Batman: Urban Legends #6

8.0Critic Rating
6.9User Rating

Red Hood: The epic “Cheer” story line reaches its conclusion, and Red Hood’s alliance with Batman will be forever changed. Will the former Dynamic Duo get the Cheerdrop drug off the streets for good? Or will they forever be at the mercy of the villain who created it? And will Red Hood find a new home for Tyler, the boy he’s sworn to protect? Tim Drake: Tim Drake is in the den of the Chaos Monsters with the other kidnapped teenagers of Gotham City. In order to free himself and the other teens, Tim will have to embrace help from his friend Bernard and hear something about himself he never knew. A brand-new chapter of Tim Drake’s li more

  • 9.6
    Forces Of Geek - Lenny Schwartz Aug 11, 2021

    This book is well done overall and I enjoyed mostly everything in it. Read Full Review

  • 9.3
    Comic Watch - Ariel B. Aug 10, 2021

    In its powerful conclusion, "Cheer" brings together the remaining threads of Red Hood and Batman's difficult past and weaves them into a strong foundation for the future as a person and as a member of the Batfamily. Im going to miss this arc. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    GWW - Nick Friar Aug 9, 2021

    As for the two one-off stories we get in Batman: Urban Legends #6, the Black Canary one is huge. It helps set the table for an upcoming DC Comics title, which I can't wait for. The Zealot story seems to be further setting up for a WildC.A.T.s series, and one would think Matthew Rosenberg will be the one to run that series at this point. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Aug 10, 2021

    One of the best issues of the series, with two excellent stories and one very significant one. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Dark Knight News - Carl Bryan Aug 15, 2021

    Batman: Urban Legends #6 is a home run, in terms of both finishing out the game and commencing a new inning. From new villains to new takes to announcements heard around the world… this is THE ISSUE! Read Full Review

  • 9.0 - Matthew Aguilar Aug 11, 2021

    Batman: Urban Legends #6 is absolutely loaded, so do yourself a favor and add it to your stack. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Aug 10, 2021

    An interesting and entertaining story that has great visuals and action. I am interested in seeing where this story goes next and what form it takes for the characters. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Lainez Aug 12, 2021

    Batman: Urban Legends #6 is filled with fantastic storytelling. The stories involving Batman, Red Hood, Tim Drake's Robin, and Black Canary are all can't miss. This is a must have series for fans of the Batman Family. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - Madeleine Chan Aug 10, 2021

    Batman: Urban Legends is still a great place to reinvent and relaunch characters that may not have gotten the chance otherwise. Batman: Urban Legends #6 gives its featured characters interesting new directions with fitting art for an exciting entry. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Crusaders - Andrew Roby Aug 17, 2021

    A great read for Bat-fans who just can't get enough of Gotham and the characters it spawned. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Aug 10, 2021

    As has been the case with Urban Legends, the Zdarsky story is worth the purchase while the other stories range in quality. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Aug 10, 2021

    Batman Urban Legends #6 was a down issue for me.  The Chip Zdarsky Batman/Red Hood story didn't end with the bang I was hoping for, and the other three stories didn't win me over either.  The issue looked good overall, but this was my least favorite since it began. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Batman-News - Jay Yaws Aug 10, 2021

    The first arc is over, and if you can't tell, I'm burnt out on this title. It started off with such promise, yet never realized its potential. Even the high points never rise above merely good, despite the great creative teams behind them. Hopefully future issues are retooled to make this a more palatable anthology series, with more one-and-done stories that aren't there solely to set up a future title. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Κυανό Aug 10, 2021

    A great conclusion, this series would definitely have matched the phenomenon that Geoff Johns achieved in the three Jokers if he had only focused on the story of Hood. I did not like the others.

  • 10
    redhood Aug 10, 2021

    That was sad they both want the same thing, a whole family, I think that in Bruce's hallucination he looked at his much younger children including Kate, he wishes he had chosen his son instead of the Joker, in his fantasy he wanted to be the one to kill the Joker and not Jason. Maybe before everything went wrong, and they want that part so much that Bruce tells him that life is too short for them to continue like this, separated, however he seems to be determined that the relationship is a disappointment, we separate, is what we make. auch!
    But the ending is happy, he returns the bat that he once ripped from him and Jason has a great capacity to forgive even if he does not seem like it, Maybe old, maybe.

  • 10
    TheFightingBull Aug 10, 2021

    "This isn't--This isn't you!
    God knows most days I wish it was, but..It's NOT. If you're going to come down for mount judgment to my level for one...
    He's not the guy to do it for."

    Jason Todd

    Great phrase a mature Jason, also as the development as a detective and strategist. I just hope they are not going to turn him into a Dick now Jason lays down his weapons, Jason needs to remain the indomitable, this does not mean that he goes and murders, but we all need an antihero and Jason is perfect and balanced to do it.

    Great moments are presented in this installment, the way they are affected by the drug and how to overcome it, is so different and at the same time so similar. I think the difference is more

  • 10
    AGJ Aug 10, 2021

    rh 10

  • 9.5
    Norholr Aug 13, 2021

    rh 10
    Tim -5

  • 9.5
    heroes dont do that Aug 10, 2021

    The only strong story here is that of Red Hood, a good end, I would have liked more of this, that Bruce was honest and Jason lowered his barriers, but impossible to take the step for them.
    Jason was taken in this finale in a great way, he looks just amazing in the Batsuit without a cape, Hood not only took the story, he took the whole book, the only good thing if you want to buy this book.
    Blood for Blood totally insignificant.
    Sum of our parts, nefarious art does not make the comic good. I hate that they use an incredible character like Tim Drake in that way all to see their left politics.
    Only. Another simplistic story, the only nice thing was to see Barbara in her Batgirl outfit and not as Oracle.
    Difficult for a more

  • 9.5
    PalancasLocas Aug 10, 2021

    I would have liked a little more about the history of Hood, its closure felt a bit rushed, however it shows it with great growth at the beginning of the character, leaving aside that Jason is a strategist, however he made him a better detective than Batman in this series. Finally with this number I conclude the purchase of this series, what is coming is not of interest to me in the following numbers. I don't want to read more of a bisexual Tim out of nowhere or the other characters at such a high price.

    RH 9.5
    Canary 7.5
    Drake 3

  • 9.0
    sebastianorellana95 Aug 10, 2021

    Amazing outcome of Red Hood's story, looking forward to see more of him in Task Force Z and Titans.

    Also great story of Black Canary. Besides Deathstroke comic, I hope there will be a new Green Arrow and Black Canary ongoing series.

  • 9.0
    Stormwrath Aug 10, 2021

    Batman/Red Hood - 10/10, fantastic story and finally they are developing Red Hood

    Tim Drake - 5/10, the story finished in a bad way, terrible status quo change, okay art and boring overall

    Black Canary - 9,5/10. I'm really happy with what Joshua Williamson is doing with the Al'Ghuls and Deathstroke and related characters, great read.

  • 8.5
    LeiaFavaz Aug 11, 2021

    I appreciate that it was Tim who applied their silly left tendency and not Jason, look that DC has a certain hatred for this character, at least they left the alpha male of the batkids alone.

    Regarding the closing of the story between Batman and Red Hood, there is a logic, Jason is not giving up killing when will be necessary, but he's giving up on weapons, although this is a bit silly here the rubber bullets are less harmful than the stupid crowbar or a sword, Buuut Jason bears the blame for snatching a bad father from Tyler, even if you ask me the boy is much better off without that horrible man.

    Bruce is an emotionally disabled person, so what he does is give a gift and an invitation, something logical for those w more

  • 8.0
    Psycamorean Aug 16, 2021

    So, the final part of the Cheer story by Chip Zdarsky is very, very well done. I really liked the characterization here. I really liked the progression as well. I think this is how you bring Jason down from his Under the Red Hood level of antagonism without making it stupid, like what Scott Lobdell did for what seemed like 35 years. And I'm sure no one took this complaint seriously, but no, Jason putting down his guns is not a political statement by Zdarsky or DC. It's called symbolism, and it's symbolizing his lessening antagonism towards Bruce. I swear, there is plenty of politics to find in fiction, but idiots always hone on to the paranoid non-existent kind because they can't actually process what they're seeing/reading/listening to. more

  • 8.0
    UxasIs Aug 13, 2021

    Red Hood - 8.5/10

    Zealot - 9.5/10

    Tim Drake - 6.5/10

    Black Canary - 8/10

  • 8.0
    Fracadactyl Aug 11, 2021

    I kind of like how the Red Hood storyline goes. The older New 52 Red Hood costume is a symbol of trust between Batman and Jason, even though I had my own hopes on where Jason could go; but then again DC wants to keep him as Red Hood for the Titans TV show and the Gotham Knights video game. As for those joy fantasies between Batman and Jason, it says a lot. Batman and Jason really just want to be done with the Joker. And while Batman should never go down actually ending that clown, he can't help but be sick of him. Hence why these fantasies exist, to show that Batman and Jason are more connected than they like to think. But it also raises questions about when some of Red Hood's other appearances take place, because there are times when he's more

  • 8.0
    WhistleBlower Aug 10, 2021

    lol the Twitter incels are ass-blasted over a comic they didn't even read

    Edit: Even funnier, the folks with the parasocial relationship with Jason Todd are once again slandering the best writer he's ever had.

    + LikeComments (14)
  • 8.0
    Dali Aug 10, 2021

    Genial podemos escribir en nuestro idioma nativo? Genial.
    La Capucha fue bueno, por desgracia si como comentan es canon, me temo chip que os habéis quedado muy por debajo de la información, todos esperábamos que se tocara el tema de la paliza injusta, pero no fue así. Sea o no sea se siente que falto algo al final, lo que me lleva a la pregunta de la compañera que hace. Por que no puede Bruce ser afectivo con Jason? dios el niño ha sufrido mucho, tiene una gran necesidad de la familia y Bruce es cruel al respecto sobre todo con Jay.
    Canary no fue tan mal, me gusto.
    Que hostias con lo de Drake? joder esto no me lo trago, aparte una historia super aburridisima.
    RH 8.5
    Canary 7.5
    Drake 1.5

    The Ho more

  • 8.0
    Tempra16v2.0Turbo Aug 10, 2021

    A historia do Capuz é realmente boa(um milagre para o personagem), a do Tim me deixou dividido. O resto foi OK.

    + LikeComments (3)
  • 7.5
    Loafy Trophy Aug 13, 2021

    Pretty solid selection of stories. The Red Hood ending didn't quite work for me but I do think there's a lot of solid new story potential there. The Tim story was great for how short it was. Really solid art and the internal monologue felt totally appropriate for the character. This one was my favorite of the group.

    The Dinah story was probably my 2nd favorite. I've been a sucker for Hairsine's art since I read Divinity so that was a real highlight.

    The incels upset over this one are cracking me up and they're all over this board with their imponent rage as well. Ignore them.

  • 7.5
    M.Grayson Aug 10, 2021

    Good ending to Zdarsky's story, but it feels like something is out of place.
    The problem with the other stories as there is no sequel make me lose interest in them.

  • 7.5
    SenpaifenixJäger Aug 10, 2021

    Not bad, removing a lot of things that don't fit, like Bruce's happiness is killing the Joker, I think Batman's happiness would actually include his living parents. It was strange to see Bruce's allergy to happiness to the point where he wanted to murder Cheer. That was strange. But I definitely think this entire book is completely out of canon. Jason and Tyler's relationship is the best, I totally love them, good ending here.
    The most disappointing thing about this book was seeing a bi Tim without some kind of support, he magically turned bi, no wonder that in the DC universe they warned, what a mediocre idea.
    What's Next? Bruce and Dick are having an affair?
    If I rate this entire book I would give it maybe 5.5 to 6, no more more

    + LikeComments (17)
  • 7.0
    RedRonin Aug 10, 2021

    As always Bruce doesn't have the guts to apologize for the shit he's put Jason through. It was weird see Bruce fantasized about killing the Joker and why the hell they draw Jason shorter, damn he's only two inches shorter (6.0) than Bruce (6.2) and Dick is only 5.10.
    I was hoping that Zdarky would really see the value of doing something new, it surprises me sometimes Williamson did better in that field with Bruce calling Jason the son or Lobdell making Bruce hug Jason. But okay, I'll give it to him just because it seems like he has recognized a bit of Jason's abilities where he fell too short. It was a good story with some things that did not fit but interesting.

    Canary amused me reading it, but where did they get Tim Drake? more

  • 7.0
    daspidaboy Aug 10, 2021

    I would usually rate this higher but guess what? They changed tim drake sexuality. I am all fine for diversity but at least introduce new characters that happen to be LGBT. It happened to Alan Scott, it happened to star lord and iceman, and it happened to Tim drake. I have no doubt this will be divisive right now.

    On one hand, I'm glad that there's at least a solid reason why Tim Drake's sexuality is changed because of the effects of Infinite Frontier. But on the other hand, I think it will be far more rewarding to actually introduce a new LGBTQ character and make them cool and interesting. I want more characters from Steven universe for example, they're interesting characters that happen to be LGBTQ.

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 6.5
    Jaybird Aug 12, 2021

    Difficult to qualify this completely, Red Hood ended in a pleasant way, giving the handling of other weapons sounds great to me, I know that Proton will return to lethal weaponry and in a few years he will possibly be separated from the family again, because DC is little creative and often spinning their stories with the promise of something new.
    Tim's thing was really disgusting, I don't think I want to read more about this character, not because of the gay thing, if not the bad development, if they wanted to do this well they would take things early and not give us a boring and silly story.
    The other backup stories are very forgettable.

  • 5.5
    Merlyn Aug 10, 2021

    So as much as I wanted to like this, it ended on such a sour note. The Jason story had a lot of potential and while some things in it worked, especially when it comes to the relation between Jason and Bruce, some really, really didn't. The two biggest faults being that this whole comic revolved around Red Hood and Batman, 5 issues of 6 it was just the two of them assisted by Oracle from her chair. I really didn't think including the Bat-family was necessary at this point. And the second one is even worse. Jason dropping his guns isn't necessary at all and it was probably made because of Zdarsky and DC's political views regarding guns. The biggest differences between Jason and Batman were that he killed and used guns. It's the whole reason f more

    + LikeComments (90)
  • 5.0
    Nobodythehope Aug 13, 2021

    The signature of the publisher's weakness is in this book. A pretext to take away Jason's weapons and erase the canon, although well done is what we have here, even though I can live with Jason without guns if they give him incredible weapons, a bit illogical because he kills himself with a sword, blades and even a bar, so why not use the All-Blades? on the other hand is the incipient conversion of Tim to bi in a rather boring story out of nowhere. It is not their temptation that Kon and Tim changed together, damn I have done the same after leaving the showers of the sports car and until now I am not bi. Having a friend that you consider a brother I don't know either. Bullshit.

  • 5.0
    Robin Aug 10, 2021

    Jason : 8.5

    The story was nice but still ended like almost every batman/ Red-hood story ends, them going separate ways after solving the problems mentioned in the specific comic. the family element was nice and was happy the story didn't diverge towards the family when they arrived and still focused on Jason and bruce.

    Tim: 1
    The problem isn't that he is turned Bisexual, the problem is how they handled it. Firstly he still cannot get over the Robin identity even though it would be better for him to move on so better stories can be written about him. Secondly the whole story and this issue didn't actually do anything for Tim. even the bisexual part was sprinkled upon on the previous issues and just comes here out o more

  • 4.5
    fearUhavemeisenough Aug 10, 2021

    I think I will be one of the few who is disappointed in this ending, from the beginning Jason has been mishandled by Zdarky's writing this writer does not know him and it is clearly visible and the worst thing Rosenberg is condoning of this to return the old suit and NO JASON DOESN'T HAVE TO HANG THE BAT AGAIN JUST BECAUSE IT IS BRUCE'S GIFT. Nor stop being the antihero and give up his arms just for murdering a scum, a guy who drugs his own son and almost murders his wife is to applaud? NO.

    Bruce is still a conceited idiot, I don't know why to put Nightwing in this comic and exclude Damian. It was not a good ending for me.

    The parts that worked was Jason making decisions here, the interaction with the kid is great the more

  • 2.0
    KFuqua Aug 11, 2021

    The ridiculous turn for Tim Drake was enough to ruin anything else that may have been good in this issue. I will definitely no longer be following his adventures.

  • 2.0
    Kaseladen Aug 10, 2021

    I'm just done

  • 1.0
    Jurooo Aug 12, 2021

    Tim Drake is garbage.

  • 1.0
    Saltyredhoodfans Aug 10, 2021

  • 10
    RJ Aug 16, 2021

  • 10
    Bruno Mael Aug 13, 2021

  • 10
    Bragadavi5 Aug 11, 2021

  • 10
    KittyNone Aug 10, 2021

  • 9.5
    BitchWitcher Aug 10, 2021

  • 9.5
    Vellichor Aug 10, 2021

  • 9.0
    Hex Jan 18, 2022

  • 9.0
    tonpas1989 Aug 23, 2021

  • 8.5
    SkyP Dec 12, 2021

  • 8.5
    Radar Aug 10, 2021

  • 8.0
    ICC Nov 25, 2021

  • 8.0
    Cool Aug 15, 2021

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    ode_et_amo Aug 13, 2021

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    MasterComics Aug 13, 2021

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    Swanktub Aug 12, 2021

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    Gorr Aug 10, 2021

  • 8.0
    Emma Aug 10, 2021

  • 8.0
    Crimson Knight Aug 10, 2021

  • 7.5
    retcon_D Sep 14, 2021

  • 7.5
    prettythief Aug 13, 2021

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    pterodactyl Aug 13, 2021

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    eowyn Aug 13, 2021

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    Barelyalivebutnotded Aug 12, 2021

  • 7.5
    Magik Aug 11, 2021

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    Fmernamz0 Aug 10, 2021

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    Becea Aug 10, 2021

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    K-23 Feb 16, 2022

  • 7.0
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  • 7.0
    SamComics Aug 10, 2021

  • 6.5
    BlackQueen Aug 12, 2021

  • 6.5
    Blackgirl Aug 11, 2021

  • 6.0
    PullListYT Aug 16, 2021

  • 5.0
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  • 5.0
    E-Motion Aug 11, 2021

  • 4.5
    Assassin's Creed Aug 11, 2021

  • 4.0
    maelstron Aug 10, 2021

  • 2.0
    TheBest Aug 15, 2021

  • 1.0
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  • 1.0
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