"Henched"! Have you been thinking about breaking bad? There's never been a better time help your favorite super-villain take over the world, defeat an archnemesis or rob a bank. Even the bad guys need a little help, and with the Henched app you can find the perfect evil boss for you! Just don't be surprised if Red Hood and the Outlaws show up to your budding henchmen convention and stop your dreams dead in their tracks.
Dexter Soy and Veronica Gandini return, and as always they bring their a-game with panels that enhance the story and pop off the page. There's several standout scenes but the truly gorgeous shot of Jason leaping off a skyscraper is a lesson in how to make every shade and detail stand out. It's breathtaking work that shows how much these artists not only know their game but love the characters they draw. Read Full Review
Scott Lobdell's dialogue is sharp and precise while Dexter Soy's art (with color by Veronica Gandini) is pitch perfect, particularly in the issue's final panel. Read Full Review
I am very much looking forward to seeing Jasons eyes opened to what Bizarro has up to behind their backs. Read Full Review
This title never misses its mark, include it in your pull for the week. Read Full Review
RED HOOD AND THE OUTLAWS #20 picks up the series' pace as it engages with its characters and brings them closer to the underlying, central conflict of the series. Read Full Review
For fans of the current comic run, this will either bring about stronger resolve among the super friends, or heartbreak. Read Full Review
Dexter Soy is back in at the drawing board. He must be given credit for his consistent quality of work, issue after issue. Its refreshing to see someone remain on a title, in this age of rotating artists. Scott Lobdell deserves equal praise for his stories. The book is surprising fresh, without descending into rehashed clichs and over-used story-telling techniques. Read Full Review
Red Hood and the Outlaws #20 initiates the endgame of Lobdell's tale of Bizarro's brainy rebirth. It might be the best issue of the series in some time, and I'm happy to have the end of "Smart Bizarro" in sight. Soy and Gandini produce another excellent collection of pages, and Taylor Esposito continues to makeRHATO a readable book with clean, well-place balloons, and interesting approaches to SFX. May this book"still the surprise hit ofRebirth almost two years in"receive the recognition it deserves, and may we see it on comic store racks for years to come. Read Full Review
This arc has easily been the most compelling this title has been. Read Full Review
From chatty henchmen to a spying Bizarro, the issue has plenty of twists and turns. Jason is forced to see his actions in a new light, and Artemis and Bizarro have a long awaited discussion. Read Full Review
While the art in this issue continues to be amazing, especially since we have Dexter Soy and Veronica Gandini back on art duties this issue, the story itself feels like it's overstayed its welcome and has become kind of boring as we continue to see the progression of Bizarro down his dark path, while our other two heroes don't have much to do. Hopefully something comes of these side stories down the line, but right now, there just isn't much to this title anymore. Read Full Review
There's nothing horribly wrong nor right about Red Hood and the Outlaws #20. Its biggest flaw is that it fails to end a story arc that has been dragging this series down. Read Full Review