Mopeymac's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: GWW Reviews: 18
9.1Avg. Review Rating

4 Kids Walk Into A Bank #3

Dec 26, 2016

To close this long review out I'm going to say buy this series. Buy it while you still can because it's the best thing to come out in 2016. Nowhere else will you see a girl get punched in the face by a criminal. Nowhere. That alone should have you intrigued so do yourself a favor and read it.

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Huck #1

Nov 19, 2015

I can't recommend this issue enough. If you enjoy a strong lead character, great art, or a simple story this is for you. Millar wanted to create a hero to “lift our spirits in the darkest time,” and he succeeded. With all the violence, moral ambiguity, and darkness in comics Millar has offered a lighthearted alternative that I didn't know I wanted.

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Huck #2

Dec 18, 2015

I said a lot of what I needed to in my first review about why this book is a beacon light in a somewhat darker comics world. I also mentioned why this series is a fresh breath of air and why I love it already. So I'll try to keep this short, issue 2 of Huck did not disappoint. Millar created a character that I wouldn't be afraid to show to a younger audience. A character with learning disabilities that's still a hero, and that alone is something kids can relate to. If I had this comic when I was a childit really would've made a difference as I struggled through elementary school to high school. I know that it can make a difference to kids who are still struggling today. This series is fantastic so far and it's only two issues in, do yourself a favor check it out.

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Nightwing (2016) #1

Jul 27, 2016

I loved this issue if that wasn't already clear and I'm excited to see everything coming in the future. The creative team is strong so far and while there were a few things that didn't work as well for me overall this was a strong issue. I can't recommend it enough to fans of the Grayson series or anyone who missed good, old, Nightwing.

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Nightwing: Rebirth #1

Jul 13, 2016

When DC announced Rebirth pretty much all I wanted was Dick Grayson to come back as Nightwing. Tim Seeley has proven he knows the character but I can't wait to see him back in his element. I'll say it again I really liked this issue but I'll admit there were a couple of points where I was lost, I think I missed an issues or two of the previous series and itthrew me off. Otherwise this is a great jumping on point and start for Nighwing's next journey. As usual I'll leave you with this if you like it go support it so it stays on the shelves. I think this series is worth supporting and I hope it remainssolid going forward.

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Nova (2016) #1

Dec 8, 2016

Overall this was worth reading and a fun beginning to a fresh start of Nova. I'm curious to find out what's going on with Richard and I want to know if Sam will ever have luck with girls. To go back to what I was saying about nothing really happening. It's a trend I'm seeing a lot of especially coming from Marvel and it's not just with their twice a month books. Books come out after a month nothing happens it feels like the book drags a bit and worst of all what we do get has been done countless times. In Nova #1 not a ton happens but it was still fun, Sam panicking about girls alone made the issue worth it. I hope going forward though that the series picks up some speed and I have a feeling that it will.

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Punisher (2016) #1

May 4, 2016

To close this out I'll say the Punisher is one of my favorite Marvel characters and it's great to see him handled well. Moving forward I can't wait to see what this creative team puts out. As always, do yourself a favor and buy this book.

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Punisher (2016) #2

Jun 7, 2016

So on a whole I wasn't as in love with this issue as I was the first one. That could be for a number of reasons but I really loved that first issue and not much could've topped it. Don't get me wrong this was a strong follow up from what I believe to be a heavyweight team of creators. This new start for the Punisher has a lot of potential that I don't think will be wasted. Go check out the issue and the series it's well worth your time.

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Rock Candy Mountain #1

Apr 9, 2017

Rock Candy Mountain #1 gives us, action, comedy, goofy dialogue, and hobos making it a comic you won't regret picking up.

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Superman (2011) #1

Feb 17, 2016

Once again American Alien has maintained its place as one of my favorite series coming out of DC. To write this review is incredibly difficult because part of me wants to write about the series so far when I need to focus on a single issue. Number four unlike other issues seemed to focus more on bringing other characters to the light and showing us how some of Clark's relationships would develop in the future. I enjoyed this issue each time I read it just like I've enjoyed each issue previous to it. The one page comic of Parasites origin illustrated by Steve Dillon was wonderful and my favorite so far. If you haven't read the previous issues you're really missing out on an excellent series.

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Superman: American Alien #4

Feb 17, 2016

Once again American Alien has maintained its place as one of my favorite series coming out of DC. To write this review is incredibly difficult because part of me wants to write about the series so far when I need to focus on a single issue. Number four unlike other issues seemed to focus more on bringing other characters to the light and showing us how some of Clark's relationships would develop in the future. I enjoyed this issue each time I read it just like I've enjoyed each issue previous to it. The one page comic of Parasites origin illustrated by Steve Dillon was wonderful and my favorite so far. If you haven't read the previous issues you're really missing out on an excellent series.

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Superman: American Alien #5

Mar 17, 2016

Simply put: I love this series. I look forward to it every month and read it at least twice before even thinking about a review. Each issue leaves me with a smile on my face and a reminder of why I like comic books. I like that Landis has set restrictions on his Superman. His Superman isn't a genius, and he even bleeds! Luthor through a two page lecture is able to shake Clark's whole foundation, making him feel like a legitimate threat. This is the Superman I never knew I wanted but really needed. At this point if you're not reading "American Alien," I can't imagine why, but seriously go pick it up!

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Superman: American Alien #6

Apr 22, 2016

DC should've announced Landis either taking over a title or another mini series for Rebirth. American Alien is incredible, easily one of the best series the publisher is releasing. All in all I love the universe that's been created in these 6 issues and I want nothing more than to see it expanded. The series has made Clark feel like a relatable character for me. I can't recommend this series enough so go give it a shot.

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The Sheriff Of Babylon #1

Dec 2, 2015

I'm not sure what else I can say after all that but this book is one of my new favorites of the year. It's well written with art the brings the story to life. As a reader I'm left with a lot of questions and a desire for more. As a reviewer I have trouble writing about comics, tv, movies, or bands that don't immediately grab me I didn't have that problem here, I was sold after the first page.

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The Sheriff Of Babylon #2

Jan 8, 2016

I'd like to reiterate that this issue is very strong and the more I go back to it the more I love it, but I'd be lying if I said it was as strong as the first. Don't get me wrong it's still well worth the money and time it's just a little slower, which is to be expected when starting a new series. The issue gave me a very strong buddy cop feel between Chris and Nassir that I'm excited to see unfold in the coming series. It's great seeing how Chris and Nassir approach the case differently. Chris is a little more rigid and rule following while Nassir is looser, he really seems to improvise as he goes on. I'm excited to see where this series goes because there are a lot of possibilities.

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The Sheriff Of Babylon #3

Feb 3, 2016

To close I'd like to say that normally I can't write reviews after the first few issues of a story. I get a strange writers block and feel like I've said all I need to but with the Sheriff of Babylon I could write about it all day. I love this series everything about it is incredible and I can't recommend it enough. Each issue is better than the last and each time I read them I find something I missed at first. It's smart, it's fun, shocking, it's captivating and it's a must read. Don't miss out on what will most likely be one of the best series to come out this year.

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The Sheriff Of Babylon #5

Apr 10, 2016

Something I've grown to appreciate recently is a comic that can make expand my point of view and stimulate my mindwithout making me feel like I missed something. Every month I get that in The Sheriff of Babylonalong with a griping story and art that tantalizes the senses. I can't think of anything in this series that I don't like. Tom King and Mitch Gerads work incredibly well together. They've created a comicthat I really think is a must read. I love it and I can't wait to see what'll happen next.

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Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1

Jun 9, 2016

So what else can I really say I have high hopes for the rest of this series especially the “Year One” that's coming. I'm curious where these duel stories will go but I'm also curious if the quality of these books will maintain coming out twice a month. One thing is for sure the creative teams were well selected for this series and I look forward to what's coming next. As always go buy these books DC is really pulling off something special with some of these rebirth titles that deserves the support.

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