DC's mega-event "Infinite Crisis" saw the destruction of the Trinity, the rise of Alexander Luthor and Superboy-Prime, and the rebirth of the Multiverse...but it all started with Ted Kord, the Blue Beetle, who saw it all coming and died with secrets that could've saved the world. But...things happened differently in the Dark Multiverse! Not only does Blue Beetle survive- he thrives! And after killing Maxwell Lord himself, Ted sets off a chain of events that irreversibly alters the lives of the Justice League and his best friend, Booster Gold. In trying to prevent a crisis, Blue Beetle becomes the Crisis...and the Dark Multiverse will never bemore
This issue is FANTASTIC! I highly enjoyed the way this took several events and tied them up very nicely by way of Blue Beetle. This story has heart and gives a dark take on what happens when we take on more than we can handle. Highly recommended! Read Full Review
A perfect side note to one of DC's major flagship events. What a read. Read Full Review
Another brilliant installment in the Tales from the Dark Multiverse series. Read Full Review
As the title indicates theres no happy ending with this issue, but Blue Beetle fans will likely love Tynions take on his role in Infinite Crisis. Of the various Tales From the Dark Multiverse this is easily my favorite installment. Hopefully the next chapters follow a similar path. Read Full Review
OverallJames Tynion IVgives us a really cool story here. Reading how Ted Kord aka Blue Beetle slowly loses his sense of humanity and morality to the computer nanites that have merged with him was an intriguing journey. I felt the heartbreak when the computer virus inadvertently kills Booster Gold in order to protect its host. The Blue Beetle. This is a story full of very difficult and trying moments. Read Full Review
Tales from the Dark Multivers: Inifinite Crisis #1, the fourth of these Dark Multiverse one-shots, takes a different approach from the others in the series. Instead of going full-on into end-of-the-world scenarios, James Tynion and Aaron Lopresti stick with the more espionage-themed elements of the early Infinite Crisis stories and deliver a slow-burn story that turns one of the DCU's most unlikely heroes into a far deadlier villain. Read Full Review
Equal parts compelling and circuitous, Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Infinite Crisis #1 (Tynion, Lopresti, Ryan, Fajardo, Leigh) is a compelling story that requires a deep knowledge of comic lore to be fully accessible to the reader. Read Full Review
It's crazy to think that the best thing to happen to the DCU might have been the murder of Ted Kord because we have a frightening look at what may have happened if he would have lived here and with that I had a fun time reading this issue and thought the art was great throughout. This installment seems to be the most thought out of what we've been getting and it really added to my enjoyment of the issue. Read Full Review
Out of all the Dark Multiverse one-shots, I'd say that Tales of the Dark Multiverse: Infinite Crisis #1 is the storyline that feels like is most true to the spirit of the original storyline, rather than a dark riff using the original event as a launching point. Tynion and Lopresti take readers down memory lane in a way that might take you off-guard with its level of scale and ambitiousness, even as most of the narrative math seems to check out in the end. If you're unfamiliar with the original Infinite Crisis, this book might not be for you, but if you read the event as it was first coming out, you'll likely enjoy the empire of Ted Kord these creators have built. Read Full Review
Tales from the DC Dark Multiverse: Infinite Crisis #1 isavailablenow wherever comics are sold and online at ComiXology through our affiliate link. Read Full Review
I really can't imagine this story being very satisfying for readers who haven't read Infinite Crisis " but there's no reason that it needs to be. This entire series is based on showcasing darker endings to iconic stories " the fact that Tynion and Lopresti commit to the story without compromising it for new audiences honestly makes it all the better. If you're a long-standing fan of DC history, or you're fresh off a binge-read to prepare for the next event, then I can't give this anything less than a strong recommendation. Read Full Review
The comic is entertaining and as a “what if” story it does a solid job. Issues remain that the real impact is for those who read the original series and know more of the references. The comic also packs in a lot leaving readers to ponder some of the more interesting aspects mentioned but not seen. It's an entertaining issue but might be one more for fans of the original event. Read Full Review
Overall, theTales From the Dark Multiverse: InfiniteCrisismostly satisfies. The premise was intriguing and logically paced until the somewhat rushed haphazard ending. While an enjoyable comic, its illogical, rushed ending ruins an otherwise good story. Read Full Review
With gorgeous panels like these, it's a shame that Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Infinite Crisis suffered so much from the writing. It allows for little room for readers to breathe between monologues and enjoy the brilliant expressions and colors that really speak for themselves. If you want to read a great version of Infinite Crisis, then your best bet would be to re-read Infinite Crisis. Read Full Review
"Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Infinite Crisis" #1 explores an important DC story with a dark yet slightly derivative twist. Read Full Review
James Tynion IV writes a boring script that is very heavy with words. It was a trudge to get through. Aaron Lopresti has always been one of my least favorite artists too. All in all, this book is hard to like. And that is the biggest shame of all. Read Full Review
It's a plot that forces characters into idiotic choices and unjustified opinions repeatedly in order to arrive at a series of moments that would be horrifying if there was any reason for readers to be invested in this tale. Instead, the violence is cartoonish and the end result laughable. Read Full Review
Infinite Crisis is one of the few DC events read before I started reading DC comics regularly. Tales from The Dark Multiverse: Infinite Crisis covers the timeline of the same event but is radically different from what you remember.
This is essentially a What If? comic in the classic sense. It takes an event from the original series and flips the outcome. This creates a cascading effect that keeps the timeline of events in place but changes characters and situational outcomes.
In the original series, Ted Kord A.K.A. Blue Beetle discovers Maxwell Lords' plot but is killed prior to getting the word out to others better suited to deal with the crisis. In this take, Kord flips the script on Lord and kills him more
I agree with Batman Jones, this is the first Dark Multiverse tale that wasn't painful to get through. This was a really well crafted book that I would recommend to anyone who was a fan of the original Infinite Crisis.
"Tales from the Dark Multiverse" held so much promise for me but this was the first of four installments that wasn't a slog to get through. It also has the distinction of being, actually, great.
While the Tales of the Dark Multiverse have fluctuated in quality, I have faith in Tynion and his writing. Let's see how this issue goes.
The Good:
It's an interesting premise. Logically, we see someone living rather then dying as the better outcome but Tynion shows here how Ted's death was needed for the DCU to survive.
I really like Ted in this. It's the slippery slope but it works so well.
Seeing how all of the preludes fail or don't happen is fun to watch.
I feel like this world is explored enough due to the story being structured around the change.
The Bad:
I really enjoyed this issue. Tynion understands Blue Beetle and i more
This was a mostly good issue and alternative to the events of Countdown to / Infinite Crisis. I like Ted Kord and while some things in the book I felt were a bit hasty or unrealistic, it works within the confines of the page count and it’s mostly believable for a one-shot. This issue is also a good showcase for Aaron Lopresti who continues to do good work illustrating the likes of Ted and Booster from the days of Generation Lost, and adds a lot to the tone of the issue; stylistically it’s straight out of 2005 and that’s a good thing. Overall a good read
This was for sure my favourite one thus far, and I feel like it actually did Infinite Crisis better than Infinite Crisis?
This feels like the only good one for me. That showcases how power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Art was great and writing solid.
" The worlds has gotten so dark... It needs heores, it needs Saving. "
- Blue Beetle
This was pretty good, but this whole series seems pointless when it can't even deliver stories worth their price and page count.