• Worst-mentor-ever Melissa Morbeck has trapped Squirrel Girl in her house, surrounded by zoo animals under her control, and laid out her demands: She wants to have...A CHAT.
• Does that not sound exciting enough? What if we were to tell you that this chat ALSO involves punching, shocking revelations, a little bit of cool computer stuff and MACHINE-GUN-WIELDING BEARS, who are as extremely cute as they are extremely deadly??
• Squirrels AND machine-gun bears, all in the same comic?! That's right. Only SQUIRREL GIRL gives you what you want, assuming you have those two very particular interests!! more
Squirrel Girl may or may not be unbeatable, but her comic is absolutely worth reading. Read Full Review
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl is hilarious. Issues like this new one are hilarious. It's funny and lovable and so much fun to read. Don't pass it up! Read Full Review
While this issue isn't one of the series' best, it is still a good time. North and Henderson deliver campy fun as always. Read Full Review