In the aftermath of a major terrorist attack in Tokyo by an Aum Shinrikyo-like cult, Felix Leiter finds himself unwittingly drawn into the investigation. And under the oversight of Tiger Tanaka - the Japanese James Bond - and with a squad of Tanaka's elite operatives, Leiter himself helps to bring down the cult's leader! But now it's up to Leiter and Tanaka to work desperately against the clock: they must discover the secret of the cultist's deadly bio-weapon - especially if they're going to try and avert another terrorist attack!
Felix Leiter is moving right along as a series and as we get just past the halfway mark it hits the familiar area. There are some really good moments of tension at the start and at the end of this issue, mostly because Tiger is such a volatile person at this point, while the goodness between those segments is focused on revealing more about what's really going on. Robinson and Campbell have delivered three strong issues already and this one builds on those foundations really well. The result is an engaging book that works as a single as part of the monthly run but will be a big and critical piece when read in full as a trade. The series is definitely making me root more for Felix than I have in the past and it has me craving some serious exploration of Tiger and his world. Very good stuff all around. Read Full Review