Batman: Secret Files: Clownhunter #1

Writer: Ed Brisson Artist: Rosi Kmpe Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 18, 2021 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 52
7.4Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

Clownhunter’s brutal mission to hunt down all the clowns from The Joker War continues! The untrained but focused vigilante stalks a boss-level clown, but his luck might be running out as he walks into an ambush set by Punchline! In a horrific parallel to his days at Gotham Academy, Clownhunter finds himself overwhelmed and outgunned...just the type of odds he likes!

  • 10
    But Why Tho? - William Tucker Aug 17, 2021

    Batman Secret Files: Clownhunter #1 is an excellent character focus. Something that these Secret Files comics have excelled at is using a very limited cast. Everything centres around the primary characters and it does not leave them for a second. This means that everything is about the protagonist. Brisson and Kmpe bring so much character development to this book, which an in-depth and powerful story allows the chance to do so. It also gives Phao the opportunity to go down several different pathways, all of which will provide some glorious stories. Read Full Review

  • 9.7
    Comic Watch - Cody White Aug 17, 2021

    Batman Secret Files: Clownhunter #1 is a work of art, finally putting the spotlight onto the most interesting fresh face in Gotham we've seen in decades! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Dark Knight News - Sharna Jahangir Aug 20, 2021

    As I mentioned, it's difficult writing in a new character, but the thought process, paralleled with the back and forth between the flashbacks and our hero's hunt is captivating. I was taken in by the story, and felt sad for the character at the end. The way things are left could really provide him with more fun stories in the future. If you'd like to see more of Punchline, check in on the current state of Gotham City, and learn about a character who was introduced a year ago into Gotham, then pick up a copy of Batman: Secret Files: Clownhunter #1. He seems like a perfect match for the Bat-fam… an there's a fun family member cameo at the end! Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Aug 17, 2021

    Overall, Tynion's set a strong foundation on these original characters including Clownhunter, Punchline, and Ghost-Maker, and this issue is a good indication that they could be Bat-line mainstays for years to come. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Aug 17, 2021

    The journey of Bao Pham continues and while the path he's on looks pretty promising, the road that got him where he currently is didn't do much overall but show us that our main character can take some pain and doesn't like putting up with nonsense. That being said though, I really enjoyed what this issue did for Clownhunter and Punchline, not to mention that I loved the art throughout...... I just hope that it's not too long until we see this character again and pick up where we left off here. Read Full Review

  • 7.0 - Jenna Anderson Aug 18, 2021

    Batman Secret Files: Clownhunter #1 might not be the definitive, Earth-shattering solo story for Bao Pham, but it will likely get readers more excited for that tale's eventual arrival. Read Full Review

  • 6.8
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Aug 17, 2021

    Rosi Kampe does some great work with the art in the issue. There are some great action beats to be found and the art advances the story really well. Read Full Review

  • 6.3
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Aug 23, 2021

    Clownhunter's back story is a familiar tale in Gotham, but his tenacity and his interactions with Red Hood in this issue have me interested in his story. The art isn't bad, either. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Batman-News - Joshua McDonald Aug 18, 2021

    There are elements of Batman: Secret Files: Clownhunter that I really enjoy, and then there are elements that are a complete miss. I question some of the character rationalizations that are set up for Bao here. Brisson's script comes off as though an individual is justified to murder someone if they're bullied, and I don't back that ideology. I don't agree with bullying either, but murder definitely isn't the answer. I am even more let down by some of the technical issues with the script considering minor notes from the editorial team could have elevated this book tremendously before it was ever even sent to the artist. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    The Batman Universe - Ian Miller Aug 18, 2021

    After eight months, Clownhunter returns in his own Secret Files tale - but sadly, his character regresses back into the edgy cliches of Joker War instead of the beautiful parallelism of Batman Annual #5, and taints some of the best Batman comics of the last ten years in the process. Read Full Review

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