Although this story is filled with tons of character development and nail-bighting action, I am most intrigued by the relationship between Lucius and Jace. Read Full Review
Whether John Ridley's title is in-continuity or not, I'm still enjoying it immensely. I'm glad to see that Jace is establishing himself in the role. The move to a new city in I Am Batman #5 and the minor, but significant change in costume should help distinguish Jace from his predecessor, and I look forward to watching his continuing evolution as the Batman. Read Full Review
Overall, we're exiting Gotham with a lot of promise. Read Full Review
I Am Batman wraps the Gotham run as Tim now heads to New York, which should introduce a new fresh wide open arena for Ridley to establish his Batman. Read Full Review
I Am Batman has a lot of serious potential that hasn't quite been reached yet as it still tries to get off the ground in respect to establishing itself, its character, and overall setting/core mission. A number of artists bring this solid issue to life with their similar but somewhat conflicting styles but they make it work. Read Full Review
One thing I liked about this new Batman is that he seems to inspire instead of "strike fear" in the hearts of other, bringing a working class take on the superhero. Read Full Review
Graphic Policy - Brett
Jan 12, 2022
I Am Batman #5 unfortunately falls short of what it could be. This is an issue that could plant a flag that there's a Batman that's not Bruce Wayne and not White. This is a new Batman going off in his own direction and who is an icon for multiple reasons. Instead, the issue feels rushed attempting to wrap up its initial storyline, giving us an important moment between father and son, and setting up the next arc. None of that really gets the amount of time it needs. It's an unusual stumble for Ridley and hopefully one that lasts just this one issue. Read Full Review
While I'm happy that we're moving out of Gotham to hopefully bigger and better things, the way that our progression was handled this issue in dealing with the all-new and improved Magistrate almost feels like a throw-away concept and nothing about the conflict between the new Talos Troopers and Jace Fox felt all that compelling. The art is decent and I like where we're heading but for our last outing in Gotham, I found this issue lacking a bit. Read Full Review
This book has yet to reach the consistent highs I'd like it to, but issue #5 does play to its consistent strengths. When this comic tackles the family dynamic of the Foxes, I Am Batmanis at its best " so let's see if we can leave this talk of masks and magistrates behind for now, now that Jace has stepped into his own spotlight. Read Full Review
I Am Batman #5 mostly acts as a transitional stage for Jace Fox and his family, with a strong story making up for inconsistent artwork. Hopefully, the next story arc, "Empire State of Mind," addresses the problems with this title by finding a singular artist and a new identity away from Gotham. Read Full Review
The journey of the Fox family continues to be thoughtfully told and beautifully illustrated by the creative team, and even with what I feel is an abrupt departure, I continue to look forward to where this book takes us. Read Full Review