Red Hood fans were begging for Tom Taylor before, and then harassed Chip Zdarsky for daring to write a real story. Guess they prefer Scott Lobdell's Mary Sue fanfics.
When the Bat-Family receives misleading information and incorrect directions from Oracle, ones Babs didn’t send herself, they realize Oracle’s system has been hacked! But who is powerful enough to break into Oracle’s own super-secure network? And what personal information is now at risk? Not only that, this mysterious Anti-Oracle is taking advantage of Gotham City’s state of fear and has bombarded the city with falsities, spreading even more fear. With the Bat-Team’s comms unreliable, Nightwing heads to Gotham to find the source of Anti-Oracle’s transmissions.
I love the way the Nightwing #84 manages to work, both as part of the ongoing series and as an event tie-in without alienating readers who may not be collecting both stories (though anyone who isn't buying this book is seriously missing out). Every guest artist we've had in the last couple of months has excelled, and recruiting Robbie Rodriguez to draw the issue which will delight Barbara Gordon fans was a stroke of genius; he's the man who drew the last Batgirl Arc, which itself was a part of the last major crossover, "Joker War". Read Full Review
Nightwing #84 follows its predecessor with a refreshing change of pace that succeeds in changing the direction of the story and allowing the reader to see the world outside of Bludhaven without removing the importance of Dick's new home. Watching Nightwing balance his responsibilities and his interactions with family is always an attention keeper. The writing and art keep us thoroughly informed and entertained while at the same time making sure we are not over-exposed. Another winner for Tom Taylor and company. I cannot wait to see what he has in store for the OG Boy Wonder. Get this issue asap! Read Full Review
I really appreciate how Taylor focuses on Nightwing's relationship with his family and the areas he chooses to protect. Although the action is high octane and pleasing, I find the scenes that display Nightwing's personal interactions absolutely compelling. Read Full Review
Overall, this issue is probably the weakest of the run, but that's a high bar to meet. This run has been exceptional, and pulling it away for an event tie-in detracts"but only a little. Read Full Review
Tom Taylor writes an excellent script full of verve and excitement. It is pretty much a good time. The artwork by Robbi Rodriguez is pretty awesome too. Read Full Review
I really like the art in Nightwing #84, though. The usual Bruno Redondo is gone and Robbi Rodriguez is in his place. Not only does Rodriguez provide a visual language that reminds us that we're in a different place, following a different story, but I found that the art was really suitable to what's going on. It's a little bit more stylized, especially compared to Redondo, and it has its own gritty signature that really feels in line with a city like Gotham. Read Full Review
Nightwing #84 brings the heat in the form of cool action scenes, a team-up you won't want to miss, and an edgy visual style. The Fear State element is just getting started and it'll be incredible to see the next issue's team-up. Read Full Review
Nightwing is a special book that doesnt need the Batman crossover rub to attract readers. Taylor sets up an intriguing angle for Nightwing and a returning hero that should ensure this will be one of the stronger side quests of Fear State. Read Full Review
I loved this issue, despite the inevitable crossover. It keeps the focus on Nightwing and Babs, so in that sense, it remains on course. Not sure if the effects of the Magistrate will later trickle into Bludhaven (let's hope not). But as usual, I'm along for the ride. Read Full Review
As much fun as Taylor has had on Nightwing so far, he slays it with a great Nightwing and Batman team up. Read Full Review
Nightwing so far has been a strong book since Taylor's takeover as writer. This issue in particular falls short of the standard the team has been setting. Whether it be due to art changes or the fact that it's a tie-in to a very unrelated event, issue 84 ofNightwing just isn't up to par with previous issues. Read Full Review
Nightwing #84 quickly establish how important this series will be to the Fear State event while still keeping in mind Dick Grayson's current vision for Bludhaven. The scenes with Batman and Nightwing will be what this issue will be remembered for as we get one of the best moments of the year through their interaction. This is definitely a must have for Nightwing fans and those reading the Fear State event. Read Full Review
This is a fine issue. Nothing stupendous, but it's certainly not a bad read. Decent all around, with the faults only due to the fact that it's a requisite tie-in issue, to a story that's been good anyway. I eagerly await the return of Taylor's story, but I would still recommend this for the month. Read Full Review
This is a nice issue for Nightwing fans, and while it isn't essential to the overall Fear State story, the cliffhanger promises that might change in the next issue. It's a shame this book had to get sidetracked by the Fear State crossover, but Tom Taylor keeps readers in familiar territory throughout. Read Full Review
Nightwing #84 is a competent tie-in issue that is likely skippable to those not invested in the larger DC universe. There's not much continuity here with the story Taylor has been telling over his first arc, though Barbara's inclusion could lead to some important moments between her and Dick. For readers invested in Taylor's run, this first issue might be worth a pickup just to get more Nightwing in your life. However, for those who have zero interest in Fear State, I'd wager that not much will be missed here in regards to the series' main narrative. Read Full Review
With the steamroller they got moving with the previous issues, this one here feels like a step back as it avoids everything the title has been building towards completely. Read Full Review
Le tie-In est un exercice périlleux plus souvent raté que réussi. le dernier en date, Joker War était nullissime pour Nightwing et pour les autres titres de la Bat family (et je suis gentil) Mais en même temps, la course Joker War dans BATMAN était nullissime. Bref, Je trouve que Tom Taylor s'en sort pas trop mal. Il utilise des tropes faciles pour faire venir Nightwing à Gotham mais ça marche. Il ne se passe pas grand chose mais au moins l'introduction du personnage dans Fear Steate est vite faite bien faite. Disons que ce numéro aiguise ma curiosité et me donne envie de voir le rôle que Nightwing va jouer dans l'Event. Ce serait bien que ça ai du sens et que serve à la fois réellement le récit principal dans Batman et que ��a ai une conséquence pour le récit principal NIGHTWING. Sinon, ça se réduira à un passe-plat. Pourvu que non.
note : 3/5 car l'écriture est correcte et car le style de Robbi Rodriguez très dynamique est adapté au récit.
et 5/5 rien que pour la couv de Jamal Campbell que j'aime d'amour. Vivement qu'il ai son titre ! more
Amazing story by Tom Taylor as always
Feel bad for those who can´t enjoy solo ongoings of their favorite characters
Red Hood fans were begging for Tom Taylor before, and then harassed Chip Zdarsky for daring to write a real story. Guess they prefer Scott Lobdell's Mary Sue fanfics.
This was written well, but it's dragged down by being forced into a shitty event where nothing interesting happens. Taylor at least makes the most of it with some good character moments.
It was actually quite a good issue for a tie-in event.
The rationalization of Nightwing coming to Gotham actually made sense, and the team-up with Batman was fun and even heartwarming.
My main problem was with the art. Redondo's art was perfect in the previous arc, and he was greatly missed here.
But overall, it was a surprisingly good issue.
Story is a 9 but, while Rodriguez’s art looks great, it’s nothing compared to what we were getting from Redondo’s in the first 6 issues of Taylor’s run
It was a great tie-in issue. It would be even better if it didn't need to connect with Fear State and continue the story that was being developed. Art has its moments, but it was nothing special. Bruno Redondo was missed.
It is good but you can skip it. Mandatory Bat crossovers are a pain the ass if you are not reading the main Bat title. You can come back in December and continue with the main story. In short, buy if you are following Fear State or in need of Dick every month.
The only thing dragging this down is being a tie-in to a boring event.
Some wonderful moments — in particular, that last panel with Batman made me tear up — but it feels like a step down from the usual high quality of this book's own plots, and Robbi Rodriguez, who I usually love, is a bit off his game here. It's a solid issue, but it's hard not to be eager to get this over with and get back to the better stuff.
probably the best tie-in of the event so far.
Event tie-in to suck the air out of the storyline, least there's some cool action here.
Another solid issue with great character moments. The conversation between Bruce and Dick continues to show Taylor’s mastery of Nightwing’s place within the DC universe. And while I missed Redondo’s art this issue, Rodriguez does a solid job filling in and does some great work with Batman in the shadows. Only downside is we’re tying into Fear State and losing some of the momentum from Taylor’s main narrative.
The cross over disturbs the flow of the story.
"I wasn't going to let that happen to my son"
Now that's a mighty fine line of dialogue.
And hey, no weird sentiments toward rich people to be found in the issue.
A bit clunky art though.
Crossover and the connection to fear state feels unnecessary. Also, not a fan of the artist change for this issue at all.
I'm tired of these freaking tie-ins always making the main story stop for a couple of issues until the end of the main event(Thanks, DC), the comic by itself is okay but it loses some points for putting everything on hold, i also missed Bruno Redondo's art. I really wanted to see the repercussions of issue #83(which was freaking amazing), so i guess i'm gonna have to wait at least one more issue so that Taylor can continue his story.
Cross over issue. Skip it.
An ok start to a filler arc. Artwork is dope though.
Questo è stato il libro meno interessante che Taylor fatto della serie, il cambio di pennelli si è sentito troppo a causa delle cure dell'artista precedente. No, non è sicuramente il miglior lavoro finora.
Only rating this 3 instead of 1 for the art. Dropping this as soon as Fear State is over.
And gentlemen, we have the biggest bet in DC, it is a bat, it is the most beloved of DC and it has many readers, this is Nightwing. But not the amazing, smart and funny Nightwing we all knew before the disaster that went from Dick to Ric (even though Ric was a real Dick, if you know what I mean).
The writing is horrible, just like that of a fanfiction number after number, it is like reading something written by a millennial fan doing something so sweet, to the degree of diabetes, the Nightwing must be pampered and deserve the best
Wow, the art was so, so ugly that it distracted me from Taylor's juvenile writing, honestly the transition from Redondo to this is just awful. And I just love the part where Nightwing thinks it's a great idea to endanger people IN THEIR OWN HOMES by putting them in the Magistrate goons' line of fire, great heroism there, Tom Taylor, you utter idiot.
It sucks. I used to like Taylor a lot. However, ever since Infinite Frontier, he seems obsessed with becoming the loudest voice in DC’s best (worst?) impression of All-New Marvel Now.
Thank you! This is what I always say but Taylor fanboys just don't get it. He's lost his mind and it shows in his writing.
Someone was telling me that it is not even the fault of the writers and it's because the publishers are obsessed with sanctioning creativity and seek to look morally superior, also are looking for the young public, due to this self-imposed trend. That is why now adult characters like Dick act like puberty boy with a lot of stupid stories.
Neah, that may be the case for other writers but not for Taylor. Just check his twitter, he is obsessed with this sort of stuff. DC is definitely looking for that sjw, tumblr crowd but Taylor didn't merely adopted the wokeness, he was born it it, molded by it.
They're cowards writers with lazy writing, and of course cheap. Have you seen that they put the brown jacket on Dick? That is something I hate about this writers are doing to the character, dissolve his true personality more and more, in a comic they have seen him as Eren Jaeger from shingeki no kyojin, in this they put the jacket equal to Jason's, in Titans it is a combination of Jason Todd with Tim Drake using his cane. I no longer really know what Dick Grayson is he.
the only constant actually is he've a big-butt, well this maybe matter if you're gay. Now Taylor copies Urban Legends and FSG making Bruce call Dick son so that everyone says this is emotional and cry a lot. I don't feel like there was a need for a fluffy fan fiction dialogue, could do a really emotional dialogue here.
I do not know until when this unreal tendency of weak people will end without having the balls to really criticize society or stop being stupid and do something that excites. I do not know until when this unreal tendency of weak people will end without having the balls to really criticize society or stop being stupid and do something that excites and amuses. Damn delicate and crying generation and a Milenian says it. Having said that, I'm off to shit,
sorry, for venting here with my very bad Madrid English, but you are one of the few fans with two brains, that's why many crazy people envy you and harass you.
I don't thin envy me, I think they're just so used to their eco-chambers that when someone tells them in their faces that what they like is actually not good, they just can't take it. I've seen it several times and not just here.
Vent all you like, there's no problem but just be sure to add a review when there's a book you don't like. Otherwise the people who don't even read it and just rate it 10 because they like Taylor are pushing an unrealistic rating.
This entire thread is the Dunning-Kruger effect come to life. “Eco-chamber” LOL. Holy shit, imagine the narcissistic ego it takes to criticize anyone’s writing while spelling at a 2nd grade level.
Did you have something to say or you just don't know how to ask to get blocked? Because I didn't read a meaningful message there and I'm really tired of having to deal with idiots like you spamming me.
It's not the first time when you spam my comments section without actually having ANYTHING OF VALUE to say, just for the sake of spamming, and I'm tired of entertaining a coward who couldn't even admit he made up a fake account to attack me.
I really hit a nerve, didn’t I? You’re still hung up a day later on me mocking your terrible review and subsequent comments, which are more hung up “SJW’s” than on the actual book. Go ahead and block me, it’s your go-to move, like every other right wing blowhard. You don’t know how to construct an argument which is why your reviews read like they’re written by a child. We both know you’d lose an argument to a wall so you don’t really stand a chance with me.
:))))))))) I don't stand a chance against a coward who feels the need to hide behind fake accounts. Sure, buddy, keep telling yourself that. Ok, so since my reviews are written by a child, you don't need to see them anymore. Permanent block. As in, I'll never unblock you because it's, like, the tenth time when I give you a chance and you either lie, spam or insult me through fake accounts. I'll still review all those Tom King books so you can have a meltdown anytime I review them. :))
I’m the one having the meltdown? Sure sweetie. Keep lying to yourself. You blocked me during an argument, I created an account to continue said argument, and then you pretend to be some sort of savant for this. It’s fucking hilarious and makes me sad for you.
Go have another temper tantrum about black people being in your comments or SWJ’s or whatever Tucker Carlson is telling you to be mad about this week. You aren’t worth any more of my time
Lol, dude was probably refreshing this page like a maniac, he managed to post a comment in the 10 seconds it took me to block him. :))
lol what a pussy, can't take the slightest agreement like a real NPC. Enjoy your echo chamber.
I'm going to apply the same logic I applied with Loafy and ask you: Do you actually have somethinf useful to say or are just spamming? Because spamming leads to block. Not to mention, by the username, you're clearly not right in the head. So make up your mind fast, so I know if I have to block you or not.
Nightwing has become a children's series with idiotic solutions one after another. That sums it up from my point of view
The only thing that this series had decent was retired. It's good to see Batgirl back and not prostrate in the chair like an invalid that she is not.