Batman / TMNT Adventures #1
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Batman / TMNT Adventures #1

Writer: Matthew K. Manning Artist: Jon Sommariva Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: November 9, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 17 User Reviews: 7
8.0Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

When villains start to mysteriously escape Arkham, Batman seeks to track them down. What happens when he discovers that they have left Gotham completely... and entered the TMNT's New York City?
•   The animated worlds of the current TMNT Nickelodeon cartoon and Batman: The Animated Series collide in this outstanding mini-series!
•   The greatest all-ages crossover of all-time!
•   Featuring villains and allies from both universes!
•   The influential Batman: The Animated Series returns to comics!

  • 10
    Fortress of Solitude - Sergio Pereira Nov 15, 2016

    What I enjoyed about this issue is that it's uncompromisingly fun. Lately, comic book creators have struggled to find the sweet spot between silly and too serious, but Batman/TMNT Adventures hits the bullseye on its first attempt. It's a book which both casual and seasoned comic book fans can enjoy " and that's something special. Read Full Review

  • 10
    ComicWow!TV - Art Boorman Nov 8, 2016

    Despite a wide range of variant covers showing them all together, that does not happen (YET).This issue is a set-up, explaining how these heroes all come together, and who they will have to fight. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comicsverse - peterjurado Nov 10, 2016

    Jon Sommariva's (TMNT AMAZING ADVENTURES, NOBLE CAUSES) depiction of the Nickelodeon TMNT, is exactly how the 2-D version would look. Jon's artwork is the perfect blend of dynamic and cartoonish. Containing vivid color that truly animates each page, and these two creators just mesh so well together that I can't wait for the next issue.BATMAN/TMNT ADVENTURES #1 is my favorite read this week. The first issue is well written, the artwork is great, and there is only more to come. Whether you are a New Yorker or a Gothamite, add this to your pull list today and feel like a kid again! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Ryan Malik Nov 18, 2016

    This crossover is destined to be a classic. Buy it monthly or buy the trade paperback when it's released. Just buy it! Some of the best four bucks and change you'll ever spend. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Crusaders - Shane Tydeman Nov 18, 2016

    This is a nice looking book, a different tone from the previous run by Tynion And Williams but still worth a look! Do ya'self a favor and check it out! Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - Nikki Sherman Nov 9, 2016

    Overall,Batman/TMNT Adventures #1 provides exactly what you think it would: a fun bit of silly action and an unlikely meeting of two worlds and two iconic sets of characters. I'm excited to see more of the villains on both sides and what this story has to offer. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Multiversity Comics - Robbie Pleasant Nov 10, 2016

    Very strong for everything it is. Good characterization, pacing, and artwork, while clearly differentiating itself from the previous Batman/TMNT crossover. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Pop Culture Uncovered - Adam Frey Nov 9, 2016

    From a cynical standpoint, Batman/TMNT Adventures may be nostalgia porn, but it works.Like a pizza, it's good comfort food, and even if you're not getting gourmet quality, it's still satisfying. If you're a fan of the old Batman animated series or the more recent TMNT series, or if just want a fun, clean story, this book is for you. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Nov 10, 2016

    I personally like to have one mini-series on my pull list as a casual read, with characters I've traditionally enjoyed, and this series undoubtedly checks all those boxes. Fantastic art, by Jon Sommariva, Sean Parsons, and Leonardo Ito, to go along with a creative premise, by Matthew K. Manning, makes this a must buy for any fan of the classic properties meet genre. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Word Of The Nerd - Brent Jackson Nov 10, 2016

    Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 is another great team up mini series from IDW comics and DC comics. This time they bring together two animated universes and knock it out of the park. This is a great all ages book! Older fans of the Batman Adventure comics or Batman the Animated series will love revisiting the style and characters of that universe, while younger fans of the most recent TMNT animated series and comic series from Nickelodeon will be right at home with these Turtles. Writer Matthew K. Manning does a great job with combining these universes and making sure fans of either one are not lost or confused and the art team knocks it out of the park with great style! While it doesn't break the mold, it's a fun book that everyone can enjoy! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Kabooooom - Brandon Griffin Nov 11, 2016

    Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures should continuously provide a delightful nostalgia trip for those who grew up with Batman and the Turtles in the 90's. It'll also provide readers with a look into the current running TMNT series (which is pretty great every time I catch it). This perfect coupling of two worlds strikes gold again, and I hope this series goes on for a very long time and touches upon every rogue available in both Bat & Turtle universe alike. It's the best Saturday morning cartoon that never aired. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Geek-O-Rama - Brian Belanger Nov 13, 2016

    There are so many people that will want to grab this new title pairing up these heroes I really don't have to talk you into it. It's another great addition crossing their worlds with a cool story and cooler artwork. Whether it's by jetpowered car or skateboards in the sewers, make your way to the comic store and pick this up. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Batman-News - Jay Yaws Nov 10, 2016

    I'll say it again: if you like the animated Batman and Ninja Turtles series, this is the book for you. It's great for all-ages, an easy introduction to both universes, and overall just a fun time. Even with a few minor setbacks, Batman/TMNT Adventures is a solid, entertaining debut chapter. Here's hoping subsequent issues follow suit to deliver another excellent crossover between Batman and the Turtles. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Outright Geekery - Scott Macdonald Nov 12, 2016

    This is a strong start to what promises to be a fun series. I can hardly imagine a scenario in which a series featuring Batman and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles did not turn out at least satisfying if not glorious. This is an easy win and Mathew K. Manning and Jon Sommariva did not squander it. This series is fun for the whole family and I am eagerly looking forward to the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Nov 9, 2016

    Every comic should ultimately be judged on its own merits, but it's impossible not to compare Batman/TMNT Adventures to DC and IDW's previous (and very recent) crossover. Even with this book spotlighting two different universes, it doesn't do enough to stand apart from Batman/TMNT or shake up the crossover formula in general. Mostly, this first issue begs the question of why the two publishers didn't simply commission a sequel. But with Batman/TMNT taking a couple issues to find its groove, hopefully the same will be true for this book, too. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Chris Tresson Nov 9, 2016

    Not a bad first outing for this creative team but I was hoping for a bit more than what I got. Whether it'll get any better remains to be seen, but it's done enough that I want to find out. I think fans of the cartoons will love it and your kids will love it, it's got a lot of appeal to a lot of different groups of people. Plus, it already seems like it's going to be a shit load better than that wanky miniseries we got last time. Pick it up, find out for yourself. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Graphic Policy - Logan Dalton Nov 12, 2016

    The iconic Bruce Timm Batman: The Animated Seriesandthe ridiculously delightful 2003-2009 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtlesanimated seriesdesigns are on model, but lack the motion and kinetic feeling of the source material. I would really love to see what an artist like Michael Avon Oeming or Ian McGinty would have done with these characters.Batman/TMNT Adventures#1 may appeal to young readers, who didn't grow up on these two cartoons or who enjoy the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but it falls short of being a true "all ages" book despite its nods to nostalgia. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    SOUL CRUSHER Nov 17, 2016

    an amazing book, this is how turtles and batman are, the colors and the art are amazing very colorfull even batman parts have awesome colors !!!

  • 8.5
    Kgphil01 Feb 13, 2017

    A very fun light hearted take on mashing up the Batman Animated Series and the current turtles cartoons. The art is phenomenal the way the styles of both shows mix is fantastic! The writing is light and fun with a great sense of humor! Can't wait to read the rest of the run!

  • 8.5
    TheMatteo0 Nov 10, 2016

    A fun cartoony art style, some good humour and dialogue as well as an interesting mystery being set-up: this series promises to be a lot of fun. Can't wait to see which characters will appear, but I have a feeling we'll see some really great action coming up. It's worth noting that Batman and the Turtles don't actually cross-up yet, but I'd imagine we'll see them back together once the series progresses further. This could end up pretty samey, but if it keeps the momentum of the start it looks like it could be on for another successful mini-series.

  • 8.5
    myconius Nov 9, 2016

    this first issue of the Batman / Tmnt Adventures cross-over was a LOT of fun!!! . . . . . . . first off i want to say just how ABSOLUTELY BE-YOO-TIFUL the art is!!! . . . . . Jon Sommariva has done plenty of great looking covers for the recent cartoon-based Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics by IDW. . . . . he might have done a back-up story here of there? . . . but this is the first time i've ever seen him draw an entire story, and it looks fantastic!! . . . the guy really has some amazing compositions and visual story-telling ability! . . . . the events of the story are a lot of fun as well. . . . . banter between Batman and Alfred was very amusing. . . . some of the banter between the Ninja Turtle brother's was a little hit or miss. . more

  • 7.5
    Gizmo Nov 25, 2016

    Fun read if you like these cartoons.

  • 8.5
    Comix4fever Oct 29, 2018

  • 8.5
    Veido Nov 14, 2016

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