Caroline Sharp has been a lot of things, including both a superhero and a super-spy. But now, with those days behind her and her powers proving unreliable, Caroline finds herself stuck in a life weighed down by her depression and an inability to change. You see, Caroline is going to live forever, and there is no escape to be had. The very act of li...
What is that cover!
Patience returns from combat to find her husband gone and her neighborhood in ruin. By day, she waits tables and goes to college. By night, she pulls on a mask and becomes Kick-Ass-serving justice to local scumbags and taking a cut of their cash. With every bust, her list of enemies gets longer, and the city's worst criminals...
Glad this boring arc is over.
The facial art style is very off putting and doesn’t work in places.
Not a good start to Gillen’s run.
The battle between the Empire and the Rebellion over the Kyber mines of Jedha comes to an explosive conclusion...with help coming from the most unexpected source.
Rated T
The clock is ticking down on Davey Trauma's apocalyptic pleasure cruise, and what he has planned at midnight won't just spell doom for New Los Angeles, but the whole world!
Black Science comes face-to-face with Black Magic as Grant McKay seeks out a witch to make amends with his daughter, and the fragile peace she bartered with three eternally warring races.
Soldier. War hero. Traitor. Captain Rick Flag was one of America's greatest military commanders before he was banished to a secret military prison. But after years of isolation, Flag's life changes forever when a woman called Amanda Waller offers him redemption in exchange for taking on the single most dangerous job in the entire DC Universe: keepi...
The bestselling team of ED BRUBAKER and SEAN PHILLIPS (THE FADE OUT, CRIMINAL, FATALE) launch their new monthly series: KILL OR BE KILLED, the twisted story of a young man who is forced to kill bad people, and how he struggles to keep his secret as it slowly ruins his life and the lives of his friends and loved ones. Both a thriller and a deconstru...
"Red Planet" part four! There's no escaping the rage that grows around the world, as new Green Lanterns Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz confront Bleez. But with no training, no backup and no way out, the Green Lantern Corps partners also find themselves out of options.
• Vader is lost in his inner mindscape, lost in visions of the Force!
• Is he truly more machine now than man?
• Or can he fight his way back from the brink?
Rated T
"Sinestro's Law" part two! As Sinestro's grip around the universe grows tighter, Guy Gardner takes on the mission to bring the Green Lantern Corps back from the edge of oblivion to reclaim their role as protectors of the cosmos.
With the world burning around them, the Caine women must decide the fate of humanity once and for all.
"The Drowning" part four. Aquaman is arrested for a war crime he didn't commit: ordering an Atlantean terrorist attack on the surface, killing hundreds! The young king is willing to sit behind bars if it means peace between two worlds, but one ally is determined to break Aquaman out, no matter the cost: his girlfriend Mera!
"The Extinction Machine" part two! Massive earthquakes shake cities to the ground as the ancient intelligence known as the Awakened takes control of the people of Earth, forcing them to turn against anyone with superpowers-including the Justice League! Unable to fight a war on two fronts, Batman asks for help from the one man he trusts less than an...
WHO IS LOTTIE PERSON? Is she a gorgeous, fun-loving social media star with a perfect life or a gross, allergy-ridden mess? Enter a world of snot, blood, and tears in this new ongoing series from New York Times Best Seller BRYAN LEE O'MALLEY (Scott Pilgrim) and dazzling newcomer LESLIE HUNG!
The oceans rise. The earth quakes. And an ancient power rises to reclaim not just the world, but the universe itself-and not even the combined might of the Justice League can stop it. An all-new era begins with this epic by comic book legend Bryan Hitch (JLA, The Ultimates) and master storyteller Tony S. Dan...
WHO IS LOTTIE PERSON? Is she a gorgeous, fun-loving social media star with a perfect life or a gross, allergy-ridden mess? Enter a world of snot, blood, and tears in this new ongoing series from New York Times Best Seller BRYAN LEE O'MALLEY (Scott Pilgrim) and dazzling newcomer LESLIE HUNG!
• Vader vs. Morit on the shell of the Executor!
• Fine: Cylo's secret revealed!
Rated T
One of the best issues in the series so far!
"The Last Flight of the Harbinger" STARTS NOW!
• Sgt. Kreel is back with an all-new squad of stormtroopers!
• Go inside the minds of an elite group of Imperial soldiers!
• Join incoming artist Jorge Molina for a walk on the dark side!
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"THE DROWNING," Chapter Three: In issue #3, Aquaman's mission of peace is dealt a devastating blow when Atlantean terrorists attack the surface world in retribution for Black Manta's deadly assault on their embassy.
"THE DROWNING" chapter one
Black Manta returns, and as Aquaman attempts to broker lasting peace between Atlantis and the surface world, his greatest foe engineers a plan to destroy everything and everyone the undersea hero loves.
THEY SAID IT: "I'm excited to draw a vast undersea world with all the visual flourishes of fantasy and science f...
For the Rhodes family, losing their son was the most devastating thing that could've ever occurred... but it couldn't prepare them for what happened when he returned.
Skybound's newest original series turns fantasy into reality in this EXTRA-SIZED FIRST ISSUE for just $2.99, by creator/writer JOSH WILLIAMSON (GHOSTED, NAILBITER) and art...
Be here for the start of a new era for The Dark Knight from writer Scott Snyder (AMERICAN VAMPIRE, BATMAN: GATES OF GOTHAM) and artist Greg Capullo (Spawn)! A series of brutal killings hints at an ancient conspiracy, and Batman learns that Gotham City is deadlier than he knew.
Before their military heroism in the Clone Wars, before their tragic battle on Mustafar, and many decades before their final confrontation on the Death Star...they were Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan learner, Anakin Skywalker. It's been a few years since Obi-Wan pledged to train the young "chosen one," but even as they have grown closer thro...
Zhia Malen thought she'd fought her very last war, until she learned her planet was targeted for occupation... by a desperate world called Earth. The people of Earth will be told that her arrival on their planet means invasion; these are lies, this is retaliation.
Skybound's newest original series by BRANDON THOMAS (The Many Adventures of ...
• The next stop on Poe's mission is Grakkus the Hutt...
• But Grakkus has been in Republic Prison for years.
• You know what that means-
Rated T
Fantastic issue, great writing, amazing artwork. One of the best mini series so far Marvel has put out for it's Star Wars line. Hoping that the ending character may be someone in particular relating to a Force Awakens character.
• Han Solo has entered the space race of his dreams - the DRAGON VOID!
• But he's on an undercover mission - to find a traitor within the Rebellion.
• Teamed with Wookiee warrior Chewbacca, will they be able to find the mole before trouble finds them?
Rated T
Intriguing ending which I'm looking forward to see. All out brawl of an issue, art could of been better for the amount of action there was. Dialogue felt quit short, but well written regardless.
Feel the story could of been developed a bit longer, we'll see what enfolds soon.
"THE DROWNING," Chapter Two: In issue #2, unity between land and sea is Arthur Curry's greatest dream. But Black Manta has a dream too: to destroy everything Aquaman stands for, starting with the sea king's Atlantean embassy and everyone in it.
God, the art is so bad, generic story ending 'We're the Justice League! Yay'
Get Hitch off Justice League... I hope Johns project is announced soon!
Spinning out of the events of DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH #1, a new day dawns for Earth's greatest heroes as they welcome three new members to the team, including...Superman? Who is this strange visitor from a dead world-and can he be trusted? Batman and Wonder Woman aren't so sure.
Art was terrible. Story was mediocre.
Spinning out of the events of DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH #1, a new day dawns for Earth's greatest heroes as they welcome three new members to the team, including...Superman? Who is this strange visitor from a dead world-and can he be trusted? Batman and Wonder Woman aren't so sure.
My name is Commander Shepard, and this is my least favorite rebirth comic in the Citadel.
Had I known how many references this was gonna be making to Mass Effect, I'd have skipped it and read my actual Mass Effect comics, or play some Mass Effect instead.
Spinning out of the events of DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH #1, a new day dawns for Earth's greatest heroes as they welcome three new members to the team, including...Superman? Who is this strange visitor from a dead world-and can he be trusted? Batman and Wonder Woman aren't so sure.