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Joined: Aug 18, 2021

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Nightwing reviewed Nightwing #87 Dec 23, 2021

I would rate it an 8, since the story is quite thin, but the art is really great. However, to compensate for all the haters I give a 10. Great comic series!

Nightwing #87

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Dec 22, 2021

This special Nightwing issue is ONE CONTINUOUS IMAGE! That's right-if you placed every page next to each other, you'll have one poster image with this story! Now that billionaire Dick Grayson has publicly dedicated his funds to save Blüdhaven, he's a wanted man-and that's why he finds hired killers breaking in to steal his dog, Haley!

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daspidaboy reviewed Robin & Batman #2 Dec 14, 2021

Ppl wonder why dc comics jeeps on pushing batman and that's because the fans want more of batman than any other dc superhero. This is a prime example of why batman is one if the greatest superheroes of all time.

Spider man may be my favorite character of all time but if we are comparing the comics then I vastly prefer batman more than spider man

Robin & Batman #2

By: Jeff Lemire, Dustin Nguyen
Released: Dec 15, 2021

Dick Grayson is struggling in his training to be Robin, and the Batman decides the young man needs a break…and takes him to meet the Justice League! In an awe-inspiring moment, he meets the World’s Greatest Heroes…and their sidekicks! Will these teen titans get along?

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I want to give this comics series a 10, however, the only downside for me is that the pace of this story is really high. The relationship with the ghost could have been elaborated further in my opion. Nevertheless, this is one of the best comics of the year for me and again published by Image.

The Me You Love in the Dark #5

By: Skottie Young, Jorge Corona
Released: Dec 1, 2021

Ro can no longer ignore the connection she feels to her unique housemate—or the extreme and intense danger that relationship could hold for her.

Writer SKOTTIE YOUNG (I HATE FAIRYLAND, Deadpool, Strange Academy) and artist JORGE CORONA (NO. 1 WITH A BULLET, Super Sons, Feathers) follow up their critically acclaimed series MIDDLEWES...

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TheBest rated Catwoman: Lonely City #1 Oct 19, 2021

Catwoman: Lonely City #1

By: Cliff Chiang
Released: Oct 20, 2021

Ten years ago, the massacre known as Fools’ Night claimed the lives of Batman, The Joker, Nightwing, and Commissioner Gordon…and sent Selina Kyle, the Catwoman, to prison. A decade later, Gotham has grown up-it’s put away costumed heroism and villainy as childish things. The new Gotham is cleaner, safer…and a lot less free, under the watchf...

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JBL Reviews - Oct 20, 2021

When you look at your history, you rate nearly every book so low. Why would you keep reading if you hate everything that much?

vivek - Oct 23, 2021

Hey Man, I just want to say that, if you hate comic book so much. Why waste your precious time ⌚.Instead why don't do things you like.

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Gorr reviewed Nightwing #84 Sep 21, 2021

Crossover and the connection to fear state feels unnecessary. Also, not a fan of the artist change for this issue at all.

Nightwing #84

By: Tom Taylor, Robbi Rodriguez
Released: Sep 22, 2021

When the Bat-Family receives misleading information and incorrect directions from Oracle, ones Babs didn’t send herself, they realize Oracle’s system has been hacked! But who is powerful enough to break into Oracle’s own super-secure network? And what personal information is now at risk? Not only that, this mysterious Anti-Oracle is taking ad...

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yahhwy reviewed Nightwing #84 Sep 21, 2021

It is good but you can skip it. Mandatory Bat crossovers are a pain the ass if you are not reading the main Bat title. You can come back in December and continue with the main story. In short, buy if you are following Fear State or in need of Dick every month.

Nightwing #84

By: Tom Taylor, Robbi Rodriguez
Released: Sep 22, 2021

When the Bat-Family receives misleading information and incorrect directions from Oracle, ones Babs didn’t send herself, they realize Oracle’s system has been hacked! But who is powerful enough to break into Oracle’s own super-secure network? And what personal information is now at risk? Not only that, this mysterious Anti-Oracle is taking ad...

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Gavan - Sep 21, 2021

That last sentence made me chuckle

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Loafy Trophy reviewed Primordial #1 Sep 15, 2021

Really intriguing story, fantastic hook at the end. All of the Sorrentino art was stimulating as usual, but I was particularly fond of the Pink Floyd homage. Excited to see what the dream team of Lemire, Sorrentino and Stewart has in store for us the rest of the way.

Primordial #1

By: Jeff Lemire, Andrea Sorrentino
Released: Sep 15, 2021

Mind-bending sci-fi collides with Cold War thriller in this six-issue miniseries by the bestselling and Eisner-winning creative team behind GIDEON FALLS!
In 1957, the USSR launched the dog, Laika, into Earth's orbit. Two years later, the USA responded with two monkeys, Able and Baker. These animals never returned. But, unbeknownst to everyone, ...

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omnicitycomics - Sep 15, 2021

I love that Pink Floyd homage as well. Can’t wait for the next issue.

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omnicitycomics reviewed Primordial #1 Sep 15, 2021

Primordial by Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino is the comic that fills the void of a particular sub-genre that’s been missing among all of the amazing comic books out. A political thriller with a conspiracy at the heart of it, along the lines of The Department of Truth, but with a focus on the cosmic. A political-cosmic thriller if you will. Set in the 1960s in an alternative universe where eve more

Primordial #1

By: Jeff Lemire, Andrea Sorrentino
Released: Sep 15, 2021

Mind-bending sci-fi collides with Cold War thriller in this six-issue miniseries by the bestselling and Eisner-winning creative team behind GIDEON FALLS!
In 1957, the USSR launched the dog, Laika, into Earth's orbit. Two years later, the USA responded with two monkeys, Able and Baker. These animals never returned. But, unbeknownst to everyone, ...

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Nightwing rated Stray Dogs #5 Aug 24, 2021

Stray Dogs #5

By: Tony Fleecs, Trish Forstner
Released: Jun 23, 2021


Time's up. No more sniffing around, no more barking, no more hiding. The dogs have to get out of this house. Now. But standing between them and freedom is their best friend...and their worst nightmare.

They say there's no such thing as a bad dog, just bad owners.

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Nightwing rated Stray Dogs #4 Aug 24, 2021

Stray Dogs #4

By: Tony Fleecs, Trish Forstner
Released: May 19, 2021


Time is running out. Hackles are raised, tensions are high, and nobody's had a thing to eat. When the Master's away, the dogs will drag everything awful into the light. And the awful truth is nobody's coming to set them free.

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Nightwing rated Stray Dogs #3 Aug 24, 2021

Stray Dogs #3

By: Tony Fleecs, Trish Forstner
Released: Apr 21, 2021

Under the farmhouse, something rots. And no matter how well they're trained, dogs will be dogs. Now they've uncovered something that can't just be buried again.

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Nightwing rated Stray Dogs #2 Aug 24, 2021

Stray Dogs #2

By: Tony Fleecs, Trish Forstner
Released: Mar 24, 2021

Something doesn't smell right! None of the dogs know what happens behind that door at the end of the hallway. All they know is there's a punishment for sniffing around it. What secrets are hidden in the Master's Forbidden Room?

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Nightwing rated Stray Dogs #1 Aug 24, 2021

Stray Dogs #1

By: Tony Fleecs, Trish Forstner
Released: Feb 24, 2021

Lady and the Tramp meets Silence of the Lambs

It's scary being the new dog.
Sophie can't remember what happened. She doesn't know how she ended up in this house. She doesn't recognize any of these other dogs. She knows something terrible happened, but she just... can't...recall... WAIT! Where's her lady?

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Nightwing rated Eat The Rich #1 Aug 24, 2021

Eat The Rich #1

By: Sarah Gailey, Pius Bak
Released: Aug 18, 2021

What unspeakable horror eats away at the heart of Crestfall Bluffs?

With law school and her whole life ahead of her, Joey plans to summer with her boyfriend Astor in his seemingly perfect hometown of Crestfall Bluffs.

It's a chance to finally meet Astor's family and childhood friends, all while enjoying a vacation with every need ...

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omnicitycomics reviewed Eat The Rich #1 Aug 19, 2021

The best description I can give for Eat the Rich is that it’s Cruel Intentions meets Get Out. It’s a story about the ultra wealthy and their inner workings from the perspective of an outsider.

Our main character is Joey, a normal college girl whose boyfriend Astor comes from an incredibly wealthy family. Joey and Astor are going to spend the summer with Astor’s family at their be more

Eat The Rich #1

By: Sarah Gailey, Pius Bak
Released: Aug 18, 2021

What unspeakable horror eats away at the heart of Crestfall Bluffs?

With law school and her whole life ahead of her, Joey plans to summer with her boyfriend Astor in his seemingly perfect hometown of Crestfall Bluffs.

It's a chance to finally meet Astor's family and childhood friends, all while enjoying a vacation with every need ...

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KittyNone reviewed Nightwing #83 Aug 17, 2021

You can tell it's a great issue when even the yutzes who hate comics and are just here to fight their little culture war can't drag the reader score down past 8.7

Nightwing #83

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Aug 18, 2021

It’s a fight for the soul of the city! Now that Dick Grayson has inherited more money than he could possibly need, he has an idea on how he can help the city with it-and it’s time for him to announce it to the world! But with Blüdhaven's so beyond saving, what idea does he have that could possible save it? Meanwhile, an unexpected figure comes...

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Fracadactyl reviewed Nightwing #83 Aug 17, 2021

This issue really shows off Dick's humanitarian qualities. While he still has a few worries to think about, it's high time to get back to Dick's task at hand. Dick takes inspiration from a number of sources including Alfred, hence why he names his plan after him. Also his networking to make his plan work. In terms of the overall goal, it might just touch a piece of real world efforts by non-profit more

Nightwing #83

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Aug 18, 2021

It’s a fight for the soul of the city! Now that Dick Grayson has inherited more money than he could possibly need, he has an idea on how he can help the city with it-and it’s time for him to announce it to the world! But with Blüdhaven's so beyond saving, what idea does he have that could possible save it? Meanwhile, an unexpected figure comes...

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flodid reviewed Nightwing #83 Aug 18, 2021

Taylor and Redondo end their first act on a very strong note. Action and emotions all around, I love it !

Nightwing #83

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Aug 18, 2021

It’s a fight for the soul of the city! Now that Dick Grayson has inherited more money than he could possibly need, he has an idea on how he can help the city with it-and it’s time for him to announce it to the world! But with Blüdhaven's so beyond saving, what idea does he have that could possible save it? Meanwhile, an unexpected figure comes...

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daspidaboy reviewed Nightwing #83 Aug 17, 2021

I honestly like this issue and series. It gives me Chip Zdarsky's Daredevil vibes. it has great action and art and I'm not sure about Nightwing and Barbara Gordon's relationship since in Teen Titans he's banging Starfire.

But I like how Nightwing grows and takes the next step in helping people in need not as a superhero, but as Dick Grayson. I was honestly nervous and worried that Night more

Nightwing #83

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Aug 18, 2021

It’s a fight for the soul of the city! Now that Dick Grayson has inherited more money than he could possibly need, he has an idea on how he can help the city with it-and it’s time for him to announce it to the world! But with Blüdhaven's so beyond saving, what idea does he have that could possible save it? Meanwhile, an unexpected figure comes...

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Psycamorean reviewed Nightwing #83 Aug 17, 2021

This is a great issue of a superhero comic that I'm sure will get a lot of shit for having a hero that cares about people in it.

Nightwing #83

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Aug 18, 2021

It’s a fight for the soul of the city! Now that Dick Grayson has inherited more money than he could possibly need, he has an idea on how he can help the city with it-and it’s time for him to announce it to the world! But with Blüdhaven's so beyond saving, what idea does he have that could possible save it? Meanwhile, an unexpected figure comes...

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Dave reviewed Nightwing #83 Aug 16, 2021

Tom Taylor hots another home run

Nightwing #83

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Aug 18, 2021

It’s a fight for the soul of the city! Now that Dick Grayson has inherited more money than he could possibly need, he has an idea on how he can help the city with it-and it’s time for him to announce it to the world! But with Blüdhaven's so beyond saving, what idea does he have that could possible save it? Meanwhile, an unexpected figure comes...

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Batman Jones reviewed Nightwing #83 Aug 17, 2021

1.I’m getting a little tired of some fans saying Taylor is a bad writer. I’m not sure that anyone is writing a better series than this one, possibly at any company. He has also made me a fan of Jonathan Kent and even of him in the Superman role in one issue flat. I didn’t think any writer capable of that. The guys is shitting gold lately. DC should give him the run of the place or at least g more

Nightwing #83

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Aug 18, 2021

It’s a fight for the soul of the city! Now that Dick Grayson has inherited more money than he could possibly need, he has an idea on how he can help the city with it-and it’s time for him to announce it to the world! But with Blüdhaven's so beyond saving, what idea does he have that could possible save it? Meanwhile, an unexpected figure comes...

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FuzzyCracker - Aug 21, 2021

@Weird Science Jim. No one is complaining about you. They're complaining about the obvious review bombing from newly made accounts, and that one idiot who thinks everything is an attack on his precious Trump.

Psycamorean - Aug 29, 2021

Not gonna get deep into the Afghanistan pullout because nuance is dead here, but "Afghani" is a currency. Calling the Afghan people "Afghanis" is basically telling everyone in the room that you don't know anything about the conflict.

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