not going to a hero. Marvel needs to stop crapping on Ben Reilly. They have an amazing anti-hero/villain spiderman in Kaine already. Use him for this. Kaine is an under-used and fantastic character.

    I expected, and was on board with Ben not getting his memories back. I thought it a way to forge his own path, away from Peter's memories. Instead we get the old mental break down and turn to villainy cliche.

    The art was great throughout. more

  • 3.5
    UxasIs Mar 30, 2022


    What a hot fucking mess...

  • 10
    ZachMerps Apr 8, 2022

  • 10
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  • 10
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  • 8.5
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  • 8.0
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  • 8.0
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  • 8.0
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  • 7.5
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  • 7.5
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  • 7.5
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  • 7.0
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  • JD Mar 30, 2022

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