80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular: Green Lantern #1

8.5Critic Rating
8.9User Rating

In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil could ever escape their sight! The Green Lanterns are celebrating 80 years of keeping the DC Universe safe. Join us to see tales of all of the universe's most legendary Green Lanterns: Alan Scott, Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner, Jessica Cruz, Simon Baz, and appearances from other cosmic favorites! A legendary lineup of creators including Geoff Johns, Peter J. Tomasi, Jeff Lemire, Ivan Reis, and others will be keeping the galaxy glowing bright! PRESTIGE FORMAT.

  • 10
    AIPT - Christopher Franey Jun 23, 2020

    This is a fantastic journey across 80 years of Green Lantern. Fans will be treated to amazing moments with their favorite Lantern, and there is plenty to learn from all the Earth-based GLs in these stories. Make sure your Lantern is charged up as you read across these 100 pages packed with creators galore. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Jun 23, 2020

    The issue ends with a Secret Files look at various Green Lanterns. Morrison has largely placed the Green Lantern universe in a bubble yet the strength of this particular property is the wealth of characters created that offers something for everyone. This was a great reflection on the past that should shape DC's direction in the future. Read Full Review

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Matthew Lloyd Jun 23, 2020

    Green Lantern 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super-Spectacular is an extremely fun trip through the history of the wielders of the green ring. Outside of the Alan Scott tale, they all deliver that nostalgia and sense of of scope of those who have worn the Green Lantern power ring. Most importantly, they focus on character. They not only remind the reader of a particular time or era, but reconnect the reader with why the Green Lantern concept is transferable to so many different individuals. Unfortunately, Alan Scott's story is unable to do the same thing, feeling like something new rather than something familiar. Oh, and G'nort (see above) wonders where his story is! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Nerdly - Dean Fuller Jun 26, 2020

    Honourable mentions must go as well to the fantastic art and pin ups scattered throughout the issue, and the eight pages of Secret Files text and art at the end. If nothing else, a great value book. Overall, this is a fantastic issue. It covers the entire history of the Green Lanterns, everyone gets a decent story from it, and whoever is your favourite you won't be disappointed. For me, the Alan Scott and Denny O'Neil GL/GA stories shone the most, though none totally disappoint. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Watch - Cody White Jun 27, 2020

    Green Lantern 80th Anniversarybrings together an all-star list of talent and delivers on its potential in a way few anthologies have. In all aspects, this book is an incredible tribute to an incredible cast of characters! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Blog Of Oa - Myron Rumsey Jun 24, 2020

    There are some real bright spots to be found here, as well as a few clunky bits " but it's true that there really is something for everyone in this special. It's certainly worth the $9.99 price tag. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Matthew Brake Jun 24, 2020

    This issue is a love letter to 80 years of Green Lantern stories. It speaks to our times while having fun along the way. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Jun 23, 2020

    Overall, besides the first two stories, there aren't too many classics here"but there also isn't a single weak point. This is probably the most consistently strong of these giant one-shots, and it's a fitting tribute to eighty years of the DCU's greatest sci-fi franchise. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Jun 24, 2020

    Homegrown Hero - A good story that showcases Simon's duality and duty to both his religion and the corps. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Jun 23, 2020

    There's really no reason not to pick this issue up if the emerald light has ever tickled your fancy. There's something for every Lantern fan in this issue, whether it's a character or a generation. A lot of good memories, nostalgia and what feels like a complete love for these characters from the creative teams involved. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicBook.com - Matthew Aguilar Jun 24, 2020

    DC went all out to celebrate the Ring Slinger's 80th Annivesary, and the Green Lantern 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular delivers all that a Lantern fan could ask for. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    But Why Tho? - Charles Hartford Jun 23, 2020

    Green Lantern 80th Anniversary 100 Page Super Spectacular is a true celebration of its characters and their history. No matter what era of their stories you came in at, whether it be the golden age with Alan Scott, the nineties with Kyle Rayner, or even if your first encounter was with John Stewart on the old Justice Leaguecartoon show, there is a space in this anthology you will appreciate. And thats pretty impressive, given just how many lanterns there are keeping the DC Universe bright. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Jun 24, 2020

    While there's some element of hit-or-miss to these stories, by and large Green Lantern 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular has something to offer everyone, whether you're a fan of Alan Scott all the way to Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz. Due to the sheer spread of characters to cover, this anniversary special feels different than the rest, but I think that's ultimately to this book's benefit " there's such a wide diversity of themes and personal struggles for these Lanterns to embark upon that no two stories feel the same. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Critical Blast - RJ Carter Jun 26, 2020

    For the full blow-by-blow review (including some actually good highlight moments), check out our video review below. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Jun 29, 2020

    Guy Gardner and Kilowog are given a tale with a fun twist, Sinestro tortures a Green Lantern in his story, and Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz overcome fear and hatred respectively in their solo tales. Like similar recent one-shots from DC, this one's mostly for fans. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Toonstrack Jun 24, 2020

    This was a fantastic read. I liked all the stories and while some were definitely better than others they all brought something to the table.

    Alan Scotts story is probably going to be the most talked about for reasons I wont spoil but I will say read between the lines aa you go through it. Great art though.

    The Hal one was a great change of pace for a character weve seen a lot of lately.

    The Kilowog and Guy story is very heartwarming and real feel good tale.

    As someone with little time spent reading Kyle Rayner compared to the others I wanna folloe him more after this. I especially like his artistic constructs.

    Sinestro is one of my favorite DC villains of all time and this story is more

  • 10

    I can't give this anything less than a 10. All these writers came back to perfectly represent all eras of GL, and the best GL had plenty of attention (Guy Gardner).

    RIP Denny O'Neil. You were a great Batman and GL/GA writer. You also brought us The Question.

  • 10
    allenquanobi Jun 23, 2020

    Wow, who would have thought that Green Lantern would get the best treatment out of all these dumb celebration issues that DC has been doing. I think I liked every story in this issue. Starts off with an great story by Tynion and Gary Frank and keeps on going. The art is great, all the stories are fun to read. Definitely recommend this one if you are a fan of Green Lantern

    + LikeComments (21)
  • 10
    axdn Jun 23, 2020

    My favourite Green Lantern book in a longgg time, Alan Scott's story will definitely have
    people talking!

    + LikeComments (3)
  • 9.0
    REYNARD Jun 24, 2020

    This my friends, is how you make an anniversary lineup!

    After the absolute dogshit that was Detective 1000 (and the mediocre ones: WW 750, Flash 750, Robin 80th, and Cat 80th, the Joker 80th was pretty good), we have finally received a perfect special.

    Tomasi and Vendetti's stories stood out to me as the best, while Johns + O'Neil (RIP) + Bunn + Marz were fantastic nonetheless. I love Jess and Simon, but I think that their stories could have resonated more (then again, they were created relatively recently).

    The John Stewart and Hawkgirl was just weird (I was VixenXJohn back in JLU), and I don't like how McDuffie wrote them.

    The Alan Scott origin was a perspective change carbon copy of his first a more

    + LikeComments (7)
  • 9.0
    OldAgeWarrior Jun 23, 2020


  • 8.5
    Liem Duong Jun 25, 2020

    Out of all the anthologies, including DC and AC, this tied with Joker and AC is prob the best one. Tbh, all of these anthologies DC have been pumping out were pretty good, the worst one being WW wasn't even that bad.

    To me, there were no standouts, because all of them were great. From Tynion to Lemire to Marz, even Tamaki, all of their stories were cool. I guess that is the charm of Green Lantern as well.

    Like Flash, I was never really a big GL guy, but that won't stop you from enjoying this 100 page special and opening your eyes to the legacy GL has bestowed upon us these past 80 years.

    We get stories on alot of different Green Lanterns in DC history, from Alan Scott the Hal Jordan to Jessica Cruz, almos more

  • 8.5
    Nihilist Jun 24, 2020

    Hands down the best celebratory anthology we've seen from DC so far, beating even Action Comics #1000. There's not one bad story here, not even a mediocre one. Even the one written by Mariko Tamaki of all the people felt at least fine, albeit I won't lie, I'm pretty salty how much Jessica Cruz has been sidelined in this book.

    The collection consists of 10 different, extremely diverse and unique stories. There's something that honors the golden age and offers modern readers a glimpse of what used to be (James Tynion's story with Gary Frank's fantastic art, similar in a way to Geoff Johns' Superman short about the car from Action Comics #1 cover). There's something funny to laugh to (Johns' surprising Hal story). And there's someth more

  • 8.0
    fabsx Jul 5, 2020

    A fine anthology.

  • 7.0
    Simon DelMonte Jul 5, 2020

    Entertaining but mildly disappointing, with most of the stories covering familiar ground. The final Denny O'Neil story works best as a coda on his remarkable career. The best stories were the first and last.

  • 7.0
    Spacey Medicine Jun 30, 2020

    My experience of this comic was curated, but what I read I enjoyed. This might have inflated my score but I’m not sorry.

  • 6.5
    Psycamorean Jun 26, 2020

    Not a fan of anthologies, but maybe this will be okay.

    "Dark Things Cannot Stand the Light" is a solid opener, and I don't mind if Alan Scott is gay now. I wonder if this is part of an initiative on DC's part or if Tynion just decided to do it. This is his best work in a while, honestly.

    "Last Will" was fun. I don't have much to say about it, but it worked.

    "The Meaning of Fear" was fine. I could've done without it. It's a step down from the first two stories.

    "Time Alone" was really good. I enjoyed it a lot. I've never read Hard Traveling Heroes, but I think I may give it a shot.

    "Legacy" was pretty good. I was less enthused with it, but it didn't overstay its welcome.

    "Hea more

  • 6.0
    Silver Rocket Jun 27, 2020

    A mixed bag of stories.

  • 10
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  • 9.5
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  • 9.0
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