Red Hood and the Outlaws #21

Writer: Scott Lobdell Artist: Dexter Soy Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 11, 2018 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 14
7.8Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

Looking to make his mark on Gotham City's crowded underworld, Red Hood infiltrates the Iceberg Lounge in an attempt to further annoy the Penguin. But it might be the Penguin who gets the drop on Red Hood this time. Plus, the truth about Bizarro's condition finally comes out-and the consequences could be catastrophic for Artemis!

  • 10 - Nicole Drum Apr 11, 2018

    Bizarro's sad secret is finally revealed and the slow burn build up has an emotional pay off. But what makes Scott Lobdell's Red Hood and The Outlaws such a good read are the layers built into each chapter of the story and this latest one is no exception. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Pop Culture Uncovered - belleburr Apr 11, 2018

    As we head into the endgame of the Bizarro arc I feel like things are going to get worse before they get better but thanks to the work Lobdell has put in building these character I know that they'll come through this. Maybe not in one piece but definitely as a family. Read Full Review

  • 9.4
    On Comics Ground - Daniela Mendoza Apr 14, 2018

    cover is always promising when their is a big bad on it, he doesn't have a huge part in this issue though, he was more of a filler. Facial features are awesome, because Penguin and Red Hood have a face off, even though it's a little anti-climatic. It is funny and Penguin snarkiness is caught well. Dexter Soy probably my favorite comic book artist, so he always get a 10. He doesn't waste a single panel and there's always great detail in each. Gandini always puts great color too, the two together are great. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Batman-News - Brian Warshaw Apr 12, 2018

    While the plot itself doesn't move very far inRed Hood and the Outlaws #21, the character work is rich and worth the slower pace. The artwork is as luscious as ever, and the lettering is logical, readable, and occasionally even inspired. If you haven't already read this, what are you waiting for? Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Watch - Peter Saenz Apr 17, 2018

    There was a lot of heart and personal backstory in this issue. Not only were we able to explore Bizarro's addictive mind, but also learn of his secret feelings for Artemis. It was also interesting to see Jason begin to question his overall mission, and if it is really doing any good. Kudos to Scott Lobdell for his continuing solid story writing, and to Dexter Soy for his beautiful pencils that make us enjoy the story being told. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Garrett Hanneken Apr 11, 2018

    Overall, this issue may have lacked with any real action as it focuses on Bizarro's inner struggle. But this struggle is handled well by adding emotion on both the dialogue side and art side. From here on out we can see the main conflict, Bizarro's baleful intelligence, in recent issues start to be confronted. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Apr 11, 2018

    This series continues to improve, and I'm hopeful it'll stay strong. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Bin - Philip Schweier Apr 11, 2018

    Looking back through my reviews, I realize how much Dexter Soy has been a part of theseries. Kudos to him for making that commitment, and his role in building upon the myths of Jason Todd, Artemis and Bizarro. And his art aint so bad either.In fact, its pretty damn good. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Apr 13, 2018

    The rest of the issue deals with the Red Hood undercover in the Iceberg Lounge laundering the money he stole from the Penguin (and winning quite a bit more). Once discovered, Jason is able to extricate himself out of the situation without too much trouble, but he is forced to ask himself (and Alfred) just why he's perusing his current course of action. Breaking up his rare moment of self-contemplation, something new walks in to his life. I'm guessing Faye's package and Bizarro's addiction will propel most of the next issue which appears to include Artemis giving Luthor a piece of her mind. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 6.4
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Apr 16, 2018

    The real test of a book that collects an offbeat team (like the original New Warriors or the New Teen Titans back in the 80s) is making us care about the likes of Firestar or Raven as much as we would about Superman or Lois Lane. Red Hood and the Outlaws #21 pulls that off with aplomb, making me care about every one of these characters in the space of a few pages, and even turning Bizarro (is this the same one who was in Superman last week or a different one?) into a tragic hero, with better-than-average art. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Batman Universe - Bill Heuer Apr 12, 2018

    Overall, I am torn on this issue as it had some really nice character moments but also had some unnecessary fluff and shoved in comedy. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    AIPT - Connor Christiansen Apr 11, 2018

    Red Hood and the Outlaws #21 sets itself up for big emotional moments, but ultimately stumbles. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Apr 11, 2018

    The art in this issue is as amazing as always, but the story has gone on way too long and is getting boring.  The small bits that we get each issue that point to getting some kind of resolution at some point can only take this series so far and besides for some fun dialog here and there, this issue is just treading water and it's really starting to get on my nerves for how much fun we should be having from a title like this. Read Full Review

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