80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular: Robin #1

8.3Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

DC Comics celebrates Robin the Boy Wonder's 80th anniversary in style with an all-star creative team representing each iteration of the iconic character across eight decades of history! From the high-flying adventures of Dick Grayson to the tragedy of Jason Todd, the enthusiasm of Tim Drake and the arrogance of Damian Wayne, the persistence of Stephanie Brown and the rebelliousness of Carrie Kelley-the mantle of Robin has been worn by many, but always represents one thing: a hero.
Prestige Format

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Matthew Lloyd Mar 18, 2020

    It doesn't seem to matter who Robin is, the concept of the character persists because each iteration has become a fan favorite over the years. Despite readers often preferring the Batman as a lone Dark Knight, Robin has earned his place in Batman's mythology. This issue both celebrates the characters and demonstrates the importance of a Robin's place in Batman's life. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Mar 18, 2020

    This is was one of the better milestone editions from DC and well worth grabbing for even casual fans of Robin. Read Full Review

  • 9.4
    GWW - Deron Generally Mar 17, 2020

    "Bat and Mouse" will find father and son clash over ideals as the two reluctantly team up to take down Quietus and his army of robots. Unable to say what they need to say to each other, they let their fists do the talking as their inner monologues speak volumes about the growing rift between them and Damian hides the scope of his latest plan from his father. A good story that should lead to an interesting clash between Batman and Robin. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Batman Universe - Ian Miller Mar 19, 2020

    A huge number of stellar stories combined with top-notch art really celebrate the Boy (and Girl) Wonders with an issue more than worth the purchase. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Dark Knight News - Steve J Ray Mar 18, 2020

    The Robin 80th Anniversary 100 Page Super Spectacular works perfectly as a loving tribute, as a new collection, and as a lead in to what's to come. The only niggle I have is that I would've liked one more Jason Todd story, showing him as a badass. I would also have liked to have seen Carrie Kelly too, but those are pretty small gripes when everything we did get was so very, very good. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Nathan Simmons Mar 18, 2020

    This special really shows what has made Robin such an enduring character over the last 80 years. Each creative team is firing on all cylinders, giving us their ideal snapshot of a piece of Robin history. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    Sequential Planet - Ethan Maddux Apr 5, 2020

    This book avoids the pitfalls of most anthology comics. Not a single story was a bore to get through, nor did I feel like any didn't belong. Even the ones with stories I care less for were delightful from an art standpoint, and none were too long. There was a consistent level of quality among each story with the occasional standout. Your mileage may vary depending on your attachment to the different eras on display here, but not to the degree that they aren't worth it. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Forces Of Geek - Lenny Schwartz Mar 18, 2020

    The first three stories of this book were completely awful. But it does pick up after those. I am glad I hung in there. For the most part, this is an awesome anniversary issue, and I look forward to the next one DC puts out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    But Why Tho? - Lizzy Garcia Mar 18, 2020

    The long history of the character is beautifully told through the various stories within the anthology. That being said, I would have liked to see more focus on interactions between the Robins and seen stories focusing on Carrie Kelley and Duke Thomas. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Mar 19, 2020

    This anthology does a good job of trying to get to the heart of each of these Robins, and it makes for a solid Wednesday read. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Mar 18, 2020

    Overall, there isn't a bad story in this oversized special. But there are quite a few that feel very slight and don't leave much of an impression, and as a whole the issue feels more like a time capsule to past runs than an attempt to celebrate the future of Robin. Worth buying for the Seeley/King, Tynion, and Wolfram stories in particular. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Batman-News - Nicholas Finch Mar 19, 2020

    In any case, while (like all anniversary issues) I disagree with the importance of some of these stories, you're getting a lot of good content in this issue " the great stuff is fantastic, and it's just a matter of if you think it's worth the price of the overall package. For me, though, I think I needed the reminder of why Robin is so important. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Nerdly - Dean Fuller Mar 24, 2020

    This just goes to prove, even little guys deserve the spotlight sometimes. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Mar 18, 2020

    If you've read any over-sized anniversary or celebration type issues you know what to expect out of this spectacular, you have a bunch of short stories, where some are going to be better than others, but my biggest complaint is that we don't actually deal enough with Robin stories and focus more on the characters who have been Robin simply remembering their time as the Boy Wonder and putting those skills to present-day situations.  It's still fun overall, but by the end, I wanted more. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Mar 23, 2020

    The other Robins also get tales, my favorite of which features the Red Hood completing a task he started during his time as Robin in “More Time.” Tim Drake gets a pair of stories in “Extra Credit” and “Boy Wonders” both touching on themes of growing up and learning to grow into his own Robin. Stephanie Brown struggles with becoming the new Robin in “Fitting In” in a nice story featuring the shortest tenured Robin of them all. Damian is seen in “My Best Friend” centering around his friendship with Jonathan Kent and “Bat and Mouse” which ties into current storylines (and is the least interesting of all the tales). For fans. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    M1sf1r3 Jun 9, 2020

    Time to read the Robin 80th Anniversary Issue. As such my normal Anthology system will apply.

    The Good:
    Really enjoyed "A Little Nudge". It's a classic tale but Woflman makes it work so well here.

    It's fast but I did enjoy "Aftershocks".

    "Team Building" was a nice enough story to show off Dick's leadership skills.

    "The Lesson Plan" was amazing. One of my favourites from this issue.

    "More Time" was just... it was so great. Winick knows how write Jason beyond the edge we usually get.

    "Extra Credit" is passable. It fits Tim and it's written well enough but doesn't explore him too much.

    "Boy Wonders" serves well as a Tim story but also as showing off more

  • 9.5
    Grifter Mar 20, 2020

    Loved almost all stories, especially those about Dick

  • 9.5
    TheHyruleElf Mar 18, 2020

    Maybe I'm just a huge fan or Robin but I pretty much loved every story. Even the last one which felt pretty dark. But everything else landed for me. It was great to see some classic writers take on Dick Grayson like Wolfman and Dixon and even newer ones like King & Seeley. Judd Winick had a really touching Jason Todd story that hits you right in the feels. The Adam Beechen Tim Drake story was okay, nothing great, but it had a nice theme and message at the end. And I loved seeing Tynion write Tim again. I was a huge fan of his run on Detective Comics. I even liked the Stephanie Brown story, I though it was charming! The Tomasi story reminded me how much I love and miss Super Sons, and the last story was mildy interesting, imo. All in all, th more

  • 9.0

    Pretty solid celebration of one of my favourite heroes since being a small kid. The standout story to me was Marv Wolfman. I knew he still had it in him! There was a pretty good variety and I like how each Robin had their limelight. Also dug Tom King, Tomasi, Tynion IV, Amy Wolfram, Chuck Dixon (I legit thought he was blacklisted), and Judd Winick.

  • 8.0
    duBEARck Aug 6, 2021

    "A little nudge" - 8.5
    "Aftershocks" - 7
    "Team building" - 7.5
    "The lesson plan" - 8
    "More time" - 8.5
    "Extra credit" - 8.5
    "Boy Wonders" - 9 (I love Tim Drake)
    "Fitting in" - 8.5
    "My best friend" - 8.5
    "Bat and mouse" - 8
    8.2 -> 8

  • 8.0
    Liem Duong Jun 7, 2020

    One of my favorite anthologies so far. Robin is one of my all time favorite characters, and these stories reflect why. Most of them are really fun yet heart-felt and done with passion for the character.

    A few of them such as the Grayson one was whatever, but other than that, this anthology was great. Each of the 5 canon Robins gets a story, but Dick by far gets the most understandably. Dixon, Tomasi, Tynion and Winnick were my favorites. Overall, a fantastic anthology from DC. Really wish I bought this one.

  • 7.5
    Simon DelMonte Mar 29, 2020

    A great celebration of the characters and the talents that loses points mainly because it reminds up over and over how much DC has wasted both.

  • 7.5
    myconius Mar 18, 2020

    some good stories, some not so good.
    did not feel this was worth the $10 plus tax i spent on it.
    it still was much better than Detective Comics 1000.
    Chuck Dixon and Marv Wolfman were the highlights of the book.

  • 6.5
    Darkseid24 Mar 18, 2020

    This Special has some good stories like the one from Wolfman& Chuck Dixon. My favorite was the one about Jason by Judd Winick, because it showed us the relationship between Jason& Bruce. However this Special once again proves, what a joke Stephanie Brown is, but Jason or Damien should have got a second story instead. This is just a waste of space.
    The Tim Drake story by Beechen wasnt too bad either, we at least saw some Villains in the background. However it’s sad, that we don’t get any story, that shows Robins relationship to The Villains. So it’s pretty onesided. We also don’t get many extras except some basic informations about Robin. Some creativity would have been nice here.
    The art is great, because we get to see so more

  • 6.0
    BigCliff Sep 4, 2021

    I have a lot of problems with this issue but a lot of praise to give this issue. This issue has plenty of great moments. Such as Nightwing's banter & speech during "The Lesson Plan." It shows just how great of a character he is. The complete juxtaposition to batman in every way but honors him simultaneously. He's vibrant, energetic, happy, colorful & more. All of this shines through his costume, personality & speech. My second favorite moment in this issue is "The Boy Wonders" by James Tynion. It's a great issue that showcases the best things about the batsons. It shows their diverse personality, their ideals/beliefs, their thoughts on Batman & how he's represented & even more, it shows how unique their brotherhood really is. I loved it! more

  • 5.0
    Spacey Medicine May 5, 2020

    So much Robin. And for what?

  • 5.0
    Psycamorean Mar 24, 2020

    This was fine. The best story was Red Hood's story. The worst story was the Grayson story.

  • 5.0
    MKW69 Mar 18, 2020

    Downard spiral. Best one was Winnick and Grayson team. Rest of them were a add ons.

  • 10
    Lovecomics777 Mar 3, 2023

  • 10
    Tempra16v2.0Turbo Oct 7, 2021

  • 9.5
    super_rex Sep 6, 2020

  • 9.0
    samizrozami Sep 18, 2022

  • 9.0
    Conexión Héroe Mar 20, 2020

  • 9.0
    Justin Ray Mar 19, 2020

  • 8.0
    tonpas1989 May 2, 2020

  • 8.0
    sebastianorellana95 Mar 19, 2020

  • 7.5
    KittyNone Mar 30, 2020

  • 7.0
    pizzamain Mar 20, 2020

  • 6.0
    Bat-ears99 Aug 18, 2020

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