Julia33's Profile

Joined: Sep 20, 2015

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Very satisfying ending. Looking forward to Edge of Oblivion.

Green Lantern: The Lost Army #6

By: Cullen Bunn, Jess Saz
Released: Nov 18, 2015

This may be the last chance for John Stewart and the rest of the lost Lanterns to return homebut there are still plenty of obstacles in their way!

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Perfect, except for a certain death.

Green Lantern: The Lost Army #5

By: Cullen Bunn, Jesus Saiz
Released: Oct 21, 2015

John Stewart desperately tries to keep his small band of Lanterns alive. And if they're going to make their way home, they will have to team up with some of their deadliest former foes!

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Green Lantern: The Lost Army #3

By: Cullen Bunn, Jesus Saiz
Released: Aug 19, 2015

Some very unlikely allies aid the lost Green Lanterns as John Stewart and Guy Gardner come into conflict over how to find their way home.

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Green Lantern: The Lost Army #2

By: Cullen Bunn, Jess Saz
Released: Jul 15, 2015

John Stewart and a small group of Green Lanterns find themselves lost and far from home! Now, theyre going to have to team up with one of their greatest enemies to find a way back where they belong.

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No complaints!

Green Lantern: The Lost Army #1

By: Cullen Bunn, Jesus Saiz
Released: Jun 24, 2015

Imagine waking up in a strange place where you didn't recognize anything, and everyone you knew and loved was nowhere to be found. Now imagine that you are a Green Lantern. The rest of the Corps is missing, you don't know where you are and there's not a Power Battery to be found for as far as your ring can scan. Where are you? How did you get here?...

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Green Lantern: The Lost Army #4

By: Cullen Bunn, Javier Pina
Released: Sep 16, 2015

Things are looking grim for the lost Corps members! With tensions running high, the brewing distrust between Kilowog and Guy Gardner comes to a head!

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Julia33 added Green Lantern: The Lost Army to their pull list Sep 20, 2015

Green Lantern: The Lost Army

Imagine waking up in a strange place where you didn't recognize anything, and everyone you knew and loved was nowhere to be found. Now imagine that you are a Green Lantern. The rest of the Corps is missing, you don't know where you are and there's not a Power Battery to be found for as far as your ring can scan. Where are you? How did you get here?...

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