Green Lantern: The Lost Army #1
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Green Lantern: The Lost Army #1

Writer: Cullen Bunn Artist: Jesus Saiz Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 24, 2015 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 17 User Reviews: 16
7.6Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

Imagine waking up in a strange place where you didn't recognize anything, and everyone you knew and loved was nowhere to be found. Now imagine that you are a Green Lantern. The rest of the Corps is missing, you don't know where you are and there's not a Power Battery to be found for as far as your ring can scan. Where are you? How did you get here? Those are just two of the many questions facing our heroes.

Starring John Stewart, Two-Six, Kilowog and Arisia, and featuring a surprise guest-star we promise you'll never predict, LOST ARMY is an incredible journey of discovery, survival, morality and heartbreak. Never has the Corps more

  • 10
    Comic Booked - Evan Moore Jun 30, 2015

    If you're a Green Lantern fan at all, this is one you really should pick up. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Jun 27, 2015

    Super beginning to a super new series. I'm looking forward to seeing more of this. Read Full Review

  • 9.3
    IGN - Mike Logsdon Jun 24, 2015

    Green Lantern: Lost Army #1 blasts off with an intriguing and mysterious opening chapter. Writer Cullen Bunn is free from any restrictions of having to tie his story into the events of Hal Jordan's Green Lantern book, and the results are something that fans of Green Lantern Corps should both be familiar with and surprised by. The first few pages may be a little jarring, but Bunn makes it worth it by issue's end. Artist Jesus Saiz absolutely nails every page here with stunning pencils and layouts. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Spectrum - Bob Bretall Jun 26, 2015

    Cullen Bunn and Jesus Saiz have earned this book a slot on my pull list, which for people who have been following my reading habits should be seen as quite an accomplishment for a DC super-hero book lately. This had everything I was looking for in a GL book, except maybe Hal Jordan, but frankly with the other Lanterns featured here I didn't really miss him at all. That is a testament to Bunn's writing. This is my GL book for now, I look forward to seeing how the story plays out over the coming months! Read Full Review

  • 8.1
    Geeked Out Nation - Grant Raycroft Jun 25, 2015

    While definitely not a book for new readers, Green Lantern: Lost Army promises a compelling mystery and an intriguing cast. It's got good action and solid character from John Stewart, though a bit skim on the rest of the crew but the artwork is great. Definitely worth picking up. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Jun 25, 2015

    Green Lantern: The Lost Army #1 is a solid start to this new series. It's very new reader friendly and does a great job with establishing this big cast of characters and providing an air of mystery to the book. Its downsides are in the fact that it isn't all that exciting. The story is very light currently, and the artwork, while looking fantastic, wasn't utilized to its full potential. All in all, I recommend this book if you are fan of Green Lantern and want to see a book involving the other Lanterns. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Graphic Policy - Brett Jun 24, 2015

    The issue is an intriguing one setting up a mystery I want to see where it all goes. Maybe there's more going on if you read the Green Lantern comics leading up to this (I'm going to go back and find out), but there's more than enough to make me want to see what happens next. The stakes feel high, and the lack of clear enemy creates some tension. Good debut issue that gets me to want to check out the second. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Blog Of Oa - Myron Rumsey Jun 25, 2015

    Green Lantern: The Lost Army #1 doesn't answer any questions nor should it in the first issue.  Instead Cullen Bunn gives readers some tantalizing clues that encourage a return visit for the next installment.  From the surprise return of Guy Gardner to the hints of a universe gone by to Jesus Saiz's beautiful artwork, this issue does a great job of introducing to the strange new (or old!) world that is now home to the Green Lantern Corps.  Four out of five lanterns. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Jun 29, 2015

    With a surprise (or maybe not-so-surprising) appearance by another famous Lantern before the end of the issue, Bunn, Saiz and Sharpe give readers a dynamic debut for a storied DC franchise. Like the original "Green Lantern Corps" series that sprang out of the "Crisis on Infinite Earths" aftermath, "Green Lantern: The Lost Army" #1 gives readers an introduction to the cast, a sample of the mystery around them and a smidgeon of the adventures ahead. This is a strong start with a diverse, interesting cast. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Green Lantern Corps - iggy Jun 24, 2015

    Green Lantern: Lost Army has me hooked and I want to see where Cullen Bunn is going with all this. While I did enjoy that he nailed John Stewart's voice down, I'm even more hyped to see him flesh out the other characters on the roster. Combine that with Jesus Saiz's beautiful skills on the page and I will be reading this book for the long haul. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Behind The Panels - Richard Gray Jun 25, 2015

    A promising new direction for Green Lantern. For a primary series that often gets caught up in the epic grandness of longer story arcs, it's nice to have a discreet Lantern-based story that doesn't require a tome of set-up to slip into. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Robert Reed Jun 25, 2015

    Green Lantern: The Lost Army#1 is a good start for a new series. The inclusion of both John Stewart and Guy Gardner should give the new series enough of a push to stand on its own. And the art by Jesus Saiz is well worth the price of admission on its own. Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jun 29, 2015

    Very strong art, and a premise that's both new and familiar… But is it TOO familiar? Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Jun 27, 2015

    "Green Lantern: The Lost Army" is off to a good start. If you like adventure stories that take characters into unexpected scenarios then this is the comic book for you. The cast of characters is not terribly interesting but some of the groundwork is put down for John Stewart. The comic is backed up with some nice artwork to round out the reading experience. One of the nice aspects of this book seems to be that it will be a self-contained comic that stays away from events and crossovers. I recommend giving this comic a shot. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Noah Sharma Jul 1, 2015

    Green Lantern: Lost Army #1 feels like a second issue, already confident that it's attracted its readership and already slowing down. Without a big moment like Krona's appearance at the end of the Divergence preview, this feels a little bland for a debut issue. Nonetheless, Jesus Saiz delivers some truly lovely visuals and Cullen Bunn's mysteries seem to bode well for the series going forward. While this is certainly not Bunn's best work, there are enough hints of greatness to keep me interested. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Jun 24, 2015

    Where you'd expect that some of your questions going into this book would be answered, instead you get more questions by the end and ultimately have nothing really to show for even picking up this book in the first place.  I was really looking forward to this title but find myself disappointed now that I've got it.  Just not much going on and the art went back and forth between being really strong on the character front to lackluster and that's a shame since there were really no backgrounds in this issue at all. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Jun 25, 2015

    John Stewart's origins are revisited in Green Lantern: Lost Army, but I don't know if it's for the best. While the military overtures make for good narration, it's the same cliche-ridden stuff we've seen in tons of fiction that features veterans. Read Full Review

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