Green Lantern: The Lost Army #6
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Green Lantern: The Lost Army #6

Writer: Cullen Bunn Artist: Jess Saz Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 18, 2015 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 6
6.6Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

This may be the last chance for John Stewart and the rest of the lost Lanterns to return homebut there are still plenty of obstacles in their way!

  • 9.0
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Nov 23, 2015

    They're no longer lost, but the Green Lantern Corps isn't exactly found. Fun to read, but no real conclusion. More appealing to Lantern fans than new readers. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Nov 19, 2015

    This issue is crammed full of epic Lantern warfare, while still making room for solid character moments as the creators explore more of John Stewart's past and several big transformations. At times this issue is a little too crowded, but at least it wraps up the current conflict while setting the stage for Edge of Oblivion. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Nov 18, 2015

    For all my complaining about this series not bringing enough to the table, boy did it give me a extra heap of deliciousness for it's final issue.  The stakes were raised, it changed the game, the action was high and it even gave us an explanation to a question from another series.  With all that goodness, it even came with awesome art that finally delivered a beautiful landscape.  Definitely the best issue in the series and it makes me excited for Edge of Oblivion.   Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Nov 19, 2015

    Though Green Lantern: Lost Army draws to a close here, this particular story is getting continued in January with Green Lantern Corps: Edge of Oblivion. I already feel like a fool for being interested in it after the way this series has messed with me, but DC Comics is at least looking to put some different talent on it and hopefully figure out a way to make it engaging. That book is being written by Tom Taylor with artwork from Ethan Van Sciver so my interest level is sadly raised more. This year has been a frustrating one with my experience with Cullen Bunn's works as I find that I like the concepts he wants to work with yet the execution is almost uniformly disastrous on the books I've picked up. I'm a long time fan of the Green Lantern world and looked at this standalone series as a way to re-engage with it after being away the past decade. I'm not heading into the mainline books at all, but I'll check out the next series in hopes that it can pull this together better. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Nov 18, 2015

    GREEN LANTERN: LOST ARMY feels like it ended too early and the last issue could have easily been stretched to two, giving that final battle a more epic feel. The overall issue isn't bad, but it is a tad underwhelming and can be a bit bland. The concept of this book is fantastic and the opening installments were a great read, but this final issue left me a tad disappointed. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Blog Of Oa - Myron Rumsey Nov 22, 2015

    Green Lantern: The Lost Army #6 ends the series leaving the reader with a sense that there was so much more to this story than we got to read, that there was a greater tale to be told had Cullen Bunn been allowed to realize the potential the series started with. It's no surprise that the finale doesn't end so much as leave the reader with a "to be continued" not knowing how the next creative team will finish the job. Full of sound and fury but signifying nothing this last issue ends on a mediocre note. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Green Lantern Corps - iggy Nov 19, 2015

    Lost Army is a series that can be summed up in a two words, wasted potential. There were some many interesting ideas presented here that could have made for an amazing Green Lantern story, however with Bunn focusing on Stewart and leaving the other Green Lanterns out in space to drift aimlessly, but only using them to make a “moment.” Hopefully Tom Taylor can pick up some of these shambles and make something out of what has been left behind. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    First Comics News - Giovanni Aria Nov 20, 2015

    However the real problem with this comic is it's part 6 of a mini-series and this is not the end. There should be a conclusion to the story in the last issue. However there is no conclusion at all. Krona and Relic find out John has been lying to them the entire time and … to be continues in Green Lantern Corp: Edge of Oblivion #1. What type of editorial crap is this? It's cool to start over with a number 1 when you end the story but to do it with a cliffhanger is wrong. They want to tell this story to sell the TPB but sales are slipping so they do a new number 1 in the middle of the story. Although I will be picking up Edge of Oblivion #1 it should be Lost Army #7. What's next? Will every issue be a #1? Read Full Review

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